The Kolbie Effect

The Kolbie Effect

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Good mates Joshua Goodwin and Riley Downey put their brains together to come out with a rare and entertaining podcast.

Well the grind continues as the the boys smash out another episode. A busy week for the lads means a short episode but still as entertaining as always!! The footy chat continues as the boys begin to accept the reality that Richmond will probably win the Flag once again this year, despite 2020 best efforts to cause an upset. Dumbest Thing of the Week continues to provide a laugh as the Manager's (Jacob Steber) home Bruce Rock is brutally hit by a mans Bong rampage. As the beloved Bachelor in Paradise comes to a close the boys review the hectic past 6 episodes that was, when tempers flared, love blossomed and Ciarran continued to take center stage. As always enjoy the rarity!!

Another week means another episode!! In AFL this week the boys discuss their divided opinions on the current St Kilda side. Josh provides us with his discrete thoughts on All time legend Hawthorn coach Alastair Clarkson. The boys will also continue to wrap their heads around the 33 games in 20 days scenario. In other news Josh and Riley discuss the hot topic of the Karen who refused to wear a face mask in Bunnings, which is sure to cause a laugh. They'll also pose a very interesting question, what is the name of the male version of a Karen? In Bachie talk this week the boys continue to express their love for Glenn who looks to have fallen hard for Alisha, whilst they also discuss Ciarran's unusual behaviour in Paradise. As always we hope you enjoy the rarity!!!!!!

This week the boys will go full AFL 360 and discuss the important talking points from the AFL and then dive into their tips for the upcoming Round 8. The hardworking TKE Manager will finally feature in this weeks Dumbest Thing of the Week, as he informs us of his blistering return to the footballing field. The Bachelor in Paradise is now taking over Australian Television leaving Riley & Josh to share their rarest thoughts on the lovely characters in Fiji!! Finally to wrap everything up the Boys will answer some hard hitting fan questions, which is sure to provide the audience quite the laugh. As always we hope you enjoy the rarity!!

The boys finally reunite after their three week rehabilitation and are joined by AFL youtube royalty Caden MacDonald. They'll dive deep into Caden's experiences in the Youtube and AFL worlds. The boys will also provide very questionable views on the abnormal AFL 2020 season. As always enjoy the rarity!!! Caden MacDonald's Youtube: Caden MacDonald's Instagram:

In this episode we discuss: - AFL Round 2 - Play Underrated or Overrated - The End of the World - Celebrity Crushes - Biggest Fears Enjoy the Rarity!!!!!!!!!

In this episode we discuss: - If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be? - Pubs are open! - Riley's golf struggles - The AFL is back!! Hope your enjoy the rarity !!!!!!!!!!!

In this episode we discuss: - The new TKE HQ - The Last Dance - Are Americans from England? - Getting Scammed! - Are bad words really bad? Hope you enjoy the rarity!!

In this episode the boys were extremely lucky to talk with the beautiful Instagram model Brittney Barnes, they discuss: - Instagram - Extremely Weird Dm's - Tik Tok - Mental Health - Childhood TV favourites and more!!!!! Hope your enjoy the rarity!!

In this episode the boys were lucky enough to talk with the lovely Tamika Cheney, where they discuss: - Tik Tok -Weird Dms -Overseas Trips -The Beach and a lot more rubbish. So get ready, and I hope you all enjoy the rarity.

In this Episode we discuss: -Tik Tok stinkers -Extendable Nails??? -X æ a-12 - The questionable release of George Pell -UWA confessions post - Our story with Bayswater Morley Hope you enjoy the rarity!!

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