Host Wil Shriner talks with Kevin Nealon about his first time on the Tonight Show as they listen to his second appearance on March 19, 1985.
In this episode Johnny jokes about mood rings, Tommy Newsom, the New Hampshire primary, and the LA Rams' recent loss. Carnac uses his divine powers, and no one is safe when Don Rickles shows up.
Christa and Johnny talk about how she was selected from more than 11,000 applicants to become the first teacher in space. She discusses her plans to teach lessons aboard the Space Shuttle and conduct experiments and demonstrate to the world the wonders of space.
Joan Rivers has Johnny and the crowd rolling, as she visits the show on her 25th anniversary of her first appearance on The Tonight Show.
Oprah Winfrey is excited to make her Tonight Show debut after recently launching her talk show and being nominated for an Academy Award for The Color Purple. Jerry Seinfeld is funny as always as he talks about Halloween and being frightened of his father's thermosat.
Eddie Murphy reluctantly shows off his iconic and infectious laugh and Ellen Degeneres returns with a hilarious stand-up set about names and relationships early in her career, 1987.
Charles Grodin is back and grills Johnny with questions about his personal life, and Dom Irerra kills with his stand-up set in this episode from August 1, 1986.
Orson Welles and Robert Blake promote their upcoming projects and discuss what it's like to work in television, while Dr. Wayne Dyer discusses his new book about promoting self-love and positive self-image.
Richard Pryor and Tim Conway can't stop laughing as Dr. Lendon Smith cannot stop talking, even without Johnny asking him a single question. January 12, 1979.
Jerry Seinfeld delivers a hilarious stand-up set about his experience living in Hollywood, mall shopping, and greeting cards in this show from July 22, 1981.