The Rachel Hollis Podcast

The Rachel Hollis Podcast

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From New York Times best-selling author Rachel Hollis comes the ultimate podcast for anyone looking for more joy and purpose in their lives. Featuring candid interviews with top performers in business, media, and lifestyle, as well as deep dives into topics like health and motivation, the Rachel Hollis Podcast has everything you need to level up your life! New episodes premiere every Tuesday and Thursday.

Have you got your tickets to the RachTalk LIVE TOUR? Check out and get yours now!! Do you get my weekly Sunday email? Come join in the fun! Grab a Start Today Journal: Are we friends on YouTube? Let’s catch up! Follow my journey on Instagram: Let’s be workout buddies: Have you heard about the HOTLINE yet? Call (737) 400-4626 to leave a question for Rachel or share your story about the podcast. We can't wait to hear from you! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Do you get my weekly Sunday email? Come join in the fun! Grab a Start Today Journal: Are we friends on YouTube? Let’s catch up! Follow my journey on Instagram: Let’s be workout buddies: Have you heard about the HOTLINE yet? Call (737) 400-4626 to leave a question for Rachel or share your story about the podcast. We can't wait to hear from you! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Have you got your tickets to the RachTalk LIVE TOUR? Check out and get yours now!! Do you get my weekly Sunday email? Come join in the fun! Grab a Start Today Journal: Are we friends on YouTube? Let’s catch up! Follow my journey on Instagram: Let’s be workout buddies: Have you heard about the HOTLINE yet? Call (737) 400-4626 to leave a question for Rachel or share your story about the podcast. We can't wait to hear from you! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

It's another episode of the Rachel Hollis podcast and this week we're just catching up! I'm back from Hawaii and I just want to let you guys know some of what I got up to and where I'm at right now. Including recapping how I went SWIMMING with SHARKS. Like, really. No cage or anything just me, the water and then a SHARK. I learned a really cool lesson (because of course I did) that I want to share with you about that whole experience, which was incredible. I'm also talking about my awesome friend in Hawaii who runs a vintage store and 1) picked out some AMAZING new pants for me and 2) is working with me to make some upscaled and redesigned vintage military jackets to take on tour! Which, if you haven't got your tickets yet head to! Lastly, I officially spent too much time by myself, and I'm gonna get into that too. I hope you hang out with me this week! ------------------- Do you get my weekly Sunday email? Come join in the fun!https://msrachelhollis...

Do you get my weekly Sunday email? Come join in the fun! Grab a Start Today Journal: Are we friends on YouTube? Let’s catch up! Follow my journey on Instagram: Let’s be workout buddies: Have you heard about the HOTLINE yet? Call (737) 400-4626 to leave a question for Rachel or share your story about the podcast. We can't wait to hear from you! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Welcome to another episode of the Rachel Hollis podcast! I'm excited to answer another question from one of y'all, and this was a really good one today because I feel like she asked this question with all sorts of layers. On the surface, today's conversation is about time management; how we can have better time management to pursue ourselves, to pursue our goals, to work on our business, to grow your YouTube channel, to do whatever it is that you want to do and still show up for yourself and your family and the people that matter. But taking a deeper dive, for me, this isn't really about time management. It's about how you can set yourself up for success to be the very best version of yourself. I'm gonna tell you all the things that I think would be helpful if you're trying to figure out how to be most effective with your time, but we can't start there because that's trying to fix a symptom that's not trying to fix a root cause in your life. This is a fulfillment, taking care of yourself issue. At the core of 'time management' is really 'life management' because you can have the busiest, most productive day and if your health and wellbeing is off track, your life is off track. So, let's start there --------- Do you get my weekly Sunday email? Come join in the fun! Grab a Start Today Journal: Are we friends on YouTube? Let’s catch up! Follow my journey on Instagram: Let’s be workout buddies: Have you heard about the HOTLINE yet? Call (737) 400-4626 to leave a question for Rachel or share your story about the podcast. We can't wait to hear from you! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Today I am answering a listener's question! I've actually sort of been hoping that someone would ask me this. Today we're talking about content creation. More specifically, how do I, Rachel, figure out what I'm going to make podcast episodes about or what I'm going to write about in my next book, or what I'm going to put in the Sunday email...all the things! I have been creating content online for since 2008. So...14 years. And for as long as I've been doing it, I have been in community with my audience. (Even when that audience was only three people!) And slowly but surely, I feel like I've found a really good rhythm that works for me and I feel like the place that I'm at today is a really good, organic, authentic way of communicating with my audience. There are a ton of experts online who make a living out of teaching content creation: how to post, when to post, what to post...all of it. Today I wanted to tell you about what works for me, and hopefully there will be some nuggets in there for you; if you're a business owner in 2022 then I imagine you're either a content creator yourself or work very closely with one and from someone who has had teams of all different sizes, I know there is something in here for you! --- Do you get my weekly Sunday email? Come join in the fun! Grab a Start Today Journal: Are we friends on YouTube? Let’s catch up! Follow my journey on Instagram: Let’s be workout buddies: Have you heard about the HOTLINE yet? Call (737) 400-4626 to leave a question for Rachel or share your story about the podcast. We can't wait to hear from you! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Welcome to our 300th episode of this show. Actually its our 300th since we started counting because in the beginning we had no idea what we were doing and I never realized I would need to reference an episode! I'm counting it as the 300th and I'm celebrating; this episode is a thank you to you, because whether you are listening to this show for the 5th time or the 300th, it is support from listeners like you and this community who allow me to do this work and allow me to support the team of people who also do this work and we are so grateful that you're here and that you're with us. I've been trying to think for several weeks about some way that I could give back to you in an episode and what I came up with is one of the most helpful things that I know of, and that is a meditation or more specifically, an affirmation meditation. Affirmations are what I use when I'm having a bad day and I want to turn it around. Affirmations are what I use when I am in visioning a future for myself, and I need some inspiration to help with the vision. Affirmations are what I use when I'm having a good day and I want to make it a great one or want to energize myself before doing something important. And so what I have written for you today is 50 different affirmations that you can listen to anytime to feel inspired, supported and grounded. Thank you <3 -- Do you get my weekly Sunday email? Come join in the fun! Grab a Start Today Journal: Are we friends on YouTube? Let’s catch up! Follow my journey on Instagram: Let’s be workout buddies: Have you heard about the HOTLINE yet? Call (737) 400-4626 to leave a question for Rachel or share your story about the podcast. We can't wait to hear from you! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Do you get my weekly Sunday email? Come join in the fun! Grab a Start Today Journal: Are we friends on YouTube? Let’s catch up! Follow my journey on Instagram: Let’s be workout buddies: Have you heard about the HOTLINE yet? Call (737) 400-4626 to leave a question for Rachel or share your story about the podcast. We can't wait to hear from you! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Have y'all ever seen that movie, "10 Things I Hate About You"? I know, it's from a long time ago, but I was rewatching that recently and it got me thinking about things that I don't like about myself, or put a better way, things I have identified that I want to work on about myself. I think that to change and grow, to evolve as a person, the very first step is identifying where you're at right now, and what needs to change. And don't worry, none of this is going to be body image based - we have only love and acceptance for the ways our beautiful bodies that serve us look - and none of this comes from a place of any shame. Yeah, this is a list of things that I don't love about my character, or my emotional reflexes, but I also know that the key to meaningful change is self-love and acceptance. So, I have 6 things that I'm not crazy about, about me, that I want to work to change to improve on how I show up in the world as a friend, as a momma, as a partner, as a content creator for other people, but also how I show up for myself in creating the life I want to have. -------- Do you get my weekly Sunday email? Come join in the fun! Grab a Start Today Journal: Are we friends on YouTube? Let’s catch up! Follow my journey on Instagram: Let’s be workout buddies: Have you heard about the HOTLINE yet? Call (737) 400-4626 to leave a question for Rachel or share your story about the podcast. We can't wait to hear from you! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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