The Weekly Take from CBRE

The Weekly Take from CBRE

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What matters most right now in Commercial Real Estate. Business leaders join economic, subject matter and industry experts to share their distinct views and latest thinking. Hosted by Spencer Levy, CBRE’s Chairman of Americas Research. Visit us at

Networking is an essential—though often neglected—cornerstone of business relationships. In a special episode recorded at the CBRE Women’s Network conference, CBRE leaders explain how to build a robust and authentic network at every stage of your career.

What will the future of office work look like? Commercial real estate insiders offer their latest thinking on evolving return to office plans.

With a real estate and logistics strategy predicated on buying local, Sprouts is reinventing the grocery sector. Sprouts’ Dave McGlinchey and CBRE’s Brandon Famous discuss the implications for grocery-anchored retail centers and how landlords and owners can attract today’s discerning shoppers.

How’s the future of work taking shape? What’s next for New York’s office market? Citi’s Linda Foggie and CBRE’s Bob Alexander join Spencer Levy to offer insights on the strategies, technologies and amenities attracting workers back to the office.

The Weekly Take traveled to Las Vegas where ICSC CEO Tom McGee and CBRE’s Bill Wright offered insights on the implications of retail’s evolution for consumers, real estate investors and retailers.

CBRE’s CEO offers lessons on leadership, including thoughts on the future of the office, hybrid work and resilience during the pandemic. He also touches on his career evolution as he joins Spencer Levy on The Weekly Take to celebrate 100 podcast episodes.

LBX Investments’ Robert Levy and CBRE’s Chris Decouflé join Spencer Levy to offer insights on the retail real estate sector and which property types are most attractive.

With rising inflation and the Fed tightening monetary policy, investors and occupiers have questions about the impacts on the macro economy, capital markets and key real estate asset classes. Get insightful answers from CBRE experts.

Carla Harris joins The Weekly Take to offer tips and insights on getting ahead in business—from relationship building to seizing opportunity to opening doors more widely to people of all backgrounds and experiences.

Work from anywhere is here to stay, CBRE’s latest Occupier Sentiment Survey confirms. Economist Steven Davis and CBRE’s Julie Whelan join Spencer Levy to explore what dynamic work arrangements mean for office occupancy strategies. Pt. 2 of The Weekly Take’s series on the Future of Office and Hybrid Work.

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