The Tore Says Show

The Tore Says Show

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So many of the weak are tainted by these dark financial arts. The dirty 8. Allegations are flying. Gates land purchases portend what? This is why so much is happening. It feels all muddled. All the bankers know the money's gone. Evil cannot fathom organic grassroots movements. Some people do better with direction. Oil price indicators and base metal elements. Who's dumping ETF's? Covering for Amalgamated Bank. The unions have zero hard assets. JOB's choice of poison. The UBS records division and a bitch on point. With many, the inner demon is hidden. Stop waiting for a savior and get involved. Some things only God can do. Spelling is important and be careful with names. Some battle to maintain control, others are humble. Remember, the attacks President Trump endures are the result of a real war. The true patriot's objective is to return the country to the people. We must all be ready. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The history of citizen control always includes the money. ETF's, their manipulation, scams, currency deals and constant profit. RIP Ivana. Is the Trump family safe? The mystery text exchange and what it means. Sick to her stomach from what we're not seeing. Some are asking about the banker's PROMIS. Electronic Funds Transfers (ETF) origins in the early years. There are no undo's. How do ETF's make money? Balancing creation and redemption. Blackrock knows. Suspecting the real intentions of the bill. Playing shady funds. ETF's and their unique features. Not recognizing capital gains. The HEART act and who benefits. Players bailing into hard assets rings alarm bells. They're not floating, they're standing on one leg. The sweetheart bouquet. It's called tax efficiency. Don't wait to liquidate. Buffet knows what's coming. Complexity derives fraud which lines evil pockets. It's time to fight against financial corruption for the benefit of all Americans. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Most are totally unaware, but quantum computing is all around us. Election fraud evidence is now a coin spin. Is any encription method safe? They found out, and didn't know what to do. Fake tech images and how their used. Shor's algorithm, the Promis legacy and our digital prison. Einstein and the brain project. The uncertainty of disruption. Playing backgammon with an AI car. Singing the coffin dance tune. How does all this make sense? Quantum at your finger tips. Is this someone else's reality construct? The architect must be someone of power. Magnetic fields suspended in qubits. Spinning up and spinning down. Key factors in the Trump indictment algorithm. The boomerang from Ali. Remember, Soros pushed Kamala. What remains standing throughout time? Careful observations are the secret sauce. Focus on the moment and enjoy it to the fullest. From day one, the objective was to give us the tools. Now it's time to use them. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's the OMG of what we don't know about modern computation. Way past binary. This relates to the devil's biggest trick. Careful management of controlled super bits. Interference, super position, entanglement and the antiquated traditional computers. Logic gates and manipulated states. Is it an internet or intranet? The magic date of 31 December 1969. The product of an eternally hungry soul. The people that don't exist always seem to know the truth. The RSA encryption myth. Is any digital world secure? The Usual Suspects offers hints. What is the king of quantum. The rope can be for rescue or hanging. Electronic voting systems reflect strategies. Efficiency versus accuracy. Considering all possible options. Compartmentalization and reality constructs. Manipulating the business books. Space within cyberspace. Our secure future depends on understanding and controlling quantum technology. Now is the time to own it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's Tore, Millie and Gavin discussing today's hearings plus a wide range of other subjects. Due to show length, the almost three hours of actual J6 hearings are excluded to allow for Tore and her guests. All angles are covered like the committee's crumbling credibility, the obvious one sided proceedings, and the gov't criminality that actually took place on J6. And then there's the Twitter related psyops and behavioral control aspects of the operation. The war against the people logged a major operation that day. The partisan J6 hearings are now proving it. Most importantly, real truth tellers are watching closely. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Our enemy's history includes eliminating opposition of all types. The bimbo news includes the inside assets of others. Gloria V. and the ether kids. A drug of choice for floating away. How Megan Kelly helped eliminate the opposition.The man who knew their moves beforehand. Blunt force trauma and the loudest voice in the room. Fair, balanced and targeted. No woman is a victim, which make them the best assets. The men just kneel anyway. There's a whole new drug war. Scapolomine and all it's strange behavioral results. There's a reason it's called Devils Breath. Different names for different effects. From ATM's to organ harvesting. Approved by NIH, seriously? An anti-depressant that makes you do anything. The overall goals of mind control. What we are watching now are the terminal death rattles of our enemy.The final countdown has finally begun. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

If you think nothing is happening, take a closer look. Boris and ministers are out, for just a start. RICO comes into play soon. Their goal was always to get close to Trump. Real people don't play games. Guide stones down is considered a signal. Georgia on our minds. J6 hunt doubles down with indictment talk from criminals. Ms. Lindsey will soon take the stage. Targeting DJT allies. Savants and activated DNA. The myth of DNA's junk. How to access those? Blood types and the industry that follows. All they need is one drop and big med data will be happy. The pitfalls of personalized medicine. The where and when questions can be answered by EMF. The new pre-crime model. Should it be built? With ChyNa leading, our gov't enemies allow the stripping away of our rights. This cannot go on. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The enforcement state is losing. SCOTUS wrestles with their own history, a Scalia dissent and modern scandal investigations. MSM whines about fair treatment. Financing our Civil War got us here. The origins of the IRS. Who really is Homeland Security. More facial recognition tech. Independent counsels and legal fairness. Civil unrest and the US Army. Why the infantry brigade? Only one agency is decentralized. It's just a random audit. Understand these people are criminals who will frame you. Modern income tax and the enforcement thereof. No military evidence allowed? The Russia hoax was election backup. PedoJo takes the stage. Someone knows how to Google Amalgamated Bank. Labor unions, the BLM, and how they help steal elections. This isn't a game, but it is game theory. Welcome to the revolution. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The calling is growing louder for the courageous that will stand up. We should never look back and wonder why. Opinion leaders who cower. Being wise doesn't always mean living intelligently. Most critical decisions are made when we're young.Because you love children you let them learn. Many who claim to be believers are not. Factions, languages, communications and human origins. A great DJT interview. What to do when all help is busy. Seeing the ugly core is never easy. Feeling so bad after they get caught. Manufactured hoaxes and the 2016 transition. CISA was created to run elections from the Fourth Branch. Eat bugs, speak bug. Education is always key. Training a fish to climb. A dystopian future with robot mom.Eugenics chipped in stone. Did someone hear a boom? Worldwide, party politics means corruption. Misunderstanding markets. Nazarbaev,real estate bribes, and Hunter's laptop. Reproductive data and the dangers outside. Always remember that the most basic rule of life continues to be knowledge is everything. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

As the enemy becomes visible, their sameness is frightening. More recompense, this time for journalists. Etheos for info. The inside of the system is now showing. Broken humans are showing all the signs. Our DNA is constantly changing, now with help. Soon, it's genetic data to prove who you are. Physiognomy, and that funny look on your face. Another planned summer of burning love. Staff shortages up North, and elsewhere. 60 shots, a disgusted public, and more fuel for the bonfire of hate. Who's groveling before the gatekeepers? Funny GOP numbers in Ohio. Election fraud starts very early on, like with petition signatures.It's RICO that will stop the machines. Aren't they about to purge evidence? Blocking the avenues of control around JOB. All the advantages taken and lies peddled are now coming due. We should pray for the casualties about to be suffered upon humanity. And more than anything use your faith and knowledge to stay alive. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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