Then and Now: Global History and Culture

Then and Now: Global History and Culture

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"Then and Now" connects events from the past with today's news headlines. Current episodes are history topics from my global culture and history course.In 2006, the podcast started with students in my introductory global history and culture course at the Univ of Minn. Previous episodes reviewed history topics, special music episodes connecting a country's culture with its music, interviews with voices of students and community members as they were part of historical events, and other topics. Episodes featured independent music artists. Share comments about the podcast with David Arendale,

S15-E06 Topics: Tiananmen Square nonviolent protest and brutal suppression, Tank Man, inspiration for nonviolent protest. The following links allow you to subscribe: iTunes and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music/Audible,, Deezer, Facebook, Gaana, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio,, Radio Public, Samsung Listen, Stitcher, TuneIn, Twitter, Vurbl, and YouTube. Automatically available through these podcast apps: Castamatic, iCatcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RSSRadio, and more. Please post comments to the individual episodes, post to the iTunes podcast review and rating section, and email to me, arendale@umn.eduYou can also check out my other four podcasts and other social media at

S15-E05 Topics: justification by Lenin and Mao for violence to cause desired change, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China, role of the Red Guard in China, attack on the bourgeoisie. The following links allow you to subscribe: iTunes and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music/Audible,, Deezer, Facebook, Gaana, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio,, Radio Public, Samsung Listen, Stitcher, TuneIn, Twitter, Vurbl, and YouTube. Automatically available through these podcast apps: Castamatic, iCatcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RSSRadio, and more. Please post comments to the individual episodes, post to the iTunes podcast review and rating section, and email to me, arendale@umn.eduYou can also check out my other four podcasts and other social media at

S15-E04 Topics: biography of Mao, justification for short term violence for change, importance of The Little Red Book, use of the Red Guard for change, The Peasant’s Movement in Hunan, land reform movement. The following links allow you to subscribe: iTunes and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music/Audible,, Deezer, Facebook, Gaana, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio,, Radio Public, Samsung Listen, Stitcher, TuneIn, Twitter, Vurbl, and YouTube. Automatically available through these podcast apps: Castamatic, iCatcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RSSRadio, and more. Please post comments to the individual episodes, post to the iTunes podcast review and rating section, and email to me, arendale@umn.eduYou can also check out my other four podcasts and other social media at

S15-E03 Topics: cycle of revolution, nonviolent protest of Dr. Martin Luther King and Gandhi, analysis of the Poland protest, and Lech Walensa. The following links allow you to subscribe: iTunes and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music/Audible,, Deezer, Facebook, Gaana, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio,, Radio Public, Samsung Listen, Stitcher, TuneIn, Twitter, Vurbl, and YouTube. Automatically available through these podcast apps: Castamatic, iCatcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RSSRadio, and more. Please post comments to the individual episodes, post to the iTunes podcast review and rating section, and email to me, arendale@umn.eduYou can also check out my other four podcasts and other social media at

S15-E02 Topics: Destalinization, Nikita Khrushchev, Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Gate and President Reagan, and Strategic Defense Initiative. The following links allow you to subscribe: iTunes and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music/Audible,, Deezer, Facebook, Gaana, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio,, Radio Public, Samsung Listen, Stitcher, TuneIn, Twitter, Vurbl, and YouTube. Automatically available through these podcast apps: Castamatic, iCatcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RSSRadio, and more. Please post comments to the individual episodes, post to the iTunes podcast review and rating section, and email to me, arendale@umn.eduYou can also check out my other four podcasts and other social media at

S15-E01 Topics: interaction of economic and political theories; phases of the Russian revolution; Russia restructures under Stalin, Stalin’s Gosplan; role of the Secret Police; and biography of Stalin. The following links allow you to subscribe: iTunes and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music/Audible,, Deezer, Facebook, Gaana, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio,, Radio Public, Samsung Listen, Stitcher, TuneIn, Twitter, Vurbl, and YouTube. Automatically available through these podcast apps: Castamatic, iCatcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RSSRadio, and more. Please post comments to the individual episodes, post to the iTunes podcast review and rating section, and email to me, arendale@umn.eduYou can also check out my other four podcasts and other social media at

S14-E19 Topics: Immediate and long-term causes of the revolution, phases of the Communist Revolution, and Communist civil war. PDF documents: The October Revolution, Russian Civil War, and Vladimir Lenin biography. The following links allow you to subscribe: iTunes and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music/Audible,, Deezer, Facebook, Gaana, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio,, Radio Public, Samsung Listen, Stitcher, TuneIn, Twitter, Vurbl, and YouTube. Automatically available through these podcast apps: Castamatic, iCatcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RSSRadio, and more. Please post comments to the individual episodes, post to the iTunes podcast review and rating section, and email to me, arendale@umn.eduYou can also check out my other four podcasts and other social media at

S14-E18 Topics: WWI consequences, WWI bridges to WWII, the catalyst for Russian Communist Revolution, and Treaty of Versailles. PDF documents: Aftermath of WWI, President Wilson’s Fourteen Points, and Treaty of Versailles. The following links allow you to subscribe: iTunes and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music/Audible,, Deezer, Facebook, Gaana, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio,, Radio Public, Samsung Listen, Stitcher, TuneIn, Twitter, Vurbl, and YouTube. Automatically available through these podcast apps: Castamatic, iCatcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RSSRadio, and more. Please post comments to the individual episodes, post to the iTunes podcast review and rating section, and email to me, arendale@umn.eduYou can also check out my other four podcasts and other social media at

S14-E17 Topics: tank warfare, Battle of Verdun, Meuse-Argonne Battle, Russians leave WWI, U.S. enters WWI, and armistice. PDF documents: U.S. entry to WWI, Battle of Verdun, Meuse-Argonne Offensive, and tanks in WWI. The following links allow you to subscribe: iTunes and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music/Audible,, Deezer, Facebook, Gaana, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio,, Radio Public, Samsung Listen, Stitcher, TuneIn, Twitter, Vurbl, and YouTube. Automatically available through these podcast apps: Castamatic, iCatcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RSSRadio, and more. Please post comments to the individual episodes, post to the iTunes podcast review and rating section, and email to me, arendale@umn.eduYou can also check out my other four podcasts and other social media at

S14-E16 Topics: initial crisis, trench warfare, submarines, and WWI aircraft. PDF documents: WWI aviation, technology overview, and trench warfare. The following links allow you to subscribe: iTunes and Apple Podcast, Amazon Music/Audible,, Deezer, Facebook, Gaana, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio,, Radio Public, Samsung Listen, Stitcher, TuneIn, Twitter, Vurbl, and YouTube. Automatically available through these podcast apps: Castamatic, iCatcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RSSRadio, and more. Please post comments to the individual episodes, post to the iTunes podcast review and rating section, and email to me, arendale@umn.eduYou can also check out my other four podcasts and other social media at

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