The Money Sessions

The Money Sessions

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Deep, thoughtful, raw conversations with real therapists who are in the midst of leaning into raising fees and making bank – all while working with the clients they are passionate about serving.

In 2021, Dulce had 299 fewer client sessions than the year before, WHILE MAKING THE SAME AMOUNT OF MONEY. Join us for Fee Week (it's free) and we'll show you how she did it. In this episode, we'll talk about what is *actually* possible for you in 2022 if you make just a few small (but massive) shifts. In our last FEE WEEK, we had over 800 therapists enroll in FEE WEEK and the results were phenomenal. Join us to get your roadmap to your 6-figure 2022, while seeing fewer than 20 clients/week.

Are you on track to make 6-figures in your practice while having fewer than 20 sessions per week? If yes. Then you are probably one of our Lean In. MAKE BANK. Academy students. HIGH FIVE. If no, then I’m inviting you to join us in FEE WEEK. Go to

In this episode, we're speaking with Audrey Schoen, a California based License Marriage and Family Therapist. Audrey specializes in working with the spouses of Law Enforcement Officers in private practice. Within her practice, Audrey’s goal is to help her clients achieve a sense of steadiness and confidence in the face of life's ups and downs, both within themselves and their relationships. As the wife of a Law Enforcement officer herself, she will talk about the triad of reality checks that led her to absolutely raise her fees. In this episode, Audrey will share: How being the wife of a Law Enforcement Officer forced her to get real about how much she needed to make in private practice; How charging Premium Fees allowed her to be a better therapist for her clients; Her current anxiety about charging more, despite making leaps and bounds from where she started; 3 mindset shifts to consider if you are currently struggling to raise fees. Resources mentioned: Fun with Fees Lean In. Ma...

In this episode, we are speaking with Erica Thomas, a Texas based Clinical Social Worker and Therapist. Erica focuses her practice on mother and daughter relationship as a way of helping shape future generations of women. Erica will be discussing how a very expensive reality check led her to drop insurance panels and pursue private practice. In this episode, Erica will share: Why she chose to start out on insurance panels; How the “security blanket” of insurance panels cost her $15,000 dollars; How being a Latinx woman from a working class family shaped her view on money; One thing you can do to get off insurance panels now. Resources mentioned: Lean In. Make Bank. Fun with Fees 4 Steps to Raise Your Fee Workshop More About Erica: Erica Thomas is a therapist with her own private practice in Liberty Hill, TX. She currently niches in mother-daughter relationships, as a way of helping shape future generations of great, empowered women. She draws experience through her 18+ years of be...

In this episode, we are speaking with Harry Au, a Licensed Therapist and Registered Social Worker based in Ontario. Harry focuses his work on helping Asian and BIPOC individuals in a private practice setting. Harry will be discussing how he went from an activist with anxiety, guilt, shame, and judgement around the desire to have money, to a Premium Fee therapist with more money and resources for activism. In this episode, Harry will share: How his identity as 1.5 generation Chinese Immigrant and family conflict around money, led him to be money avoidant; 3 signs that led him to leave agency work and move into private practice; The big leap he took allowing him to charge premium fees and return to activism with more intention, capacity, and resources; How he went from burnout and overwhelmed, to an activist that charges $180+ per session. Resources mentioned: Lean In. Make Bank. Fun with Fees 4 Steps to Raise Your Fee Workshop More About Harry: Harry (he/him) is a therapist in Toront...

In this episode, we are speaking with Vanessa Solis, a California based Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Vanessa has over a decade of experience working to create a space where people can tell their story. She offers traditional talk therapy as well as EMDR for women and teens. Vanessa is currently in the process of creating a group practice that supports the development of EMDR and Brainspotting for clinicians of color. In this episode, Vanessa will share: Her journey from community health to premium fees; How race and class shaped her fee setting strategy; What fears she battled with making the change; How changing her fees and upleveling allowed her to show up differently as a mother, spouse, and clinician. Resources mentioned: Lean In. Make Bank. Fun with Fees 4 Steps to Raise Your Fee Workshop More About Vanessa: Vanessa Solis is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the Bay Area, CA. She helps women understand how previous trauma is connected to anxiety, depression. and low sel...

In this episode, we're speaking with Susannah Horwitz, a Colorado based License Mental Health Counselor. Susannah works with women and adolescents to heal trauma. She takes on a trauma-informed, nature based, expressive arts approach to help her clients get “off the couch” and into the outdoors to facilitate healing. Susannah now works in Private Practice, charging premium fees, and is the primary breadwinner for her family. Taking what she learned with LIMB and applying it to her practice, she is able to set her family up for success and show up more fully for her clients. In this episode, Susannah will share: What three signs led her to charging premium fees and her fears around increasing her fees; How she built her private practice without a website presence; Why she did not want to be a therapist with 30+ clients; What it’s like to be the primary breadwinner, and how she is still managing a work-life balance. Resources mentioned: Fun with Fees Lean In. Make Bank. 4 Steps to ...

In this episode, we're speaking with Shawny Sena, a Minnesota based License Marriage and Family Therapist. Shawny exclusively works with Transgender and Queer children and teens, helping them heal “deeper than language” through movement, art, stories, imagination, and music. Shawny has wrestled with the complexity of charging premium fees while continuing to work with clients who come from marginalized communities. Today she has leveled up from the burnout of group practice to living the life she wants without compromising her integrity, values, and the community she loves to serve. In this episode, Shawny will share: - Three signs that led her to raise her fees; - How her feelings towards participating in a racist and capitalist system, informed her decision around fees; - How she went from underpaid and overworked in group practice to charging premium fees in private practice, without compromising her clientele; - How doing the work in LIMB allowed her to change her fees ethical...

In this episode, we're speaking with Erin Collins, a therapist based out of Massachusetts. Erin focuses her work on teens and adults experiencing anxiety, as well as people healing from different types of loss. After the father of Erin’s sons passed away from Cancer, Erin had to step up and become the sole financial provider for her children. Along with this new role, Erin had to deal with her own grieving, and the grieving of her children. This difficult reality led Erin to rethink her views on private practice and premium fees. In this episode Erin will dive into: What it means to look at your financial reality despite being terrified; Fears and strategies to overcoming the “I can’t” mindset regarding charging premium fees; How doing the work to overcome an empathetic nature led her to where she is now; How she was able to craft out a new life for herself and her children, despite the challenges she faced. Resources mentioned: Fun with Fees Lean In. Make Bank. 4 Steps to Raise...

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