The Three Stooges Throwback

The Three Stooges Throwback

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47 聲音
Every episode Gabe Russo provides behind the scenes facts and trivia, etc. as well as reviews and personal opinion on all 190 Columbia Shorts produced by the Three Stooges.

This is the 45th of 190 shorts by the Three Stooges for Columbia Pictures. They are escorting an all-girl singing troupe through indian country. 'nuff said

The 44th short by the Three Stooges is important as well as hilarious. Moe Howard has the first parody of Adolf Hitler on film, beating Chaplin by 9 months. Listen to Gabe Russo talk about the short and other Stoogey things. Listen up chuckleheads!

This is the 43rd of 190 shorts produced by the Three Stooges for Columbia Pictures Shorts Department. In this one we have the Boys as phone repairmen who pose as psychiatrists to help a flighty young wife. The Stooges come to her fancy party and antics ensue. Is there a creampuff fight? Yes. Listen for audio creampuffs. Gabe Russo is doing the work of watching all the shorts, taking notes, and imparting information on the uncredited costars that the Boys worked with, some on a regular basis. These forgotten actors are getting their due here in the show, Three Stooges Throwback with Gabe Russo. Gabe provides reviews of the shorts, along with production notes, and interesting facts about the Boys careers as one of the greatest comedy teams of all time. Come and subscribe to hear the opinions of one of the premier Three Stooge fans on the internet, Chief Knucklehead, Gabriel Russo.Three

This is the 42nd of 190 shorts by the Three Stooges for Columbia Pictures. Gabe Russo summarizes the short which sees the Boys discover oil on widow Jenkins' property, but she has been swindled by swindlers. Are there three daughters? Maybe you should listen.

This is the 41st of 190 shorts by the Three Stooges and this one is fast paced, frantic, and funny. The Boys are the best vets in the country but must track down a famous dog when it is dognapped from their care. Do they save the day or what? You MUST listen to me!!!!

In the 40th of 190 shorts, the Boys are in a tropical paradise selling winter gear. They get roped into helping a revolution and we see a very swaybacked nag. A what? listen to learn words and things.

The 39th of 190 shorts by the Three Stooges. Gabe Russo profiles this short where the Boys become gold diggers to save the girls' father and find a stash of cash and bonds that belong to some bad dudes. Find out what happens by listening.

This is the 38th short by the Three Stooges for Columbia Pictures. Join host Gabe Russo as he talks about the short in which the Boys get jobs selling memberships to a Duck Hunting Club but it turns out to be a scam and they have sold memberships to the whole police force! What will they do? Listen to hear the surprising end!

The Boys go to Cairo, Egypt in this, the 37th of 190 shorts for Columbia Pictures. The Stooges are hired to find a missing professor, or Rootentooten's mummy for $5000! Excitement and hilarity ensue. Listen to get the deets, boi!

This is the 36th short by the Three Stooges, Gabe Russo tells all about this short as The Boys are in the navy and Curly dresses like an Admiral, then they run afoul of some spies. This is one to listen to, if you listen to things.

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