Three People Talking

Three People Talking

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Three People Talking is a show that is about the journey towards Actualisation. Enjoy interviews with conscious entrepreneurs who are on their own personal journeys towards becoming the best versions of themselves, and having the biggest impact they can on the world around them. The path less traveled can often times be daunting and challenging. It is not taken by all it is presented to...We care about the ones who are presented with that path,The ones who have been given the option of taking the heroes journey, and more importantly, the ones who are ready to take the great leap of faith into the unknown. Our goal is to interview people who have already faced challenges and tribulations on their own journeys and who have come out on the other end stronger and more wise than when they entered. For those of you who are considering leaping out onto your own paths, and for those of you who are already well on your journeys... we hope to equip you with tools, tips & ammo to assist you along on this journey.

In this episode, my dear friend and cousin Jesse Crum comes to visit Bali all the way from sunny New Zealand. Jesse has been living a relatively nomadic lifestyle for the past 5 years. In this episode, we dive into how he goes about continuing to live this lifestyle and the enjoyments and challenges that come from this type of life. If you've ever thought about breaking out of your comfort zone and exploring the world, this episode will be very beneficial and interesting for you.

Originally from Argentina, Johnny is a multi-faceted entrepreneur who has his hands in many different aspects of online business. Alongside his wife, he has been traveling around the world while maintaining and growing his businesses. Johnny has a very strong ability to bask in all of the pleasures of living a life on the road and can oftentimes be found playing around with 3D printers, catching sunsets in some of the most scenic locations in Bali, or catching a late afternoon surf. In this podcast, we discuss various aspects of business and talk about how to constantly keep your eyes peeled for opportunities and not hesitate to jump at an opportunity and see where it may lead. Enjoy, and as always, your feedback is appreciated -- be sure to like, subscribe, and send us a personal message to let us know how we can continue to improve the podcast Show notes: 00:00 - Introduction 01:40 - What Johnny has been doing for the past few years. 03:27 - Johnny's mindset and green glasses as a...

Richard is a native of Hawaii who has recently moved to Brisbane Australia. In the past 2 years, Richard has grown his eCommerce business from the ground up to 8 Figures in Revenue in 2018.

Brian Crabtreealso known as "Hunk Hands" is a very unique entrepreneur. After being married in his early 20s, Brian and his wife broke things off which lead him on his own path of self-discovery. Shortly after his divorce, Brian moved out to Borneo, Malaysia where he worked on farms for several years & eventually decided to branch off towards sensual massages for women and further-on towards pornography (hand pornography to be exact). Brian now holds trainings for young men and also has a best-selling course titled "6 Step Squirting" where he teaches men how to pleasure women. In this episode, we dive into deep discussions about purpose, meaning and the challenges that come along with choosing to go down your unique path in life. We appreciate all of our first fans and we ask for you to hit the subscribe button and feel free to send us your feedback to

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