The Contractor Fight with Tom Reber

The Contractor Fight with Tom Reber

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The Contractor Fight Podcast challenges contractors to live unafraid & motor against mediocrity. It's time to pick a fight and take back our dignity. It's time to wage war on the mindsets that hold us back from business and personal success.

Today’s guest on the show is Michelle Myers, founder of Pink Callers. Pink Callers is an administrative support solution that assigns CSR (Customer Service Rockstars) to support your business remotely. Their service helps you manage calls, emails, chats, CRMs, etc., as well as schedule sales appointments. In this episode, we talk about… About Pink Callers and how it helps you grow your business The difference between traditional answering service and the service provided by Pink Callers Clients who Pink Callers would like to work with Tips for contractors on running their businesses efficiently The amount of time it takes a CSR to manage your customer service Resources: = Pink Callers: = Join us in BATTLEGROUND – Everything your contracting business needs in one comprehensive program with three main focus areas: Leadership, Communication, and Numbers. For more info, check out: = The profit you earn starts with the stories you tell. Most contractors will never build their empire because they're telling the WRONG stories. Join us this September in Denver, and learn how to control your story and your profit. = Get your free copy of Tom's book Winning the Contractor Fight (Just pay to ship): = Connect with other contractors building stronger businesses in The Contractor Fight: = Grab the Gear: = Find Us on Social Media: YouTube: Instagram:

Tom and Steve discuss the importance of roleplaying in your sales process and how it can help you sell more. Learn how to use roleplaying to make your communication with the client smoother and close more deals. In this episode, we talk about… Common mistakes people make while trying to sell The difference between being pushy and aggressive and being assertive The right way to communicate with the clients How does the customer want to be treated Roleplay of how a conversation with a client should go Resources: This episode is sponsored by Andersen, manufacturer of the iconic 400 Series Windows: Need to level-up your sales game? Check out Contractor Sales Pros on Facebook: == Join us in BATTLEGROUND == Up your sales game! Find everything your contracting business needs to price, sell and produce for profit in one comprehensive program - BATTLEGROUND. For more info check out: == Get your free copy of Tom's book Winning the Contractor Fight (Just pay to ship) == == Connect with other contractors building stronger businesses in The Contractor Fight: == Grab the Gear == == Find Us on Social Media == YouTube: Instagram:

A little progress every day adds up to big results! Tom encourages you to live life mindfully, be intentional about the moments you have, and strive to become better every day. In this episode, we talk about… Taking action every day to improve yourself The things Tom does every day that helps him to grow Never wasting a moment Resources: == Whether you are struggling or succeeding in your business, there is always something you can learn and apply to take it to the next level. Attend the Mile High-Profit Summit and gain some valuable insights on how to grow your business: If you enjoy the podcast please consider leaving us a rating and share the show with a fellow contractor: Follow Tom on Instagram: == Join us in BATTLEGROUND == Everything your contracting business needs in one comprehensive program with three main focus areas: Leadership, Communication, and Numbers. For more info check out: == Get your free copy of Tom's book Winning the Contractor Fight (Just pay to ship) == == Connect with other contractors building stronger businesses in The Contractor Fight: == Grab the Gear == == Find Us on Social Media == YouTube: Instagram:

Tim and Nicole introduce Life Constructed Podcast — the first podcast hosted by a female within The Contractor Fight. The podcast will offer great insights from people working in the construction and trades industry on how to become better leaders, business owners, etc. In this episode, we talk about… The fundamental insight coaching that Nicole provides An overview of The Life Constructed Podcast Essential Insights Assessment Tool and how it helps you develop personally and professionally Resources: Greg Dempsey, GC with Stonehill Builders - Tim Cutroni, Pond Builder with New England Aquatic Landscapes - Download The Contractor’s Guide to Spotting a Cheap Prospect BEFORE They Waste Your Time and never hear “we need to think about it” again! == Join us in BATTLEGROUND == Everything your contracting business needs in one comprehensive program with three main focus areas: Leadership, Communication, and Numbers. For more info check out: == Order your free copy of Tom's book Winning the Contractor Fight (Just pay to ship) == == Connect with other contractors building stronger businesses in The Contractor Fight: == Grab the Gear == == Find Us on Social Media == YouTube: Instagram:

Intuition is something we all have, but not everyone listens to it or chooses to listen to it! Dan talks about following your gut and knowing your limitations. In this episode, we talk about… Bad decisions Dan made because he didn't follow his instincts Trusting your gut while making important decisions Resources: == Check out Contractor Sales Pros on Facebook. The place to ask questions and share strategies and best practices to help each other get better as salespeople in the construction industry: == Join us in BATTLEGROUND == Everything your contracting business needs in one comprehensive program with three main focus areas: Leadership, Communication, and Numbers. For more info check out: == Get your questions answered and connect with other contractors building stronger businesses in The Contractor Fight: == Grab the Gear == == Find Us on Social Media == YouTube: Instagram:

Sunny and Tom answer your questions about generating leads without social media, priorities for a company with less than 1.5 million in revenue, and how to build a great company culture and maintain it. Question1: How to generate leads effectively without social media? Have a good website that answers all your customers' questions and talks about pricing etc Produce a lot of relevant and search engine-friendly content Develop relationships with local influencers Put yourself in front of people — pound the phones and the pavement Question 2: What are the most important priorities for a company with revenues under 1.5 million? Do a great job on every single project regardless of how much money you're making The capital that you need to build your business is happy customers - they'll refer you, give reviews, etc Question 3: How do you build a great culture and keep it alive once you've created it? Have a clear vision of how you want to show up in the world as a company Set the standard, and be the example for others to follow Communicate the core values of the company to your team Be firm but fair Reward the behavior you want more of Resources: Submit your questions to with the subject “Podcast” and Tom and Dan will try to answer them on an upcoming show. Visit our sponsors of this episode, NiceJob. NiceJob is Reputation Marketing software that will help your business collect 2-3 times more reviews on Google, Facebook, and the platforms that matter. Don’t forget to use code “Fight” for $50 off the first month on new accounts! Are you stealing money from your family because you aren’t charging enough for your services? Discover what you SHOULD be charging. Download our 50% Gross Profit cheat sheet: == Join us in BATTLEGROUND == Everything your contracting business needs in one comprehensive program with three main focus areas: Leadership, Communication, and Numbers. For more info check out: == Order your free copy of Tom’s book Winning the Contractor Fight (Just pay to ship) == == Grab the Gear == == Find Us on Social Media == YouTube: Instagram:

Tom talks with John Capozzi of Remodeling Wizards of Maryland, a remodeler in Maryland who is currently in transitioning phase of his business. Before joining the contracting industry, he worked as the vice president of a multi-million dollar company in the food service industry. In this episode, we talk about… How did John end up in the contracting industry when he was already running a multi-billion dollar food service company John's learnings from working in the food service industry that he applies to his contracting business The challenges of transitioning a business Recession-related lessons for people who have never been through one Turning a business over to a family member Advice to someone who is younger and sees things differently and approaches it with an elder Resources: = Remodeling Wizards of Maryland: = Join us in BATTLEGROUND – Everything your contracting business needs in one comprehensive program with three main focus areas: Leadership, Communication, and Numbers. For more info, check out: = The profit you earn starts with the stories you tell. Most contractors will never build their empire because they're telling the WRONG stories. Join us this September in Denver, and learn how to control your story and your profit. = Get your free copy of Tom's book Winning the Contractor Fight (Just pay to ship): = Connect with other contractors building stronger businesses in The Contractor Fight: = Grab the Gear: = Find Us on Social Media: YouTube: Instagram:

“Where your attention goes, energy flows, and results show.” Tom and Derek share with you how to get what you want by giving your attention to what you want more. In this episode, we talk about… Giving attention to the things that you want more The analogy of parking space to explain how your attention affects your results Advice for people whose sales are suffering Typical mistakes made by most contractors or salespeople The rewards system to make progress Resources: This episode is sponsored by Andersen, manufacturer of the iconic 400 Series Windows: Need to level-up your sales game? Check out Contractor Sales Pros on Facebook: == Join us in BATTLEGROUND == Up your sales game! Find everything your contracting business needs to price, sell and produce for profit in one comprehensive program - BATTLEGROUND. For more info check out: == Get your free copy of Tom's book Winning the Contractor Fight (Just pay to ship) == == Connect with other contractors building stronger businesses in The Contractor Fight: == Grab the Gear == == Find Us on Social Media == YouTube: Instagram:

Is there anything you are holding back, anything you are not letting go of? By limiting something in your life, you're limiting the impact and potential growth you can have. Tom encourages you to let go of the things you're holding back and live unafraid. In this episode, we talk about… Limiting something in your life limits your potential growth Letting go of the thing you've been holding onto Stop holding back, live unafraid, and win the moments Resources: == Whether you are struggling or succeeding in your business, there is always something you can learn and apply to take it to the next level. Attend the Mile High-Profit Summit and gain some valuable insights on how to grow your business: If you enjoy the podcast please consider leaving us a rating and share the show with a fellow contractor: Follow Tom on Instagram: == Join us in BATTLEGROUND == Everything your contracting business needs in one comprehensive program with three main focus areas: Leadership, Communication, and Numbers. For more info check out: == Get your free copy of Tom's book Winning the Contractor Fight (Just pay to ship) == == Connect with other contractors building stronger businesses in The Contractor Fight: == Grab the Gear == == Find Us on Social Media == YouTube: Instagram:

Comparison is a toxic habit we all do that will never lead us to a happy place — comparison is the thief of joy! Tim and Greg talk about what comparing yourself to others does to your mind and how you can reframe it. In this episode, we talk about… The habit of comparison is toxic Rather than comparing yourself to others, let others compare themselves to you Doing what's best for you in your life. Resources: Greg Dempsey, GC with Stonehill Builders - Tim Cutroni, Pond Builder with New England Aquatic Landscapes - Download The Contractor’s Guide to Spotting a Cheap Prospect BEFORE They Waste Your Time and never hear “we need to think about it” again! == Join us in BATTLEGROUND == Everything your contracting business needs in one comprehensive program with three main focus areas: Leadership, Communication, and Numbers. For more info check out: == Order your free copy of Tom's book Winning the Contractor Fight (Just pay to ship) == == Connect with other contractors building stronger businesses in The Contractor Fight: == Grab the Gear == == Find Us on Social Media == YouTube: Instagram:

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