The Damage Guild | A D&D Podcast

The Damage Guild | A D&D Podcast

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Do you like jokes, adventure, killing things, and friendship? Of course you do! The Damage Guild is an actual-play Dungeons & Dragons 5E (5th Edition) podcast with a focus on collaborative storytelling, character-driven narrative, and improv comedy shenanigans. Join us for new episodes every Monday, so you can kiss those weekend blues goodbye and get pumped to slay the dragon of your everyday life!

What our heroes thought was the safety of the Sapphire Sabre has been infiltrated by individuals who are clearly up to no good. Tokas gets persuaded. Shabba shields the helpless. Azlo chain-heals.

Our heroes imagined themselves safe within the walls of the Sapphire Sabre's Guildhall, but they will soon think again. Shabba keeps his distance. Azlo gets nicked. Tokas makes the save.

The party returns to the city above, making a desperate bid to convince high-ranking members of the Sabre to confront the cultist threat beneath their feet. Tokas takes some new magic for a spin. Azlo adorns his brow. Shabba makes an appeal.

Our heroes thought they had escaped? They had no idea! Azlo pushes the puddle. Tokas sees through the red. Shabba seals the hatch.

The party's escape plan begins to unravel immediately. Tokas draws a crowd. Shabba lays down some carpeting. Azlo ensorcels the skies.

Our heroes have the cult expedition party right where they want them. Or do they? Azlo takes command. Shabba stacks stones. In Tokas' darkness, there can be no light.

The disembodied voice has a special announcement for our heroes. Shabba pens a heartfelt letter. Tokas devises a pinch point. Azlo practices regality.

The portals beckon our heroes forth. Azlo makes the first move. Shabba loses a part of himself. Tokas proposes the unthinkable.

Moving the chains proves a worthy challenge for our heroes, as a mechanical menace closes in. Shabba stands stalwart. Tokas gnomes up. Azlo lends a hand (or two).

Our heroes have found themselves entangled within a twisting contraption of iron and stone. Shabba puts his back into it. Tokas marvels at ancient tech. Azlo gets cable.

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