The Marcus Warren Show

The Marcus Warren Show

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The world of retirement has changed. People of your father’s generation worked for one or two companies their entire life and they received a gold watch and a pension when they were done!Boy, how times have changed! Most people are lucky to receive a pension and, in fact, many have to fund their own retirement. Chances are you have a 401k, IRA, or a 403b, an alphabet soup that puts the risk of investing on you. Not only must you weather the stock market, but you also have to prepare for the coming Tax Storm! That’s where we come in. We’re here to help offer insightful strategies to help develop your Retirement Game Plan and protect your retirement from the forces that await.

On this week's show, we discuss what to do with your old 401k account. You have many options for what to do with your retirement savings, but if you make the wrong move, you could unnecessarily pay over 30% in taxes! We also talk about rising inflation and things you can do to help mitigate against the higher prices. Have a question for Marcus? Visit to schedule a 15-minute phone call or send us a message with your question and it could be featured on the show! With the recent stock market volatility - does your portfolio need a Safe Money Rescue? Visit to request your FREE Safe Money Rescue Plan!

On this week's Marcus Warren show, Marcus outlines the pros and cons of retiring early - is it even possible? We also answer a few listener questions about the current economy, stock market, and inflation. And we discuss... the crypto crash! Have a question for Marcus? Visit to schedule a 15-minute phone call or send us a message with your question and it could be featured on the show! With the recent stock market volatility - does your portfolio need a Safe Money Rescue? Visit to request your FREE Safe Money Rescue Plan!

Retirement planning is like mountain climbing. The sherpa who helps you climb to the top, might not be the same one who can help you get back down. That's because you'll face a lot of obstacles during the distribution phase of your retirement (when you actually retire and have to figure out where your money will come from... not to mention taxes, Social Security and Medicare, and choppy stock markets). We'll discuss how to navigate your way back down the mountain on this week's Marcus Warren Show! Have a question for Marcus? Visit to schedule a 15-minute phone call or send us a message with your question and it could be featured on the show! With the recent stock market volatility - does your portfolio need a Safe Money Rescue? Visit to request your FREE Safe Money Rescue Plan!

We haven't had a down market in many years, and investors have short term memories. On this week's Marcus Warren show, we talk about why market timing doesn't work and how market recoveries can be painful, especially when you don't stick to a plan. It's not about what you make, it's about what you keep. Got a cash app? We also talk about the new tax law that could impact you! Have a question for Marcus? Visit to schedule a 15-minute phone call or send us a message with your question and it could be featured on the show!

On this week's Marcus Warren show, we discuss the emotional turmoil that accompanies stock market volatility. During times like these, emotional investing is rampant and causes you to doubt your beliefs and believe your doubts. How can you overcome it? Listen to find out. We also discuss the economic policies that have propped up the stock market and what we might expect to see in our country's economic future. Have a question for Marcus? Visit to schedule a 15-minute phone call or send us a message with your question and it could be featured on the show!

On this week's Marcus Warren Show, we discuss the 4 things retirees should do during volatile stock markets. We also talk about taxable income in retirement and steps you can take to potentially reduce your future tax liability. The myth that you'll be in a lower tax bracket in retirement isn't always true! Have a question for Marcus? Visit to schedule a 15-minute phone call or send us a message with your question and it could be featured on the show!

We're back!! On this week's Marcus Warren show, we discuss some of the reasons why inflation might continue to stay high and how it could potentially get better down the line. We also discuss the different types of income that are TAXABLE in retirement. The myth that you'll be in a lower tax bracket in retirement isn't always true! And we discuss IRMAA (who's that?). Well she can cause your Medicare premiums to go up. (No, it's not a real person). Have a question for Marcus? Visit to schedule a 15-minute phone call or send us a message with your question and it could be featured on the show!

On this week's Marcus Warren Show, we break down the differences between the accumulation and de-cumulation phases of retirement planning. It's like climbing Mt. Everest (most accidents happen on the way back down the mountain). We also discuss our complex tax system and whether we'll ever be able to complete our tax returns using simple forms. Have a question for Marcus? Visit to schedule a 15-minute phone call or send us a message with your question and it could be featured on the show!

Each year, the IRS releases our fiscal year annual spending. This breakdown shows where our tax dollars go. They also release a breakdown of where the government get the money to pay its bills. Did you know that only half of our government's revenue comes from taxes? Where does the other part come from? We discuss this and more tax topics on this week's Marcus Warren show. Have a question for Marcus? Visit to schedule a 15-minute phone call or send us a message with your question and it could be featured on the show!

On this week's Marcus Warren Show, we discuss some of the short-term and long-term financial impacts of the Ukraine-Russia war. Geopolitical events typically can create volatility in stock markets as the uncertainty of the event plays out. But these are typically short-lived. And on a personal note, our hearts are with those impacted on all sides, as war can take a heavy toll on many lives. In Dee's Tax Corner, we talk about the importance of tax planning when it comes to financial management, with a real-life story of a client impacted by a large mutual fund transaction (ouch!), and missing out on potential tax savings. Finally, we break down the difference between buying power and wealth. Have a question for Marcus? Visit to schedule a 15-minute phone call or send us a message with your question and it could be featured on the show!

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