The TWIML AI Podcast (formerly This Week in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence)

The TWIML AI Podcast (formerly This Week in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence)

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Machine learning and artificial intelligence are dramatically changing the way businesses operate and people live. The TWIML AI Podcast brings the top minds and ideas from the world of ML and AI to a broad and influential community of ML/AI researchers, data scientists, engineers and tech-savvy business and IT leaders. Hosted by Sam Charrington, a sought after industry analyst, speaker, commentator and thought leader. Technologies covered include machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning, natural language processing, neural networks, analytics, computer science, data science and more.

Today we continue our Data-Centric AI Series joined by Audrey Smith, the COO at MLtwist, and a recent participant in our panel on DCAI. In our conversation, we do a deep dive into data labeling for ML, exploring the typical journey for an organization to get started with labeling, her experience when making decisions around in-house vs outsourced labeling, and what commitments need to be made to achieve high-quality labels. We discuss how organizations that have made significant investments in labelops typically function, how someone working on an in-house labeling team approaches new projects, the ethical considerations that need to be taken for remote labeling workforces, and much more! The complete show notes for this episode can be found at

Today we’re joined by Richard Socher, the CEO of In our conversation with Richard, we explore the inspiration and motivation behind the search engine, and how it differs from the traditional google search engine experience. We discuss some of the various ways that machine learning is used across the platform including how they surface relevant search results and some of the recent additions like code completion and a text generator that can write complete essays and blog posts. Finally, we talk through some of the projects we covered in our last conversation with Richard, namely his work on Salesforce’s AI Economist project. The complete show notes for this episode can be found at

Today we wrap up our coverage of the 2022 CVPR conference joined by Aljosa Osep, a postdoc at the Technical University of Munich & Carnegie Mellon University. In our conversation with Aljosa, we explore his broader research interests in achieving robot vision, and his vision for what it will look like when that goal is achieved. The first paper we dig into is Text2Pos: Text-to-Point-Cloud Cross-Modal Localization, which proposes a cross-modal localization module that learns to align textual descriptions with localization cues in a coarse-to-fine manner. Next up, we explore the paper Forecasting from LiDAR via Future Object Detection, which proposes an end-to-end approach for detection and motion forecasting based on raw sensor measurement as opposed to ground truth tracks. Finally, we discuss Aljosa’s third and final paper Opening up Open-World Tracking, which proposes a new benchmark to analyze existing efforts in multi-object tracking and constructs a baseline for these tasks. The complete show notes for this episode can be found at

Today we continue our CVPR series joined by Kate Saenko, an associate professor at Boston University and a consulting professor for the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab. In our conversation with Kate, we explore her research in multimodal learning, which she spoke about at the Multimodal Learning and Applications Workshop, one of a whopping 6 workshops she spoke at. We discuss the emergence of multimodal learning, the current research frontier, and Kate’s thoughts on the inherent bias in LLMs and how to deal with it. We also talk through some of the challenges that come up when building out applications, including the cost of labeling, and some of the methods she’s had success with. Finally, we discuss Kate’s perspective on the monopolizing of computing resources for “foundational” models, and her paper Unsupervised Domain Generalization by learning a Bridge Across Domains. The complete show notes for this episode can be found at

Today we kick off our annual coverage of the CVPR conference joined by Fatih Porikli, Senior Director of Engineering at Qualcomm AI Research. In our conversation with Fatih, we explore a trio of CVPR-accepted papers, as well as a pair of upcoming workshops at the event. The first paper, Panoptic, Instance and Semantic Relations: A Relational Context Encoder to Enhance Panoptic Segmentation, presents a novel framework to integrate semantic and instance contexts for panoptic segmentation. Next up, we discuss Imposing Consistency for Optical Flow Estimation, a paper that introduces novel and effective consistency strategies for optical flow estimation. The final paper we discuss is IRISformer: Dense Vision Transformers for Single-Image Inverse Rendering in Indoor Scenes, which proposes a transformer architecture to simultaneously estimate depths, normals, spatially-varying albedo, roughness, and lighting from a single image of an indoor scene. For each paper, we explore the motivations...

Today we’re joined by Adam Wood, Director of Data Governance and Data Quality at Mastercard. In our conversation with Adam, we explore the challenges that come along with data governance at a global scale, including dealing with regional regulations like GDPR and federating records at scale. We discuss the role of feature stores in keeping track of data lineage and how Adam and his team have dealt with the challenges of metadata management, how large organizations like Mastercard are dealing with enabling feature reuse, and the steps they take to alleviate bias, especially in scenarios like acquisitions. Finally, we explore data quality for data science and why Adam sees it as an encouraging area of growth within the company, as well as the investments they’ve made in tooling around data management, catalog, feature management, and more. The complete show notes for this episode can be found at

In the latest installment of our Data-Centric AI series, we’re joined by a friend of the show Mike Del Balso, Co-founder and CEO of Tecton. If you’ve heard any of our other conversations with Mike, you know we spend a lot of time discussing feature stores, or as he now refers to them, feature platforms. We explore the current complexity of data infrastructure broadly and how that has changed over the last five years, as well as the maturation of streaming data platforms. We discuss the wide vs deep paradox that exists around ML tooling, and the idea around the “ML Flywheel”, a strategy that leverages data to accelerate machine learning. Finally, we spend time discussing internal ML team construction, some of the challenges that organizations face when building their ML platforms teams, and how they can avoid the pitfalls as they arise. The complete show notes for this episode can be found at

Today we continue our Data-centric AI series joined by Shayan Mohanty, CEO at Watchful. In our conversation with Shayan, we focus on the data labeling aspect of the machine learning process, and ways that a data-centric approach could add value and reduce cost by multiple orders of magnitude. Shayan helps us define “data-centric”, while discussing the main challenges that organizations face when dealing with labeling, how these problems are currently being solved, and how techniques like active learning and weak supervision could be used to more effectively label. We also explore the idea of machine teaching, which focuses on using techniques that make the model training process more efficient, and what organizations need to be successful when trying to make the aforementioned mindset shift to DCAI. The complete show notes for this episode can be found at

This week, we continue our conversations around the topic of Data-Centric AI joined by a friend of the show Adrien Gaidon, the head of ML research at the Toyota Research Institute (TRI). In our chat, Adrien expresses a fourth, somewhat contrarian, viewpoint to the three prominent schools of thought that organizations tend to fall into, as well as a great story about how the breakthrough came via an unlikely source. We explore his principle-centric approach to machine learning as well as the role of self-supervised machine learning and synthetic data in this and other research threads. Make sure you’re following along with the entire DCAI series at The complete show notes for this episode can be found at

Today we kick things off with a conversation with D. Sculley, a director on the Google Brain team. Many listeners of today’s show will know D. from his work on the paper, The Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems, and of course, the infamous diagram. D. has recently translated the idea of technical debt into data debt, something we spend a bit of time on in the interview. We discuss his view of the concept of DCAI, where debt fits into the conversation of data quality, and what a shift towards data-centrism looks like in a world of increasingly larger models i.e. GPT-3 and the recent PALM models. We also explore common sources of data debt, what are things that the community can and have done to mitigate these issues, the usefulness of causal inference graphs in this work, and much more! If you enjoyed this interview or want to hear more on this topic, check back on the DCAI series page weekly at The complete s...

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