The Steven Universe Podcast

The Steven Universe Podcast

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The Steven Universe crewniverse is filled with amazingly talented people, and more than a few have gone on to create their own shows! Ian Jones-Quartey had a huge impact in bringing Steven Universe to life with creator Rebecca Sugar, and now he's launched his own series, "OK KO." Ben Levin and Matt Burnett wrote many memorable Steven Universe episodes, and are now gearing up to launch their own show, "Craig Of The Creek." All three share stories and behind-the-scenes tidbits from their days on S


It's the last new podcast episode of the season and we asked the cast and Cartoon Network Executive team to submit questions to Steven Universe creator Rebecca Sugar and former Executive Producer Ian Jones-Quartey! They tackle everything from design to wormholes to escapism to advice to your younger self and dreaming big. Then former writers Matt Burnett and Ben Levin sit down with Rebecca to discuss lessons learned, achieving goals, and what they hope people take away from the show. And finally, Kat Morris and Joe Johnston return to answer a last batch of Fan Q&A! via Knit

The epic Steven Universe season finale is being discussed in great detail with many of those responsible for its creation - creator Rebecca Sugar, co-Executive Producers Kat Morris and Joe Johnston, writers Matt Burnett and Ben Levin, and former Executive Producer Ian Jones-Quartey. They cover everything from the design and casting of the new fusions, the reformed Gems, the Diamonds' relationships, Steven's confrontation with White Diamond, the giant foot, Pink Steven, and "Change Your Mind," the beautiful song that ends the whole finale. via Knit

There would be no Steven Universe without Rebecca Sugar. Her incredible creative talent and vision gave rise to the beloved characters, worlds, and stories, and with the help of some other wildly gifted animators and storytellers, she was able to share Steven Universe with the masses. And in this special episode, some of the artists who helped develop and shape Steven Universe share their experiences working alongside Rebecca, the lessons they learned, and what they hope to carry forward in their own respective shows. Former Steven Universe writers Ben Levin and Matt Burnett, former Executive Producer Ian Jones-Quartey, and Rebecca's very first storyboard partner, Adam Muto, chronicle Rebecca's animation journey and pay tribute to her well-deserved success. via Knit

Zach Callison (voice of Steven), Michaela Dietz (voice of Amethyst), and Deedee Magno-Hall (voice of Pearl) return to talk "Diamond Days!" They breakdown the big White Diamond reveal, the Party Pearls, Steven's nightmare in "Together Alone," and the return of Opal! You'll also hear what it was like for Zach to voice the Watermelon Stevens and the Pebbles, and his thoughts on doing harmonies for "Escapism" (a song that Rebecca Sugar previewed on this very podcast over a year ago!). via Knit

There have been some amazing crossovers and collaborations in the world of Steven Universe - "Say Uncle" with the "Uncle Grandpa" team, Save The Light with Grumpyface Studios, the "Mindful Education" episode with animator Tokafumi Hori, and of course, Monopoly. So creator Rebecca Sugar, and Co-Executive Producers Kat Morris and Joe Johnston return to detail how each was conceived and executed, and to share some anecdotal stories that happened along the journey to bring each collaboration and crossover to the fans. via Knit

Co-ExecutiveProducers Kat Morris and Joe Johnston are talking about Steven Universe relationships, but not just those between the characters! They are also providing some insight to the crewniverse and the various storyboard teams that bring the episodes to life. Discover who does the best villain work, who loves word play, who spearheaded "The Proposal" episode, and who draws the best Rose! Kat and Joe also reveal their own personal favorites when it comes to characters, episodes, and storylines, and also detail a great behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the "Steven Universe: The Movie" teaser that premiered at SDCC. via Knit

The big reveal that Rose is Pink Diamond has taken a toll on the characters of Steven Universe! Storyboard Supervisor Hilary Florido, Erica Luttrell who voices Sapphire, and DeeDee Magno Hall, who voices Pearl, weigh in on the impact it's had on Pearl, Sapphire, and Ruby, and their various relationships, and what it's revealed to them about love, other Gems, and humanity in general. They also discuss the beautiful wedding and all of the detail that went into creating the special episode. Plus, Erica and DeeDee share how Steven Universe and the amazing fans have affected their respective personal lives. via Knit

Rebecca Sugar and Ian Jones-Quartey talk The Heart of the Crystal Gems and how the big Pink Diamond reveal affected Steven and all the Gems! They speak to the return of Bismuth, how Rose has shaped Amethyst, Garnet, and Pearl's respective natures, Ruby and Sapphire's big reunion and the importance of the "choice" they made, and they unpack the Batman/Bat Cave theory and the easter eggs they've planted in episodes for fans leading to its discovery. They share what inspired the storylines, and the road they traveled to reach this point. Rebecca and Ian also provide more details about the huge Steven Universe San Diego Comic Con announcements - "Steven Universe: The Movie," and "Crossover Nexus!" via Knit

Michaela Dietz, who voices Amethyst, Storyboard Artist Lamar Abrams, and Storyboard Supervisor Hilary Florido return to talk about "Made of Honor" and "Reunited." Discover what it took to the get the very special "Reunited" two-parter made, what inspired all of the great wedding outfits, and how they all feel about the return of Bismuth! Plus, hear the crewniverse's thoughts on Steven's maturity, the importance of owning mistakes, and the changing dynamics of Steven and Garnet's relationship. via Knit

There is nothing "mini" about this fullsized episode! Storyboard Supervisor Hilary Florido, Storyboard Artist Lamar Abrams, and Michaela Dietz, the voice of Amethyst, have the inside scoop on "Now We're Only Falling Apart," "What's Your Problem," and "The Question." Discover what inspired Amethyst shapeshifting into a horse, what it was like writing that beautiful proposal, and how Michaela feels about Amethyst's newfound maturity. Plus, you'll hear why communication is key and everybody should have a good support system. via Knit

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