The PodGOATs

The PodGOATs

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The history of everything. A funny and informative walk through some of the most interesting topics in history. These guys are hysterical.

It was the decade of the Gulf War, the rise of Bill Clinton, the impeachment of Bill Clinton, the fall of O.J. Simpson, and so much more. Phil and Campbell Valentine talk the '90s.

Phil and Campbell Valentine have COVID. They weren't able to coordinate their good days this week to be able to record a new episode, so we give you the latest PodGOATs Radio. Our apologies.

Just when you thought you knew the Vikings, Phil and Campbell Valentine come along to blow that image out of the water. The PodGOATs give you the real story about Vikings.

Long before the Dream Team and Michael Phelps there were the ancient Olympics in Greece. Phil and Campbell Valentine talk about when they started and how they evolved.

Animals are fascinating creatures. Some were as elusive as Bigfoot until the rest of the world discovered them. Phil and Campbell Valentine talk about the history of some amazing animals.

He was one of the Big Three in Greek philosophy. He broke ground on many concepts, including logic. He's where we get the notion of the pursuit of happiness. Phil and Campbell Valentine look at the life of Aristotle.

Phil and Campbell Valentine talk war again. This time they're talking about individuals in war that you will not believe, but they are absolutely real, on War Part 2.

Phil and Campbell Valentine are back with another Urban Legends episode. Only these urban legends are actually true! Fact is, indeed, stranger than fiction on Urban Legends Part 3.

He rose from humble beginnings to eventually lord over the largest empire the world has ever known. Phil and Campbell Valentine look at the brutal yet influential life of Genghis Khan.

More history twists from the PodGOATs. Phil and Campbell Valentine talk about how the government tried to keep people from cheating during Prohibition, and the ironic memorial to a Beatle, among others.

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