The Hunting Collective

The Hunting Collective

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The Hunting Collective with host Ben O'Brien covers the ideologies and philosophies of the modern hunter while touching on key ideas like conservation, our value systems and how to construct a better public image. A recurring cast of top hunting voices help drive the conversation and keep things pretty damn interesting. Part of The MeatEater Podcast Network.

In the final episode of The Hunting Collective, Phil the Engineer becomes a hunter. Connect withBen onMeatEaterandInstagram MeatEater onInstagram,Facebook,Twitter, andYoutube ShopThe Hunting Collective Merch Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

Follow along as Phil the Engineer heads out on his first turkeyhunt. Connect withBen onMeatEaterandInstagram MeatEater onInstagram,Facebook,Twitter, andYoutube ShopThe Hunting Collective Merch Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

On this episode, Ben and Phil recap First Lite's Trek for Turkeys and read stories of podcast listeners that have had success this spring. In the interview portion of the show, Ben is joined by BHA's Land Tawney and Rachel Schmidt to talk about the 2021 Rendezvous and why gathering to celebrate public lands means much more this year. Enjoy. Connect withBen onMeatEaterandInstagram MeatEater onInstagram,Facebook,Twitter, andYoutube ShopThe Hunting Collective Merch Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

In this week's episode, Ben and Phil are joined by First Lite's Conservation Manager Ford Van Fossan to discuss the Trek for Turkeys 2021 and how it all benefits the NWTF. In the interviewportion of the show, Ben is joined by Shane Mahoney to reflect on past conversations, discuss the desire to possess animals, and get an update on the Wild Harvest Initiative. Enjoy. Connect withBen onMeatEaterandInstagram MeatEater onInstagram,Facebook,Twitter, andYoutube ShopThe Hunting Collective Merch Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

On this week's episode, Ben and Phil check in with California chapter leader Nurry Hong to talk about what's happening in his state, including an inspiring story of a disabled hunter who's kicking ass in the field. In the interview portion of the show, Ben chats with his favorite vegan and animal rights believer Dr. Robert C. Jones about whether animal rights ideologies could actually be translated into amodel for conservation. You can find Robert's work by clicking here. Enjoy. Connect withBen onMeatEaterandInstagram MeatEater onInstagram,Facebook,Twitter, andYoutube ShopThe Hunting Collective Merch Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

On this week's episode, Ben reports back on his turkey success in Texas and his pure, unadulteratedexcitement for the rest of the season. The guys also cover the philosophicaldebate that is sit/git versus run/gun and update the progress of THC's regional chapters. In the interview portion of the show, Sam Soholt checks in with his top turkey hunting destinations and his new conservation campaign. Enjoy. Connect withBen onMeatEaterandInstagram MeatEater onInstagram,Facebook,Twitter, andYoutube ShopThe Hunting Collective Merch Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

In this episode, Ben and Phil are joined by writer and turkey expert Tony J. Peterson to talk tactics and help Phil prepare for his first hunt. Enjoy. Connect withBen onMeatEaterandInstagram MeatEater onInstagram,Facebook,Twitter, andYoutube ShopThe Hunting Collective Merch Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

On this episode, Ben and Phil break down the creation of regional chapters for THC and what it means for the future. The guys are joined by Nebraska chapter leader Luke Reeves to give everyone all the details they need to join. Enjoy. Connect withBenandMeatEater Ben onInstagram MeatEater onInstagram,Facebook,Twitter, andYoutube ShopThe Hunting Collective Merch Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

On this week's episode, Phil the Engineer is out sick, so Ben is joined by Brian Lynn of the Sportsmen's Alliance to talk about a troubling documentary about wildlife killing contests and the progress with our regional chapter work. In the interview portion of the show, Ben is joined by Cornell University's Dr. James Tantillo to discuss the ethics and morality around contests in the hunting world and how to spot a bullshitter. Enjoy. Connect withBenandMeatEater Ben onInstagram MeatEater onInstagram,Facebook,Twitter, andYoutube ShopThe Hunting Collective Merch Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

On this week's episode, Ben and Phil check in with the amazing progress of THC's regional chapters. In the interview portion of the show, writer and journalist Patrick Durkin details the drama around Wisconsin's recent wolf hunt and why he considers it a failure. Enjoy. Connect withBenandMeatEater Ben onInstagram MeatEater onInstagram,Facebook,Twitter, andYoutube ShopThe Hunting Collective Merch See for privacy information. Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.

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