The David McWilliams Podcast

The David McWilliams Podcast

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The aim of this weekly podcast is to make economics easy, uncomplicated and accessible. With the world at a political, technological and financial tipping point, economics has never been so important to all of us and yet, it’s made inaccessible and complicated by so many.

I’ve always thought what is complicated is rarely important and what is important is rarely complicated.

That will be our motto.

Every week we are going to tease out some big economic or political issue facing us, not just here in Ireland but in Europe and further afield. Globalisation has brought us all together. We all face similar challenges whether you live in Dublin, London, Minnesota or Milan.

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Bit of a macroeconomic-fest this one. We examine currency crises and why currency collapses could become contagious. We are heading into strange economic times, expect far more currency crises than the mainstream expects. Watch this space in the Autumn. Expect debt forgiveness ahead. Plus this week we have a new slot: my answers to your questions on Patreon. See for privacy and opt-out information.

China is hurtling towards recession. This is a dramatic shift in the global economy which will have huge unforeseen consequence for the economy. Plus, last week Sony Kapoor outlined why the economically, financially and politically next ten years won’t be any like the last two or three decades. See for privacy and opt-out information.

For financial markets, the last three decades of easy money is officially over. Sony Kapoor joins us to tease out the world economy at this inflection point. Fascinating, wide ranging, optimistic and urgent. You'll love this one! See for privacy and opt-out information.

It’s finally happening! The "chaos monkey" is gone, but the chaos remains. We look at the trilemma facing the next British leader or as I prefer to call it the "inconsistent triplet" at the heart of UK policy making.What comes next for the UK? See for privacy and opt-out information.

Today’s pod is going to be slightly eccentric, we’re going to look at the world’s big events of the last year through the eyes of one of the world’s best satirist: Gary Shteyngard. In this wide ranging interview we’ll cover everything from Russia to Covid - and everything in between! See for privacy and opt-out information.

As Patti Smith sang, People have the Power. The economic pendulum is swinging from capital to labor, from profits to wages, and these shifts never happen smoothly, markets - previously priced profits -freak out, central banks no longer support companies' P/L and we are in for a tumultuous few months, as the world digest what is happening.Economies, demographics, realpolitik & technology always change the face of our society, so are we now at the moment where the worker reclaims his and her pricing power? See for privacy and opt-out information.

Metaverse, web 3.0 and NFTs have been appearing everywhere online in the last year - but what exactly are they? And perhaps more importantly, what do their arrival mean for our daily lives? Today we try to simplify it all with the help of Tim O’Reilly See for privacy and opt-out information.

Today’s episode looks at the long & the short of Ireland’s transformation. Through a series of choices we have carved a unique place within Europe - where do we go next? See for privacy and opt-out information.

Have things really changed? Is Ireland really that different than it was? What are the personalities that have marked our history? Through a wide ranging conversation with Fintan O’Toole we explore these topics to bring the spirit of Ireland to life in an unexpected way. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Today we’re bringing you a unique conversation that I had with John Collison over the weekend where I got to ask him a wide variety of questions covering innovation, crypto, macro-trends for the internet and even flying cars! See for privacy and opt-out information.

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