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The Ed Mylett Show showcases the greatest peak-performers across all industries in one place, sharing their journey, knowledge and thought leadership. With Ed Mylett and featured guests in almost every industry including business, health, collegiate and professional sports, politics, entrepreneurship, science, and entertainment, you'll find motivation, inspiration and practical steps to help you become the best version of you!

This week I’ve invited DEAN GRAZIOSI back to talk about a different kind of HEALTH PROBLEM facing every single person in this country right now. There’s UNCERTAINTY with the ECONOMY right now and we are in a RECESSION, what should you be thinking and doing? I’ve had a ton of people reach out to me about this in recent months, and it’s time to DIG DEEPER, get some ANSWERS, and give you STRATEGIES you can put into action to lessen the impacts of what’s happening now and what’s to come. Every news outlet is stoking fears about inflation, a looming recession, and a global economy fighting to maintain strength during serious worldwide issues and so many polarized camps in America. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? You’re about to find out… Dean has been through times like these before. He is in constant contact with some of the other BRIGHTEST MINDS on these subjects, and that’s why you need to listen to what he’s got to say. You’ll get a download about how to PROTECT yourself and SURVIVE through what’s to come and how you can go on offense and THRIVE amidst all the chaos. Dean is also going to give you real ACTIONABLE ADVICE about how to INVEST IN YOURSELF and level up on your MENTAL TOUGHNESS by shifting to an OPPORTUNITY MINDSET. Dean pulls no punches by telling you how you can UNFREEZE YOURSELF, overcome fears and feelings that you’re not worthy of success, and how you can USE YOUR PAIN to change your story. You’ll hear some important thoughts about POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ENERGY and how you should channel each of them. I can’t stress enough how important our discussion is about this. To wrap things up, Dean talks about the differences between his first and second marriage and what he’s done to improve THE MOST IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP in his life. We cover a lot of ground this week, and every minute of it will HELP YOU, no matter what’s to come… Go to to sign up for the Time To Thrive Challenge!

This week we’re going to go straight to the HEART of the matter. LITERALLY. I have been searching for answers about HEART HEALTH for a long time now. Those of you who follow me on a regular basis know I have some heart issues. So not only is this going to be a great download about heart health for you, but it’s also an especially personal episode for me as well. That’s because this week’s guest saved my life. Let me repeat that…SHE SAVED MY LIFE! Just as important, since HEART DISEASE is a leading cause of death worldwide, what you hear this week will impact you and many people you know. And what you’ll learn could SAVE YOUR LIFE too. My guest, DR. AMY DONEEN, is an internationally recognized leader in the prevention of HEART ATTACKS, STROKES, AND DIABETES and is the owner and medical director of The Heart Attack & Stroke Prevention Center (HASPC) in Spokane, Washington. Dr. Doneen is also the co-founder and a principal instructor in the BaleDoneen Method, a genetically guided, precision-medicine approach to preventing, detecting, and treating cardiovascular disease. And she has written a must-read book, HEALTHY HEART, HEALTHY BRAIN. I GUARANTEE you’ll think differently about your heart health after listening to this week’s episode. Dr. Doneen wastes no time in giving you practical information about life-threatening symptoms you should watch for. We spend time talking about… …the RED FLAGS for a heart attack …why the right BLOOD PRESSURE is critical for long-term health …the role of CHOLESTEROL and LIPOPROTEINS in your body …what FAT DEPOSITS in the eyes mean …and the connection between ORAL and ARTERIAL HEALTH You’re going to get an important BIOLOGY LESSON on how all your vital organs and body systems work in concert with each other. Dr. Doneen is going to teach you about your ARTERIAL HIGHWAY SYSTEM, how PSYCHOSOCIAL HEALTH AND BRAIN HEALTH are linked, and why it's important for those systems to function well so that you can improve your heart health. Is there a DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE this week? ABSOLUTELY! And her message is simple… If you want to LIVE LONGER, learn about your heart, and take care of it like your life depends on it. Because…it does.

I think one of the hardest things to do in life is to connect with ALL OF OUR EMOTIONS. Many of us work hard to deny or block out what we perceive to be BAD emotions. What people don’t realize is that EVERY EMOTION serves a purpose, whether SADNESS and SUFFERING or JOY and BLISS. Emotions are often paired…UP AND DOWN are two sides of the same mental makeup. If you struggle and sometimes, you’re OVERWHELMED trying to deal with melancholy feelings or depression, pay close attention to what you’re about to hear. That’s because my guest this week, SUSAN CAIN, is an expert at understanding these intense negative feelings and learning how to better manage emotions, especially those that can undermine our happiness. She is the #1 bestselling author of “Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole” and “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” which has been translated into 40 LANGUAGES, spent EIGHT YEARS on The New York Times best-seller list, and w...

This week's show is quite possibly the most incredible story I’ve ever heard. You are going to be riveted and you will never forget this conversation! 13 years ago to the day that we recorded this interview, my guest was sentenced to life in prison! Yes, life in prison for my guest Damon West. Damon’s story will make you uncomfortable at times. But ultimately, his story is all about OVERCOMING EXTREME ADVERSITY, TRANSFORMATION, and REDEMPTION. Do you want to learn how to turn your life around? This interview Is a master class! At 20, Damon was the starting quarterback at the University of North Texas when he suffered a career-ending injury. A few years later while training to be a stockbroker, Damon got hooked on methamphetamines, and he became the mastermind of a burglary ring to support his addiction. Eventually, he was arrested and sentenced to 65 years in a Texas maximum security prison. In prison, Damon got SOBER, went through a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING, and started down his true life’s calling which he continued to build on after his parole more than 7 years later. Today he is a much sought-after speaker and best-selling author including co-writing “The Coffee Bean: A Simple Lesson to Create Positive Change.” with JON GORDON. Damon pulls no punches in a series of brutally HONEST stories when sharing his life and the mistakes he’s made. You’ll hear first-hand exactly what it feels like to be found guilty of major crimes, how he fought to survive and eventually THRIVE in prison, and how Damon turned his time in prison into an OPPORTUNITY. Be sure to listen to how he used the analogy of being like a COFFEE BEAN (yes, a coffee bean) as a critical part in changing his victim mindset to one of HOPE and redemption. In one of my favorite parts of this episode, Damon reveals his thoughts about GRATITUDE, his mission to HELP OTHERS, and why RESILIENCE is essential to living your best life. This week, pay attention to a man who has lived life on the edge in many ways, good and bad. Damon’s past and present are filled with LESSONS that will make you STOP, THINK, and help you FIGURE OUT how you can lead a better life, too.

This week we talk about life. This episode is going to cause you to really evaluate what’s IMPORTANT to YOU, WHO and WHAT MATTERS and maybe a few of your priorities will shift. I invited one of my best friends into the studio for a wide-ranging talk about important parts of YOUR LIFE that you may not usually pay much attention to. Jenna is special, dispensing life advice through her enormously successful podcast, as an acclaimed author, educator, and thought leader. She’s got a new book out, HOW ARE YOU, REALLY? LIVING YOUR TRUTH ONE ANSWER AT A TIME, which is all about what it means to live a life that doesn’t just LOOK GOOD, it FEELS GOOD, too. For those of you who are feeling your life is off track now, Jenna is going to help you right your ship and get back to living your best life. It’s okay to be a HARD CHARGER, but as Jenna explains, never underestimate the need and the importance of REST. Rest is counter to what many success-driven people are programmed to do, but you need to find it or run the risk of crashing hard. Jenna also delves into why it’s important to know yourself better and what questions you need to ask to make that happen. Am I HAPPY? What does SUCCESS look like for me? Am I FAKING enjoying life? How CONFIDENT am I? We also get into SEASONS of your life and TIPPING POINT MOMENTS where what used to make you happy may not be the case as much anymore. We’re also going to ask you to think about BURN OUT. Are you a person who can function even when you’re burned out? What are you doing to RECHARGE your mind and body because sooner or later, burnout will catch up to you. Some of you also don’t have the best relationship with your bodies. Pay attention to what Jenna has to say about the relationship between your soul and your body. How many of you fear losing MOMENTUM? Jenna’s got some great insights if that’s one of the things you’re worried about, too. We also spend a lot of time talking about your VISION about what you want for your life. When was the last time you thought about... How do you block out DISTRACTIONS? How do you handle OTHER PEOPLE’S IDEAS about what you should do? Does your vision vibe with your VALUES and YOUR IDEA OF SUCCESS? And most important, when was the last time you CHECKED IN WITH YOUR VISION and asked HOW SHOULD IT FEEL? So many BIG QUESTIONS to think about this week! Don’t just listen to what Jenna has to say. Absorb it. Process it. And then take the actions you need to give a great answer when somebody asks you, “How are you, really?”

This week’s guest, ALAN STEIN JR., is all about what it takes to MAX OUT. If you’ve often thought you need more MENTAL TOUGHNESS in your life to give you added discipline, cohesion, and accountability, pay close attention and take a lot of notes. This is the NEXT-LEVEL episode you’ve been waiting for. We’re going to spend an hour talking about what it takes to be more than the best…we’re going to talk about what it takes to be the GREATEST OF ALL TIME, no matter what you do. There’s a GOAT mentality, and Alan will REVEAL all the things it takes to turn you into a fire-breathing COMPETITIVE WINNER. Alan has been all about PRODUCING RESULTS for two decades now. For more than 15 years, he worked with some of the highest performing basketball players on the planet, including KOBE BRYANT, STEPH CURRY, KEVIN DURANT, and a lot of other household names. He is also one of the world’s foremost authorities on what it takes to improve individual and organizational performance and leadership. He has also authored two highly successful books, RAISE YOUR GAME and his newly released SUSTAIN YOUR GAME. Are you ready for an insider’s take on Kobe’s MASTERY OF THE BASICS? You’re going to be blown away by Alan’s “Kobe at 4 am” story. Do you want to be the ABSOLUTE BEST while still avoiding burnout? Want some world-class advice on how to FOCUS better? Alan will also get into the critical skill of developing PROCESSES AND STANDARDS as a key part of being a high achiever. He also talks about using STRESS and managing ENERGY to YOUR ADVANTAGE instead of falling into traps in those areas like so many people do. We’re also going to spend time talking about VISUALIZATION, which I practice regularly. You’ll also get practical advice in the form of THREE STEPS you must take to effect change in your life. Alan is all about how vital the proper MINDSET is in helping you achieve a MAXXED OUT life. When you can practice several of the things you’ll hear this week, you’ll soon be on your own GOAT journey as well.

I’ve made some of you cry in recent weeks. This week, my goal is to make all of you LAUGH and really help you LEARN. Wanna truly know how to GROW your social media? Like really? Or maybe you really wanna know how to get from where you are to where you DREAM of going? What is a real strategy and the real thoughts of somebody who transforms their life? Whether you wanna transform your life or explode your social media I have a full-blown expert this week. And you’re gonna laugh your ass off. My guest is TANK SINATRA, aka George Resch, and he’s been lighting up Instagram for the past few years with a sharp-witted combination of the best of the best memes he finds online and a good dose of his own commentary and original content. Tank is the self-described Michael Jordan of memes (who has more than 11 MILLION FOLLOWERS on his various platforms, banking 4 BILLION IMPRESSIONS A YEAR and making him the #1 MEME CREATOR in the history of social media! On the surface, Tank just THINKS FUNN...

Last Friday, for the first time ever, I shared in detail how my father overcame the challenges of alcohol addiction to become the living embodiment of what it means to live a ONE MORE LIFE. I dedicated my new book, THE POWER OF ONE MORE, to him to honor his memory and say thank you for all the life lessons he taught me. HUMILITY. COMPASSION. KINDESSS. SERVICE TO OTHERS. LOVE OF FAMILY. …and so many more. He understood the FRAGILE NATURE OF LIFE, as we all do a lot more this week after the recent events in Texas. My father lived his life filled with GRATITUDE, always seeking ways to help ONE MORE PERSON, and in doing so, set an example for me that I try to live up to every day. Remember this… Your world becomes more precious and magnified when you live your life according to THE POWER OF ONE MORE. Because you never know when those ONE MORES will end. Do not live your life with regrets. Do not live your life with “what ifs.” Live a ONE MORE LIFE…

TRAUMA and PAIN takes on many forms and is an extraordinary CHALLENGE many of us face daily. This week, my guest GABBY BERNSTEIN and I are going to talk about PAIN and TRAUMA, digging deep into a subject that’s affected a lot of us. In fact, I talk to a lot of people, and I’ve seen how we’re collectively reeling from trauma more than ever. That’s why I asked Gabby to sit down and shed light on a topic that remains elusive and damaging for many people. We’re going to unmask the nature of trauma, and Gabby will help you TAKE MORE CONTROL of your life and HEAL from the traumas that are hurting you. Gabby is well qualified because she's no stranger to trauma. She’s overcome extreme challenges in her life, including the difficult battle of beating addiction and getting sober several years ago. Since then, she’s published several NEW YORK TIMES bestselling books on spirituality, personal growth, and radical life change, including her new book HAPPY DAYS, THE GUIDED PATH FROM TRAUMA...

This is THE most emotional conversation of my lifetime... We have flipped the script this week. I’ve asked one of my truly dearest friends, Jamie Kern Lima, to GUEST HOST the show and interview ME about my highly anticipated new book, THE POWER OF ONE MORE, coming out June 1. (You can pre-order now). As you might guess, Jamie knows me really well, so not only am I fielding some questions that only Jamie knows to ask, I’m also going to REVEAL things I’ve never told anyone before, publicly or privately. Nothing was off the table! Jamie and I are going to give you a big sneak peek on some of the things you’ll read in my new book, THE POWER OF ONE MORE, coming out of June 1. I WROTE THIS BOOK TO HONOR MY DAD. He was a KIND AND LOVING MAN who battled alcohol addiction early in my life. Throughout the years, my dad became the person who had the most profound influence on my life. After he beat his addiction, for 35 years, HE TAUGHT ME LESSONS, many of which are in the book… lessons t...

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