The Coaching Habit Podcast

The Coaching Habit Podcast

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Box of Crayons' Senior Partner, Michael Bungay Stanier talks to inspiring leaders and thinkers about how they find, start, and sustain their Great Work.

Dave Stachowiak is the host of the Coaching for Leaders podcast, a top-rated careers podcast on iTunes that's downloaded over 150,000 times every month. He's also the founder of the Coaching for Leaders Academy, an exclusive, year-long leadership development cohort for managers, executives and business owners who want to develop leadership excellence— and empower each other. In this episode, Dave explains how he helps leaders make great friends and creates the space for great conversation.

Aicha Evans is the senior vice president and chief strategy officer at Intel Corporation. Here, she shares her best question aimed at helping people become both more aware and self-aware.

Chris Ducker is a serial entrepreneur and bestselling author. He's also launched and grown three businesses that house over 400 full-time employees, internationally. In this interview, Chris explains the connection between being a Youpreneur and who you are, how you're working, how you want to work and who you want to work with.

Ron Carucci is co-founder and managing partner at Navalent. In this interview, he poses an intriguing question aimed at gauging self-awareness and getting a leader in touch with their desire for impact.

Aicha Evans is the senior vice president and chief strategy officer at Intel Corporation and is driving Intel's long term strategy to transform it from a PC-centered company to a data-centered company. In this episode, she explores why organizations need to constantly evolve. The identification of common goals can serve as a foundation for this change, and help the various parties tackle any challenges along the way.

Want to reach your goals? Who can help you along the way? Selena Soo helps people connect to influencers, and as a marketing and publicity strategist, she knows the value of relationships. In this interview, Selena poses a question that draws on those very relationships.

Ron Carucci is co-founder and managing partner of Navalent, where he works with CEOs and executives pursuing transformational change for their organizations, leaders and industries.In this episode, Ron explores the importance of picking client partners and constructing transformational journeys.

Desiree Adaway,Principal at The Adaway Group, poses a provocative question that encourages us to examine how people might use their privilege and live their values.

Michael Leckie believes that our ability to learn and engage with our fellow human beings is the catalyst for transformation. In this interview, he reflects on giving people the tools and the space that can spark change.

Feeling stuck? As a designer, Ayse Birsel relies on creativity. In this interview, Ayse shares her favourite question that seeks to understand what inspires other people and how this can be used to help them design their lives.

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