The Nikki Glaser Podcast

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

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Every Monday through Thursday, comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced, and brutally honest look into current pop-culture and her own personal life.

Hi, Nikki Glaser fans! Clown Parade is an anthology comedy podcast series presented by Will Ferrell and Bowen Yang & Matt Rogers of Las Culturistas podcast featuring new talent. About Clown Parade: an anthology comedy podcast series presented by Will Ferrell and Bowen Yang & Matt Rogers of Las Culturistas podcast. Each month will feature a fresh comedic talent creating a brand new podcast format hosted by an original character of their own creation, in the spirit of The Ron Burgundy Podcast. The diverse roster of comedians will be curated by Will, Bowen and Matt with an eye towards representation, inclusivity, and elevating the next generation of comedic voices. New episodes every Wednesday. Listenhere and subscribe to Positively Gam on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts! See for privacy information.

Nikki got to act in a movie this week and thought that Will Arnett was outside her tailer door. Turns out it was a guy named Carl. Andrew points out that she has gone Hollywood and her outfit confirms it... and salacious headlines in tabloids and maybe some other things that happened during this pod do too. Nikki got to meet Andrew's dream guy and he gave her a compliment that felt good. With time for only one voice message in the Fanthrax segment, Nikki gets a surprise call from her BFF. FBoy Island is now on HBO MAX, Nikki Glaser: Good Clean Filth premieres on HBO MAX on Saturday July 16th. Tune in! See for privacy information.

Nikki is back on that Diet Coke sauce. She had so much fun on Conan Needs A Friend but was secretly second guessing herself. Nikki's inner voice is a 7th grade boy and Andrew gets nervous around Frat guys. It's hard to get a group together but Nikki has a trip planned with her girlfriends. Just in time for the premiere of FBoy Island season 2 on HBO Max, Nikki finds a headline that she really likes about it. They play The Blankest Thing I've Ever Done and reveal their "couhlest" moments! See for privacy information.

Nikki is doing press all over Los Angeles and is a little nervous about being a good guest on Conan Needs A Friend. She had a blast with Lizzy Cooperman. At karaoke they performed a song that no one would expect. Check out some bonus clips from Welcome Home Nikki Glaser?. Nikki and Andrew discuss bailing on people, The Worst Person in The World and if porn can be a retirement plan. Nikki goes through her Reddit Dump and has some great picks! See for privacy information.

Nikki and Andrew have polar opposite struggles, one wants less work and one wants more. It is what it is! Never say that about a vagina. Nikki talks about the first time she told her friends she didn't like hers. They talk about the NYC and Los Angeles comedy energies. Nikki makes an astute observation about body image issues we have during sex. You Heard It Here First: The Suicide Lifeline gets a new number in time for Nikki's HBO Comedy Special Good Clean Filth and babies are role models. In Top1 Bottom1 they talk about things you would find in a hotel room. See for privacy information.

Nikki and Andrew are joined by Aria Thomé STL vocal coach and sound healer as they dig through voicemails from Besties that inspire fun and introspective conversations. Leave us your voicemail: Voicemail Line Visit & subscribe to our YouTube channel: The Nikki Glaser Podcast See for privacy information.

Nikki invited her vocal instructor/sound healer Aria Thomé (cast of E!'s Welcome Home Nikki Glaser?) to join the pod. She shares her background and answers all the questions Nikki and Andrew have about being a trans woman and her journey to finding peace within. To learn more about Aria's sound healing services and vocal coaching, please visit her website: See for privacy information.

After a long weekend Nikki and Andrew share their activities. Nikki did too much but that did not include jumping off a cliff. Andrew binged old movies and went one step too far with something bulky in his pants. Nikki explains a new reason to hate fireworks, doesn't agree with pissing in a pool and doesn't mind a flaccid penis. You Heard It Here First; rudeness on dates, a balance test that tells how long you'll live, Nikki called it, Cameron Diaz "unretires" and Nikki clears the air on a sensational headline that pitted her against Kim Kardashian. Lots of silly Reddit Dumps including this great joke by comedian Austin Lonnenberg. In the Final Thought Nikki tells a story from her 4th of July about an outburst she had at a restaurant. See for privacy information.

ATTN: We will not have a pod on Monday July 4th because Nikki will be on a cliff. The pod takes off with a cat chat. To not feel shame Nikki wants to be an inanimate object. She's thinking of bringing snap bracelets back but only if they can be recycled. She and Andrew discuss a study about women with higher IQ's than men. You Heard It Here First, holding in your pee on a long car ride is not so bad unless you have no Kegel muscles. Besties helping Besties and one with a dad similar to EJ leave voicemails for Fanthrax. See for privacy information.

#239 No Tog
1h 16min

Nikki almost ripped her eye out, she wouldn't mind if Andrew became a creepy Stephen King oracle and has a proposal for an iMessage improvement. Andrew wrote a movie once and they both talk about films starring Albert Brooks. Nikki loves the new Elvis movie but hates her mom's plan for a bargain on oral surgery. Addiction is more complicated than you think and You Heard It Here First, so are relationships and oxytocin. Andrew shares his untold dentist story on Andrew's Succinct Short Story Circle segment.In the Final Thought Nikki explains why she had a vibrator put in an unlikely place and why she is not so pleased with Wendy Williams. See for privacy information.

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