The Laura Ingraham Show

The Laura Ingraham Show

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The most-watched woman in the history of cable news takes her trademark no-holds barred political and cultural commentary to the world of podcasting with "The Laura Ingraham Show," a part of the Quake Media network. A bestselling author, a breast cancer survivor, and the mother of three internationally-adopted children, Laura was the most listened-to woman in talk radio before making the move to podcasting. Laura has been a trailblazer across multiple media platforms, and she brings a unique perspective to this twice-weekly show thanks in part to her experiences as a white-collar criminal defense litigator and a Supreme Court law clerk. Want to hear episodes before everyone else? Subscribe at to join the Quake community.



Americans' freedom of speech is under assault as Big Tech, the mainstream media, and the Democrat party collude to silence dissenting voices. Civil rights attorney Harmeet Dhillon joins Laura to discuss the future of the free exchange of ideas. Plus, Gordon Chang stops by to expose how China is exploiting the current unrest in America, and how they lended a helping hand to foment the chaos. To listen to all episodes of Laura's podcast please subscribe at: Support the show: See for privacy information.

After difficult losses in the Georgia Senate runoffs, what lessons should the GOP learn, and how can we ensure the integrity of future elections? Pat Buchanan and Newt Gingrich join Laura to discuss the consequences of the elections, and what it means for America. To listen to all episodes of Laura's podcast please subscribe at: Support the show: See for privacy information.

The Left continues to ramp up their impeachment mania and their case falls apart with the emergence of more details. Victor Davis Hanson and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich join Laura to break down the latest developments, and...

Democrats continue to push for impeachment of President Trump. Will this witch hunt end the same as the last one? Peter Schweizer and Pat Buchanan join Laura to breakdown the latest developments.

The Democrats are going all in on impeachment. What does this mean for the "heart and soul" of the country? Bill O'Reilly and Joe DiGenova join Laura it break down the latest updates, and reveal why now is the time to suit up...

The Left's devaluation of life and the rule of law has spawned a house of horrors in South Bend and chaos on our southern border. Acting Director of Acting Director of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ken Cuccinelli joins Laura...

Whether it's Hillary Clinton complaining that the 2016 election was rigged, or Democrats calling for Brett Kavanaugh's impeachment over vicious smears by the NYT, the Left continues to show themselves for who they truly are: sore...

On the 18th anniversary of the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks, we remember the lives lost and the lessons that still need to be learned. Michelle Malkin joins Laura to reveal what the elites still refuse to acknowledge about securing...

Desperate to bring down Trump, the media continues to create more fake controversies with fake reporting. Byron York joins Laura to expose the media's latest attempts to take down the President. Plus, Gordon Chang stops by to discuss...

CNN spent 7 hours last night airing their climate change town hall with 2020 Democrat candidates, where they proposed regulating everything from your lightbulbs and cheeseburgers to population control. Dr. Roy Spencer, a former NASA scientist,...

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