The Convergence Enigma with Josh & Stefan

The Convergence Enigma with Josh & Stefan

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There are phenomena that exist all around us. Kids playing and above something unknown flies over and disappears. People driving at night, seeing huge creatures cross the road. People waking up to find their kitchen is disarray. Strange things happen every day around the world and seemingly at the same time and area. But are these occurrences connected? This is what we, Josh & Stefan, are here to explore and are trying to understand. Join us on our journey to uncover, what we call, "The Convergence Enigma". Support this podcast:

It’s The Convergence Enigma with Josh & Stefan! This week the boys are welcoming to the show, John Yost, Director/Writer/Producer of the incredible documentary, Alien Abduction; Answers, for a very candid interview on his personal abduction experiences and the making of this film! Tune in now and discover how all things paranormal play into what Josh & Stefan call…The Convergence Enigma. Listen every Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Audible, Spotify, Stitcher, Pandora, iHeartRadio, and more! Just search The Convergence Enigma or go to https://www.theconvergenceenigma.comto listen now! For more info on all the shows and podcasts on the Fearscape Media Network visit #JohnYost #AlienAbductionAnswers #Aliens #Abduction #UFO #UAP #QuantumHypnosis #Fortean #UFOTwitter #Convergence #Enigma #Podcast #PodNation --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voice message:

It’s The Convergence Enigma with Josh & Stefan! This week the boys are welcoming to the show, Luis Jimenez, host of the Unidentified Celebrity Review, for a very candid interview on high strangeness! Also, this week the boys take a look at a UAP sighting and the boys both have some Creepy Catch-Up!. Tune in now and discover how all things paranormal play into what Josh & Stefan call…The Convergence Enigma. For archived episodes visit For more info on the Unidentified Celebrity Review visit #LuisJimenez #UnidentifiedCelebrityReview #Paranormal #UFO #UAP #Podnation --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

The Convergence Enigma with Josh & Stefan is back! This week the Spooky Crew are taking a look at the very strange and very paranormal trilogy of documentaries from Chad Calek, the Sir NoFace Trilogy. From ghosts to entities to aliens to men in black to conspiracy, you do not want to miss this one! Tune in now and find out how this topic plays into what Josh & Stefan call…The Convergence Enigma. To listen now or for more info on the Convergence Enigma and for archived episodes visit Listen every other Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Audible, Spotify, Stitcher, Pandora, iHeartRadio, and more! Just search The Convergence Enigma! For more info on all the shows and podcasts on the FearScape Media Network visit #SirNoface #TwoFaceTheGrey #Alien #Greys #ChadCalek #UFOTwitter #Convergence #Enigma #Podcast #PodNation --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voi...

It’s The Convergence Enigma with Josh & Stefan! This week the boys are welcoming to the show, Kendra Star, spokesperson for the Lycionians, an alien race of humanoids/wolves that wish us peace and prosperity. We talk of the history of our planet, the war between the Lycionians and the Draconians, Hollow Earth, and so much more. Tune in now and find out how this and all things paranormal play into what Josh & Stefan call…The Convergence Enigma. Listen every Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Audible, Spotify, Stitcher, Pandora, iHeartRadio, and more! Just search The Convergence Enigma or go to to listen now! For more info on all the shows and podcasts on the Fearscape Media Network visit #Lycionians #Lycans #HollowEarth #dERO #tERO #Aliens #UFO #UAP #Cryptid #Fortean #UFOTwitter #Convergence #Enigma #Podcast #PodNation --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --...

It’s The Convergence Enigma with Josh & Stefan! This week the boys are welcoming back to the show, UFOlogist and Author, Kathleen Marden, the niece of Betty & Barney Hill, to talk about her new book. Tune in now and find out how all things paranormal play into what Josh & Stefan call…The Convergence Enigma. Listen every Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Audible, Spotify, Stitcher, Pandora, iHeartRadio, and more! Just search The Convergence Enigma or go to to listen now! For more info on all the shows and podcasts on the Fearscape Media Network visit #KathleenMarden #Aliens #UFO #UAP #Fortean #UFOTwitter #Convergence #Enigma #Podcast #PodNation --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

The Spooky Crew got the incredible opportunity to interview one of the most talented authors of our time, Andrea Perron. You may know Andrea as the oldest daughter of the Perron Family that suffered through an immense haunting that lasted nearly a decade. Their experiences led to the famed Ghosthunters and Demonologists, Ed & Lorraine Warren to investigate. This became the story that inspired the 2013 film, The #Conjuring . #AndreaPerron #Warrens --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

The Convergence Enigma with Josh & Stefanis back! This week the Spooky Crew is Digging Deeper into Doc Side Media with its founders, Chris & Tyler! You do not want to miss this one! Tune in now and find out how this event plays into what Josh & Stefan call…The Convergence Enigma. To listen now or for more info on the Convergence Enigma and for archived episodes visit Listen every Wednesday at 9pm EST on Apple Podcasts, Audible, Spotify, Stitcher, Pandora, iHeartRadio, and more! Just search The Convergence Enigma! For more info on all the shows and podcasts on the Fearscape Media Network visit #Docsidemedia #UFOTwitter #Alien #UFO #UAP #Fortean #Convergence #Enigma #Podcast #PodNation --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

It’s The Convergence Enigma with Josh & Stefan! This week the boys are digging deeper into the life and experiences of Behind the Paranormal’s co-host and Author, Ben Eno! Also, this week the boys take a look at a very spooky Sasquatch sighting and Stefan even has some Creepy Catch-Up!. Tune in now and discover how all things paranormal play into what Josh & Stefan call…The Convergence Enigma. For archived episodes visit For more info on Behind The Paranormal visit #BenEno #PaulEno #BehindTheParanormal #Paranormal #UFO #UAP #Podnation --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

It’s The Convergence Enigma with Josh & Stefan! This week the boys are digging deeper into the life and experiences of Spaced Out Radio’s host and creator, DAVE SCOTT!. Also, this week the boys invite the Jersey Devil to host Cryptid of the Week and introduce his friend, Gator Man. Tune in now and find out how all things paranormal play into what Josh & Stefan call…The Convergence Enigma. To listen now or for more info on the Convergence Enigma and for archived episodes visit Listen every Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Audible, Spotify, Stitcher, Pandora, iHeartRadio, and more! Just search The Convergence Enigma! For more info on all the shows and podcasts on the FearScape Media Network visit For more info on Spaced Out Radio visit #DaveScott #SpacedOutRadio #UAP #UFO #UFOTwitter #PodNation --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --...

It’s The Convergence Enigma with Josh & Stefan!This week the boys are getting to know the creator and producer of an amazing UFO centric YouTube channel, Jay from Project Unity. They talk about his experiences with CE5 and UFOs as well as his thoughts on Disclosure and so much more.Also, this week the boys have a frightening Encounter from the FearScape from a listener all the way in Scotland!Tune in now and find out how Jay's experiences and all things paranormal play into what Josh & Stefan call…The Convergence Enigma. Visit Project Unity at #ufo #uap #ufotwitter #paranormal #ce5 #podnation --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

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