The Eve's Drop

The Eve's Drop

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Women talk. And it gets real. There will be drama. There will be truth. There will be questions. There may be some tears and more laughs. This is what happens when women talk. Hosted by Delamar Arias, Monica Francesca Tobias, and Gelli Victor. Produced by Jude Rocha.

Once upon a time there was a manghuhula and it was where some of us went for advice, guidance, and comfort during turbulent times. Right now #WeTheEves prefer a drink in hand, conversation and whatever is streaming on the internet but it sure was fun going back to days of future past.

Parents are turning into teachers as online learning kicks into high gear this school year. #WeTheEves are no exception. Find out how we respond to a new challenge facing our communities during a pandemic.

Per usual, our mapped out program flow got derailed into a wholly unplanned agenda. Lust. Find out the who, what and how as #WeTheEves give in to a few delights.

1h 9min

Planning to fly the coop and live independently? #EvesGang share their experience and what it may take for something this major to happen. Episode 80 (Season 8) is all about the moves.

Kumu-nity Qs
1h 39min

A game of 'Who's Most Likely To' highlights the return of #EvesGang to live streaming app Kumu. Find out how it plays out–– what we think about each other and ourselves, and why diamonds are indeed a girl's best friend.

What would you tell your 20 year old self? The #EvesGang dive head on; bringing back memories, more questions and interesting admissions. We laugh. We cringe. We can see clearly now.

To most of life's questions, we may already have the answers. For some of our predicaments, we know what to do but we refuse to act. Listen as the #EvesGang tackle break-ups, entanglements and why there is no one else we can count on but ourselves.

Group check: how's everybody doing? The #EvesGang sound off on a listener's question and discuss how we can show compassion in a time when everything can be so triggering. We need to see the light at the end of the tunnel and have faith that things will be alright.

The #EvesGang went live on Kumu, a Filipino made streaming app. We discussed what to do with unwanted hair during quarantine, played a round of Would You Rather and somehow amassed 6,000 diamonds, a few lechon and other bits along the way.

We broke one of the commandments. Well, we didn't really bear false witness or lied, but we engaged in a ton of chismis. Listen and enjoy our sins -- juicy and naughty as it should be. God will judge us soon enough.

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