The Doctor Is In Podcast

The Doctor Is In Podcast

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Renowned authors and experts Dr. A.W. Martin and Dr. A.P. Martin of the Martin Clinic share advice on how a back to basics approach to nutrition can have you feeling better and prevent disease.

It’s unbelievable how prevalent colorectal and colon cancer have become. The number of cases is causing havoc in our society today! Dr. Martin talks about what is destroying our guts in today’s episode. Another way to put it is, what makes your gut susceptible to cancer? Or what destroys your microbiome? Number one reason on the hit parade is crappy food… sugars and crappy carbohydrates! Nothing will destroy your microbiome quicker than processed foods. What we eat has changed dramatically over the last 50 years and Dr. Martin explores how that’s affecting our gut.

Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners. Some of today’s topics include: Cirrhosis of the liver Achilles tendonitis Macular degeneration Palm oil Elliptical trainers Food poisoning Progesterone creams Goat vs. cow milk Vitamin C High blood pressure and inflammation

You probably never think of your thymus gland and likely don’t know of its purpose. A new study came out showing that this small little insignificant gland actually has a purpose. The research showed that the thymus gland is actually like a university. It’s a bootcamp for your white blood cells! Join Dr. Martin in today’s episode as he teaches about the thymus gland and the role it plays in how our body functions. In Dr. Martin’s words, it’s absolutely incredible!

Dr. Martin recently wrote an article that's just been published. He looks at food choices and asks if our choices are creating deficiencies. In the article, Dr. Martin focuses on kidney health and talks about 4 things that are detrimental to your kidneys. The number one thing is a lack of water, H2O. Your kidneys are like Niagara Falls flowing all the time. You need to remain well hydrated if you want your kidneys to function properly! Dr. Martin also focuses on sugar as something that’s detrimental to your kidneys. Don’t believe it? Ask a diabetic. Join us in today’s episode to learn what the remaining items are.

Dr. Martin likes to share with listeners the news behind the news, the stories the mainstream media is unlikely to report on. Case in point this new study talking about the difference between plant and animal protein. The study looked at the absorption of protein from plants versus that of chicken. What they found was that the body absorbed the protein from chicken better than the plant protein. Protein is king. It's the king of the castle and when it comes to the nutrients we need. Why not choose the one your body absorbs better?

Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners. Some of today’s topics include: Nutmeg vs. oil of oregano B12 or B Complex Type II collagen Bone broth Sleep apnea Fixing bunions SIBO & malabsorption Skipping rope vs. rebounder Mineral sunscreens & zinc Protein intake

It’s being reported that 45 to 60% of patients seen in the emergency room are deficient in potassium. This is a dangerous situation! There are certain electrolytes that we all need. Potassium, magnesium, and sodium are all very important for our bodies. Dr. Martin looks at why so many people are deficient in electrolytes like potassium in today’s episode. He also explains how dehydration and a lack of water can affect your heart’s electrical grid. The vast majority of people who have a heart attack is when their heart goes into afib.

Dr. Martin talks about one of his favourite subjects of all time… coffee! Just in the last week three new studies have come out on coffee. Today, Dr. Martin looks at coffee and its effect on the thyroid gland. The thyroid is a complicated, finicky organ and at the Martin Clinic we call it a puppet, because of all the strings attached to it. So many things can affect the thyroid, so much so that it’s difficult to diagnose a problem with your thyroid. In today’s episode, Dr. Martin looks specifically at how cortisol affects the thyroid and how coffee helps lower cortisol.

It was John Denver who sang that sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy. Dr. Martin thinks of that song whenever the sun is shining. Recently Dr. Martin shared some news that the FDA was recalling lots of sunscreens because of their carcinogenic effect. Now, a new study is showing that people who use sunscreen are much more susceptible to melanoma than people that don't use it. Join Dr. Martin as he shares a combination of studies on sunshine, why it works, and what it does when you get it on your skin. Exposure to the sun is so good for you, and there’s no need to be afraid of it.

Many doctors automatically put young women on birth control to regulate their periods, and more times than not, those pills contain estrogen. Estrogen is a growth hormone. It’s what makes ladies beautiful, but too much estrogen is a bad thing. If you’ve followed Dr. Martin for any time, you know how he’s interested in hormonal balance. Finding this balance is a tightrope walk for most women. Your levels of estrogen and progesterone need to be in balance. Join Dr. Martin as he talks about birth control pills and what it means to be too much of a woman!

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