The Sikh Cast

The Sikh Cast

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A podcast hosted by the Sikh Research Institute that will feature members of Sikh community to talk about issues relevant to Sikhs around the world

Jasleen Kaur, SikhRI researcher, joins Sidak alumni, Jaspreet Singh, to talk about the Sikhi 201 track and how Sidak impacted his life. Over five years later from attending Sidak, Jaspreet shares his experience and learnings from the annual Sikh leadership camp.

SikhRI researcher, Jasleen Kaur discusses the value of Sidak with alumni, Kiran Kaur.

SikhRI researcher Jasleen Kaur dives into the relevance of Sidak in today’s world with alumni Simran Kaur, who shares the personal impact of her Sidak experience.

Follow Damanpreet and Inni as they discuss their learnings and challenges while engaging with the words of Bhai Nand Lal. The unique and symbolic meanings that these ghazals reveal are a treat for those who yearn to get a glimpse into the court of Guru Gobind Singh Sahib.

This is the story of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia (1718-1783, of the most outstanding leaders Sikhs have had. As a leader of the Dal Khalsa, he prepared the Sikh community to take control of its own destiny in the most troubled times and write a chapter on its own in the annals of history.

This is the story of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia (1718-1783, of the most outstanding leaders Sikhs have had. As a leader of the Dal Khalsa, he prepared the Sikh community to take control of its own destiny in the most troubled times and write a chapter on its own in the annals of history.

Join Inni Kaur and Kiranjot Kaur as they share their understanding of Hukam (Command.)

The Khalsa inauguration on Vaisakhi day in 1699 infused the Sikhs and gave them a structure of ideas and institutions that continue to shape their lives both individually and collectively. We will discuss Panthic leadership through Sikhi ideals and historical models. We will also explore the current deficits in leadership and their code of conduct.How can Love-drenched & Wisdom-centered impetus revive organic leadership in the vicinity of ideals!

Join Harinder Singh and Jasleen Kaur as they discuss the larger Sikh context around beadbi as a political problem in need of a political solution.

Dr. Jaswant Singh and Inni Kaur share their wonderings about love and devotion..

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