The Sensory Project

The Sensory Project

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Rachel Harrington, a pediatric Occupational Therapy Assistant and owner of The Sensory Project, along with Jessica Hill, a pediatric Occupational Therapy Assistant, health coach entrepreneur, and mother, answer your questions related to all things sensory, occupational therapy, parenting, self-care, nutrition, and health, from a therapist’s perspective. Providing raw, honest, fun ideas, and strategies, for parents and families to implement into daily life.

Welcome to Episode 63 of The Sensory Project Show! Today, Rachel and Jessica talk about oral motor tools - specifically tools from ARK Therapeutic! Giving you tips and tricks to incorporate oral motor tools into your child’s routine as well as solid advice to teach your children how to use these tools. Enjoy!

Welcome to Episode 64 of The Sensory Project Show! Today, Rachel and Jessica talk with Nekole, an Occupational Therapist who is passionate about helping families. She specializes in early childhood development and strives to help the entire family thrive! She has her own website, a YouTube channel, and an amazing Instagram account where she shares all the amazing things she knows! This episode is full of valuable information, so get ready! Enjoy!

Welcome to Episode 65 of The Sensory Project Show! Today, Rachel and Jessica dive into a not-so-familiar topic - multi-sensory processing. As per usual, they go through the details to help you understand why they are so passionate about this topic and why they use a multi-sensory approach during their OT treatment sessions and promote it to their clients and community. And stay tuned to the end because they give you their fav. 5 multi-sensory processing activities that YOU can complete! Enjoy!

Welcome to Episode 66 of The Sensory Project Show! Today, Rachel and Jessica talk with the mother of two amazing boys - Amber Grant. Amber is passionate about helping her boys thrive in their everyday lives as well as helping others! This interview was so insightful and ended up lasting for nearly 2 hours! This is Part 1 so be sure to tune in next week for Part 2! Enjoy!

Welcome to Episode 66 - Part 2 of The Sensory Project Show! Today, Rachel and Jessica dive deep into tough topics with Amber Grant. Amber is passionate about helping her boys thrive in their everyday lives as well as helping others! This interview was so insightful and ended up lasting for nearly 2 hours! Make sure you've listened to Part 1!

Welcome to Episode 67 of The Sensory Project Show! Today, Rachel and Jessica discuss the various “early warning signs” when it comes to Sensory Processing Disorder. It’s important to note that if a child exhibits one of the signs as discussed, this does not mean the child “has” SPD - it simply means there is a potential for a “different” sensory response. As always, make sure you do your own research and listen to your intuition. Enjoy!

Welcome to Episode 68 of The Sensory Project Show! Today, Rachel and Jessica give you all the info on weighted items - vests, blankets, and lap pads. They talk about how much weight to use as well as other tips and tricks to help your child successfully utilize these tools to feel calm, cool, and collected! Be sure to check out the show notes for links as well as the Freebies section on for some handouts including social stories to help with utilizing items. Enjoy!

Welcome to Episode 69 of The Sensory Project Show! Today, Rachel and Jessica chat with The Sleep Fairy, The Bedtime Whisperer - Krista. She is a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant and her passion is helping families get their babies and toddlers sleeping through the night. Her goal is to empower families worldwide and she has so much passion for what she does! Dive into this episode and get ready to take notes! Enjoy!

Welcome to Episode 70 of The Sensory Project Show! Today, Rachel and Jessica discuss a topic that is not typically brought up in everyday conversation - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Why? Because it’s not just soldiers who can suffer from this potentially debilitating diagnosis - parents and caregivers of children with special needs can also suffer from PTSD. Rachel and Jessica dive into what PTSD can look like as well as the WHY behind it. They also share some tips for getting help.

Welcome to Episode 71 of The Sensory Project Show! In this episode, Rachel and Jessica sit down with Karen, a mother of multiple children who have benefited from several different types of therapies. Not only is Karen an incredible story teller, but she is relatable and passionate. Listen in as she talks about her children and her journey. Enjoy!

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