The PMDD Diaries

The PMDD Diaries

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A podcast for women who suffer from " PMDD." Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. My views are different than most, but I suffered from PMDD for years, and when I quit listening to the standard PMDD protocols, guess what happened? I healed. This Podcast is my view of PMDD. This Podcast should not be used as a form of medical advice as I am NOT a doctor.

Welcome Welcome! I am so happy you are here. I wanted to create something that helps women with PMDD! Women with PMDD feel misunderstood, crazy, and, alone. Along with a huge list of other things. PMDD(Premenstrual dysphoric disorder) Diaries is a podcast for women that suffer from PMDD and their spouses. I want to help you take back control of your life!

The Mind is a powerful thing! in this episode I share a tip that has helped me minimize my symptoms of PMDD. It's woo woo, but guess what it freaking works!

In this episode, I talk about my huge reality check and how food can have a positiveor negativeeffect on our PMDD.

PMDD can make you feel crazy, alone and, misunderstood. I created this podcast because I want you to know that you are not alone. Today I am chatting with Mar-gerieshe's a wife and mother living with PMDD. I truly believe when we share our stories, it spreads awareness and helps others! Join us as Mar-gerieshares her PMDD story!

In this episode, I share my morning with you. I was in full PMDD mode. feeling every emotion, but I brought myself back down to earth. So..I am going to be real and raw, share what I was feeling and share how I calmed myself down. PMDD IS NOJOKE!

I am so excited to bring you this new episode. Today I am chatting with Charlotte Atkinson a 22-year-old from London who suffers from PMDD. Charlotte shares her PMDD story and what she does to make living life with this enemy easier! Want to know more about Charlotte? Her links are below Instagram-Follow Charlotte On Instagram Twitter-Follow Charlotte On Twitter

In this episode, Brenna a 22-year-old PMDD coach shares her PMDD Story. We mostly talk about treatment and her worst PMDDmoment ever! You can learn more about Brenna by visiting the links below: Follow Brenna On Instagram: @pmddsupport Watch Brenna On YouTube: Website: Wanna connect with me: Click Here to Follow Me On Youtube Click Here to Follow Me On Insta Click here for my website

Can you find someone to truly love and support you if you have PMDD? Can you find someone that will stick with you and not give up on you? The answer is yes! Lets Connect: Website:Click Here Instagram:Click Here Youtube:Click Here

Ladies today I am chatting with Angie a 43-year-old woman from Canada. Angie was very open and honest. Not to mention, she had some great insight into this horrible disorder! Want to connect more with Angie? Click Here To Follow Angie On Twitter! Wanna connect more with me: Click here to Follow me on Instagram!

Today I am chatting with Amber about being a mom and wife while struggling with PMDD. Amber, thank you for sharing your story with us! :) Wanna connect with Amber? Click here to follow her on Instagram Loving the show? You can help make it easier forother ladies and spouses ofPMDD to find BY leaving a review. Thanks for listening! I love you guys!!!

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