The Fox News Rundown

The Fox News Rundown

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The FOX News Rundown is the place to find in-depth reporting on the news that impacts you. Each morning, Mike Emanuel, Dave Anthony, Lisa Brady, Jessica Rosenthal and Chris Foster take a deep dive into the major and controversial stories of the day, tapping into the massive reporting resources of FOX News to provide a full picture of the news.  Plus, every evening The FOX News Rundown: War On Ukraine brings you up to date reporting and analysis on the crisis unfolding in that country and on the weekend, you’ll hear everything that’s going on in the beltway with The FOX News Rundown: From Washington and special uncut, unedited interviews with The FOX News Rundown: Extra.  Each day The FOX News Rundown features insight from top newsmakers, along with FOX News reporters and contributors, plus a daily commentary on a significant issue of the day. Check us out twice a day, every day.FOX News Rundown: War On Ukraine:With Russia launching a full-scale invasion against its sovereign neighbor, The FOX News Rundown is there to provide in-depth coverage on the conflict. Every evening The FOX News Rundown: War On Ukraine provides up to date reporting and analysis on the crisis unfolding in that country. With insight from experts and reporting from correspondents on the ground, The FOX News Rundown brings you everything you need to know about the armed conflict.

The First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, addressed a bipartisan group of lawmakers today. Zelenska presented Congress with pictures of civilians killed by Russian forces and told them that "Russia is destroying our people." FOX's John Saucier speaks with FOX News correspondent Gillian Turner about the speech and how the visit could help Ukraine's plight. Click Here To Follow 'The FOX News Rundown: War On Ukraine' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Most pollsters and political analysts are predicting Republicans are set to retake the majority in the House of Representatives come November. The U.S. Senate is a different story and is expected to be a much more competitive fight between the parties. Countless states are labeled toss-ups; however many believe the GOP has pickup opportunities in Georgia, New Hampshire, and in Arizona where a closely contested primary will take place on August 2nd. Venture capitalist and Trump-endorsed U.S. Senate candidate in Arizona, Blake Masters has surged recently in the polls, and he joins the Rundown to discuss the case against the Democratic incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly, his plan for regulating Big Tech and the importance of a GOP win in Arizona. Democrats have concerns about the current political climate amid high inflation and the President's low approval ratings. Although it's typical for the President's party to lose seats during the midterms, Democrats are hopeful that by taking action on ...

As Vladimir Putin meets with leaders of Iran and Turkey, Russia's defense minister issues a new warning that his forces will 'step up' operations across Ukraine. Meanwhile, the war grinds on in the eastern part of the country and atrocities against mankind continue to mount. FOX's Eben Brown speaks with Ambassador William B. Taylor, Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine and vice president, Russia and Europe at the U.S. Institute of Peace, about Putin's trip to Tehran and how the world can hold those accountable for human rights violations committed during this conflict. Click Here To Follow 'The FOX News Rundown: War On Ukraine' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

President Biden left Jeddah, Saudi Arabia this past weekend without any pledge from Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman about increasing oil production from the region, an objective that had been a major goal of the Middle East trip. One Biden administration energy adviser recently suggested gas prices are set to fall dramatically in the U.S. however the important question is, how long will it stay this way? U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana joins the podcast to explain what the Biden administration needs to change to help Americans struggling to pay energy and gas bills, why the U.S. cannot trust Iran and the necessity for a global strategy to take on foreign tyrants. Uvalde officials have released police body cam footage from the shooting at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas. A Texas State House investigation led by State Rep. Dustin Burrows claimed to have found "systemic failures" in the law enforcement's response to the shooting. The delay in response time has left many ...

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has fired two senior members of his administration, including the head of his security agency, saying there was a failure to purge Russian spies from their departments. Incompetence and out and out treason are said to have been major reasons for Ukraine's forces losing control of the city of Kherson. FOX's John Saucier speaks with Dr. Rebecca Grant, President of IRIS Independent Research and FOX News Contributor, about the firings, what they mean and Kyiv's latest request to upgrade their air power capabilities. Click Here To Follow 'The FOX News Rundown: War On Ukraine' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

As Americans continue to grapple with high gas prices, President Biden has taken his first presidential trip to the Middle East in hopes of working with Saudi Arabia to increase oil production. The President's four-day trip to Saudi Arabia and Israel was also dedicated to seeking stronger relationships in the region -- including a controversial meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Texas Republican Congressman Jodey Arrington joins the Rundown to explain why he believes the President's trip could 'project weakness on the world stage.' He also discusses hard-hitting issues affecting Americans at home, such as the crisis at the Southern border and record-breaking inflation. The restaurant industry has not been immune to the impact of rising prices. With inflation above nine percent, the service industry has seen restaurant goers eating out less and menu prices fluctuating. Chef David Burke is a culinary expert who owns eighteen restaurants, and he joins the Rundown to e...

U.S. inflation hit a 40-year-high in the month of June, rising to 9.1 percent. On Wednesday, President Biden addressed Americans who have been grappling with high prices at the grocery store and gas pump, saying the latest "inflation reading is unacceptably high" and vowing to give the Fed "the room it needs to help it combat inflation." Hours after the number came out, FOX News Contributor and Wall Street Journal Senior Writer Jon Hilsenrath joined Jessica Rosenthal explains why our current inflation crisis appears to be worse than many feared and how the Fed will likely address it. And to give perspective on today's economic woes, Hilsenrath also looked back at the massive inflation spike in the early 1980s and how that problem began and eventually ended. Due to time limitations, we could not include all of the conversation in our original segment. On the FOX News Rundown Extra, you will hear our entire interview with the Wall Street Journal's Jon Hilsenrath. Learn more about your...

The Congressional Committee for the January 6thattack on the U.S. Capitol will continue to hold hearings into next week. Following testimonies from new witnesses, the panelhas beenfocusing on former President Donald Trump's efforts to stay in power in the final weeks of his presidency and his alleged role in bringing violent rioters to Washington, D.C.FOX News Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergramshares the key takeaways from the hearings thus far, what Americans can expect to learn moving forward and how the outcome of the trial could shift public opinion. The COVID-19 pandemic changed not only everyday life for most Americans, but the geography of the country's economy as well. As states recover from the pandemic at different rates, red states are experiencing somewhat of a renaissance compared to those that are blue.Wall Street Journal Reporter Josh Mitchellexplains why certain states are becoming more attractive to both families and companies alike, how expenses and pandemic-...

President Biden began his historic trip to the Mideast earlier this week. As Israel prepared for his arrival, FOX News Radio's Eben Brown spoke with the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Fleur Hassan-Nahoum about her expectations for the trip and what progress she hoped to see from it. Fleur Hassan-Nahoum also discussed Israel's relationship with the region, Biden's administration's policies toward Palestine and the current state of her city. Due to time limitations, we could not include the conversation in our weekday editions of the FOX News Rundown, but we can let you listen to it all here on the FOX News Rundown Extra. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

President Biden visits Saudi Arabia this weekend and questions of stability in the region have been raised. The murder of Jamal Khashoggi still looms large along with numerous otherhumanrights violations committed by the Saudi government.Former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Joseph Westphaldiscusses the significance of the President's trip to the region, why creating new relations with the Saudis is critical and how the visit could lead to stability within the region. With issues like economic security, border security and abortion rights on the forefront, voters are gaining motivation for a competitive fight for the U.S. Senate in November. And in the fallout of the Roe v. Wade overruling, the political landscape behind the Arizona Senate race has shifted.Arizona Attorney General and Republican Senate Candidate Mark Brnovichdiscusses the importance of upholding election integrity, his lack of concern around polling and why his deep-rooted Arizonan principles make him the best cand...

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