The Principles of War - Lessons from Military History on Strategy, Tactics and Leadership.

The Principles of War - Lessons from Military History on Strategy, Tactics and Leadership.

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Learn the lessons of military history by looking at the great battles through the lens of the Principles of War. Part of the enduring nature of war, all good Generals follow the 10 Principles of War. The great Generals of history have the ability to know which of the principles are most important at the decisive moments of the campaign.We study the great battles to draw the lessons on strategy, tactics and leadership.

This episode looks at the Counter Battery battle at 2nd Alamein and is part of our Battles of Alamein series. Ramsay and Kirkman denied Axis Artillery the ability to interfere with the commencement of Op Lightfoot. How did they do it and what role did the 4th Survey (Durham) Regiment play, along with the Desert Air Force and Engineers in constructing a process to find and neutralise Axis Artillery. How was the fire plan developed to support the infantry as they crossed the LD? Check out the show notesfor the podcast for all of the information that we cover in this episode as well as the images and other details that didn't make it into the podcast.

This episode looks at the development of artillery doctrine leading up to 2nd Battle of El Alamein. 2nd Alamein was the apogee of Australian Artillery in the Second World War and we will look at the role that BRIG Ramsay from 9th Div Arty built a team and capability to support the 9th Div and MAJ GEN Morshead. The lessons learnt from Ex Bumper - the largest exercise ever conducted by the British Army in preparation for a German invasion of England. The required improvements in artillery C2 Centralisation at the Divisional and higher level. The lack of the AGRA - the Army Group Royal Artillery. Montgomery, who had fought in WW1, understood the impact that artillery can have and was keen to restore it's capability to delivery decisive effects on the battlefield. How did he do this? Check out the show notesfor the podcast for all of the information that we cover in this episode as well as the images and other details that didn't make it into the podcast.

We look at the roles of Artillery, including how it integrated with all of the Forces within 8th Army. 2nd Alamein is the apogee of Australian Artillery in the Second World War and we will look at the role that BRIG Ramsay from 9th Div Arty built a team and capability to support the 9th Div and MAJ GEN Morshead. We will look at: Field Artillery Medium and Heavy Artillery Anti Aircraft Artillery Survey Anti Tank Artillery Met Comms C2 Check out the show notesfor the podcast for all of the information that we cover in this episode as well as the images and other details that didn't make it into the podcast.

This episode is an interview with Professor Andrew Lambert about Sir Julian Corbett, the premier maritime strategist in the 20th century. We discuss Corbett, Maritime and Grand Strategy, Churchill and the Dardenelles Campaign. We also look at his contribution to PME. If you would like to know more about the impact the Corbett had in Maritime and Grand Strategy, please read Professor's Lambert's excellent book - 'The British Way of War'. Check out the show notesfor the podcast for all of the information that we cover in this episode as well as the images and other details that didn't make it into the podcast. Andrew Lambert is Laughton Professor of Naval History in the Department of War Studies at King's College. After completing research in the Department he taught at Bristol Polytechnic,(now the University of West of England), the Royal Naval Staff College, Greenwich, and the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and also Director of the Laughton Naval Unit. In 2020 he was made a Fellow of Kings College London (FKC).

This is the 6th episode in our El Alamein series. This episode looks at the conduct of the 2nd Battle of El Alamein, the impact that it had on the Second World War and the lessons learnt. This episode looks only at Operation Lightfoot, and examines the battle predominantly from the viewpoint of the 9th Australian Division and the critical role that they played in the fighting. Check out the show notesfor the podcast for all of the information that we cover in this episode as well as the images and other details that didn't make it into the podcast.

This is our 5th episode of our 2nd Battle of El Alamein series. This episode looks at Rommel's attack at Alam Halfa just 17 days after Monty took command. Why did Rommel attack? How did Monty prepare for the attack? How did the Battle go? What lessons were learnt? Check out the show notesfor the podcast for all of the information that we cover in this episode as well as the images and other details that didn't make it into the podcast.

This is our 4th episode of our 2nd Battle of El Alamein series. This episode looks at when LT GEN B L Montgomery took command of 8th Army. He didn't like what he saw, so using the concept of Fighting Power, we look at the changes that he took to get the Army ready to take on the Desert Fox. Check out the show notesfor the podcast for all of the information that we cover in this episode as well as the images and other details that didn't make it into the podcast.

This is part of a 2 part military deception miniseries looking at why Rommel placed his Divisions where he did and how his mobility was limited by deception. We look at Op Bertram, the Operational Deception plan for 2nd El Alamein and provide a checklist for deception planners. Check out the show notesfor the podcast for all of the information that we cover in this episode as well as the images and other details that didn't make it into the podcast.

This is part of a 2 part military deception miniseries looking at why Rommel placed his Divisions where he did and how his mobility was limited by deception. We review doctrine on Surprise and Security. Deception is often a critical partner to Surprise, but without Security, your deception measures are unlikely to be effective. We look at the large contribution to the battle (and the war) made by the 2/24th Battalion at the battle of Tel el Eisa when they captured the German Sigint company. This episode is part of our series looking at decisive artillery battles in the history of Australia and is part of our 150 years of Australian Army commemoration. Check out the show notesfor the podcast for all of the information that we cover in this episode as well as the images and other details that didn't make it into the podcast.

This episode looks at the lead up to the 2nd Battle of El Alamein, including the Gazala Gallop, the 'Flap' and Ash Wednesday in Cairo. This episode is part of our series looking at decisive artillery battles in the history of Australia and is part of our 150 years of Australian Army commemoration. Check out the show notesfor the podcast for all of the information that we cover in this episode as well as the images and other details that didn't make it into the podcast.

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