The Dogg Zzone by 1900HOTDOG

The Dogg Zzone by 1900HOTDOG

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88 聲音
Comedians and Garbage Archaeologists Seanbaby and Robert Brockway unearth and discuss pop culture artifacts that should never have been.

Seanbaby tricks Brockway and guest Adam Ganser by telling them "we're going to discuss cool cats," and when they showed up ready to dish on Dean Martin and Heathcliff, he sprung Derek Savage's Cool Cat on them. It's a crime in most states.

Seanbaby and Brockway bring in Turbo Adult Tom Reimann to discuss Turbo Teen -- the ONLY 1980s cartoon about a kid undergoing an agonizing transformation into a Trans Am that showed you every second of the torture from multiple angles. T-T-Turbo Teen!

Seanbaby and Brockway found out Lydia Bugg had never seen Flash Gordon so they dropped literally everything else in their lives and ran to their microphones to record this podcast about somebody experiencing Flash Gordon for the first time. You're welcome.

Seanbaby invites guest expert Pat Contri on to delight and horrify Brockway with the cautionary tale of the Intellivision Amico, the only scam that's also a console!

Seanbaby sent Brockway and special guest Dennard Dayle mysterious packages and demanded they not open them until he authorized it. This is how many crimes and all the best podcasts start!

In their continuing quest to prove the 2000s were the worst decade, Seanbaby and Brockway once again point to a vile reality TV show -- this one about about lie detectors and ruining marriages. The perfect guest? Friendly neighborhood sweetheart Alex Schmidt!

Seanbaby puts on his best navy blazer and crash helmet to host an episode of Dumber than Real -- the only trivia game where you won't learn anything! Brockway and special guest Hana Michels square off in a game where anything goes, so long as it's stupid. Or dumb!

Seanbaby continues cataloguing the downfall of western society through the metric of 2000s reality shows. Joining him in this research are the esteemed Dr. Brockway and special guest, Jamie Kelly PhD, PhD. Up today: WB Superstar, the singing contest that was secretly an evil prank on the mentally ill.

Brockway likes anime, but does not trust it. So he tricks Seanbaby and guest Lydia Bugg into watching the worst PG-13 anime he could find, and then asks the question: "Is it wrong, to like anime?" The answer may surprise you! It's yes!

Brockway has a question: If Seanbaby and guest Jason Pargin are so fuckin' smart, why didn't THEY write Mountain Monsters? He gives them that chance in this special FREE bonus episode!

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