Thomas & Friends™ Storytime (US)

Thomas & Friends™ Storytime (US)

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Join Thomas and his friends on a new adventure in Thomas & Friends™ Storytime, a new kids' podcast series featuring stories from the magical island of Sodor! With new episodes, Thomas & Friends Storytime will feature special origin stories of your favorite engines, magical fairy tales, and so much more. Listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever else you listen to your podcasts!

Join Thomas and his friends on a new adventure in Thomas & Friends Storytime, a new podcast series for kids featuring stories from the magical island of Sodor! Updating each week, Thomas & Friends Storytime will feature special origin stories of your favorite engines, magical fairy tales, and so much more. Listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever else you listen to your podcasts! 2020 Gullane (Thomas) Limited.

Here's a special sneak peek episode of our new kids' podcast, Thomas & Friends Storytime! Our official launch is May 12, 2020, so stay tuned for more stories! Thomas is pulling a cargo load of coconuts when he discovers an old palace and encounters some cheeky monkeys. If you liked what you've heard, please leave us a review. Listen and subscribe to the Thomas & Friends Storytime Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever else you listen to your podcasts! 2020 Gullane (Thomas) Limited.

In this episode of the Thomas & Friends Storytime podcast, Thomas tells his friends the story of "Jack and the Beanstalk" before bedtime. The next day, while carrying a load of beans, Thomas has an accident and dreams about riding up a giant beanstalk to a land of giants high above the clouds. Listen and subscribe to the Thomas & Friends Storytime podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you listen to your kids' podcasts! 2020 Gullane (Thomas) Limited.

In this episode of Thomas & Friends Storytime, when Bertie won't race with Thomas and Sir Topham Hatt sends him to the Steamworks, Thomas thinks he's not a Really Useful Engine anymore. But little does he know that Sir Topham Hatt and the rest of his friends are planning a surprise party to celebrate his birthday! Listen and subscribe to the Thomas & Friends Storytime podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you listen to your kids' podcasts! 2020 Gullane (Thomas) Limited.

In this week's storytime, Stafford doesn’t run on coal and water like the steam engines. Instead, he runs off a battery, which is very quiet. So when Stafford overhears some children saying he doesn’t sound like a proper engine, he asks Thomas and Percy to teach him how to make the same chuffing sounds they do. For more kids' stories, subscribe to the Thomas & Friends Storytime podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you listen to your podcasts! 2020 Gullane (Thomas) Limited.

In this episode of Thomas & Friends Storytime, Thomas works every day in the yard collecting coaches for the big engines. But the little tank engine has big dreams of pulling coaches on his very own branch line. For more of your favorite kids' stories, subscribe to the Thomas & Friends Storytime podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you listen to your podcasts! 2020 Gullane (Thomas) Limited.

In today's storytime for kids, Cranky the Crane is very busy down at Brendam Docks, so Sir Topham Hatt decides to send Kevin from the Steamworks to help him. But Cranky doesn’t want any help, and Kevin has to work extra hard to prove he can be Really Useful. For more online stories, listen and subscribe to the Thomas & Friends Storytime podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you listen to your podcasts! 2020 Gullane (Thomas) Limited.

In this episode of the Thomas & Friends Storytime podcast, the big engines are causing trouble when they refuse to come out of their sheds, so Sir Topham Hatt enlists the help of a small green engine named Percy. Listen and subscribe to the Thomas & Friends Storytime podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you listen to your kids' podcasts! 2020 Gullane (Thomas) Limited.

In this week's storytime, yellow tender engine Rebecca is new to the Island of Sodor and works very hard to fit in. Rebecca is worried that unlike the other engines, there is nothing special about her, but her new friends soon help her discover her unique qualities. For more kids' stories, listen and subscribe to the Thomas & Friends Storytime podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you listen to your podcasts! 2020 Gullane (Thomas) Limited.

In today's storytime for kids, Thomas embarks on an ambitious trip around the world and discovers magnificent new sights and cultures, as well as making friends with a fun Kenyan engine named Nia. For more of your favorite kids' stories, listen and subscribe to the Thomas & Friends Storytime podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you listen to your podcasts! 2020 Gullane (Thomas) Limited.

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