The Low Carb Leader

The Low Carb Leader

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Today's interview is with Jim Howard, President and CEO of Readout, creator of Biosense Breath Ketone Monitoring System. Jim will discuss the ways to measure ketones and the accuracy of the different measurements. Jim is a 27-year medtech executive focused on value creation with novel approaches to patient care. Jim is passionate about behavioral changes in chronic diseases, putting the healthcare in the hands of patients. He has an MBA from University of Missouri-St.Louis and remains active in collaborations with Washington University researchers. Enjoy the show! To purchase, click on link below. (this is affiliate link so I will earn a small commission. This does not raise price of device).

Is it possible to do KETO without meat? This is a question I get all the time. In today's episode, we discuss Plant Based Keto with Serena Sabala. Serena is a Certified Yoga Teacher, Plant-Based Nutrition Consultant and Fitness Trainer who has studied the subject of nutrition for over ten years and has a unique, wholistic approach to health and wellness. She is co-owner of Enjoy the show! For great videos about low carb, check out my Youtube channel at

Today, we talk with Dr. Gordon Pedersen, who holds numerous advanced degrees in medicine, immunology, biology, toxicology and cardiac wellness, about The Essence of Wellness. Dr. Pedersen created this approach to help others become healthy in a well balanced and holistic way. In Part 2, we begin to discuss additional topics of overall health. Make sure to check out and subscribe to The Low Carb Leader youtube channel at It has recently achieved 150,000 views on the channel!

Today, we talk with Dr. Gordon Pedersen, who holds numerous advanced degrees in medicine, immunology, biology, toxicology and cardiac wellness, about The Essence of Wellness. Dr. Pedersen created this approach to help others become healthy in a well balanced and holistic way. In Part 1, we begin to discuss the different topics of overall health. So much great information, I divided it into two parts. Make sure to check out and subscribe to The Low Carb Leader youtube channel at It has recently achieved 150,000 views on the channel!

In today's show, I talk with Dr. Zinia Thomas all about medical marijuana and CBD. Dr. Thomas is a psychiatrist who has become very involved with helping her patients through the use of CBD and Medical Marijuana. With over 30 states legalizing cannabis, this is a very timely topic to learn about especially when it comes to the potential healing properties. For more great tips and interviews, check out my YouTube Channel at

In today's show, we discuss a very timely topic during this Coronavirus outbreak. How do we build and strengthen our immunity? Jodi Nishida, Pharm.D, of, discusses exactly what to do and what not to do when it comes to your immunity. Enjoy the show! For more great tips and interviews, check out my YouTube Channel at

In today's show, I discuss ways to lessen the effects of the Quarantine 15. If you haven't heard, during this time of crisis, many people are struggling to eat right, stay healthy and keep positivity in their life. It's so profound that it was named "Quarantine 15" because many are gaining 15 pounds or more. In this episode, I go over simple and effective ways to combat these issues. For more great tips and interviews, check out my YouTube Channel at

Episode 100! Thank you for all your support during my first 100 episodes! In today's show, I discuss the top 5 common mistakes everyone makes with keto. I also discuss easy fixes to the problems. Check out my YouTube Channel at Alot of great videos coming out including awesome recipes!

Getting into ketosis fast is just a matter of what you do and how you do it. Today's episode discusses 3 steps you can take to get into ketosis within 24 hours. If you are enjoying the podcasts, make sure you SUBSCRIBE and I would love it if you left a rating and review on Itunes. Also, make sure you check out my YouTube channel at

In this episode, I review the diets rated highest by popular media. I list the pros and cons of each approach and share some insights that you may not know about the diets. Weight watchers Jenny Craig SlimFast Mediterranean diet Keto Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss any episodes of the podcast & Check out my YOUTUBE Channel @danielperryman or the low carb leader. Great new keto cooking videos on the way. SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell to catch all the latest videos!

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