The Child Repair Guide with Dr. Steve Silvestro

The Child Repair Guide with Dr. Steve Silvestro

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In The Child Repair Guide, pediatrician and dad Dr. Steve Silvestro brings the wisdom and insights of the world's best childhood health and wellness experts directly to parents in one trusted source--to give parents the best tools possible to raise happy, healthy, confident kids.

Plenty of parents jumped for joy on October 7th when Pfizer asked the FDA to grant Emergency Use Authorization to give its COVID-19 vaccine to kids aged 5–11. While the official EUA approval hasn't yet been announced, the timing of when kids can potentially get the vaccine has led many parent to wonder whether the COVID vaccine can be given with the flu shot, or if some sort of spacing is needed. In this episode, I break down a recent study that gives us the answer! Important links: SHARE this episode as an article and a podcast: SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel: FOLLOW me on Instagram: @zendocsteve REGISTER for my Mindfulness for Parents Online Course at BUY my "Love Is Bigger" t-shirt here

People seem to think that sleep problems are only for babies. The moment you bring your newborn home, people start asking "How much sleep are you getting?"—and the question is more annoying than the lack of sleep! No one asks you that once you have a toddler or your kid's in school—and yet kids at these ages are often just as difficult to get to bed when they're supposed to. Enter: My 6 tips for getting kids to bed on time. This is an episode I've been asked to record for years, and I'm glad to be getting it out to you now—because we all need the sleep! You can share the article & audio version of this episode by sharing this link: A few items mentioned in this episode (purchasing through these links helps support The Child Repair Guide): The Philadelphia Chickens album The Original Tot Clock My somewhat famous & well-loved Cloud Story

As part of the huge response to the last episode (thank you!) in which I broke down the new CDC guidelines on how vaccinated and unvaccinated people can mix, I received dozens of emails and Instgram messages from people asking questions about how the PB&J Method applies to their family's particular situation. Many of those questions had common themes—and I bet those themes are questions you might have, as well. In this episode, I present the latest data to answer those questions & help you navigate this new world where some people (adults!) are vaccinated and others (kids!) are not. You can SHARE the article version of this episode here: You can BUY your own "Love Is Bigger" t-shirt or tote HERE:

Now that the COVID vaccine rollout is well under way around the world—and the light at the end of the tunnel is within grasp!—we're still left with one wrinkle: How to handle gathering with family & friends when some people have gotten the vaccine and some haven't? This is especially important for families, as kids aren't likely to be able to get the vaccine until this fall or even this winter. I break down the CDC's guidelines, PLUS give you a super-simple way you can figure out what's safest for every possible situation: The Peanut Butter & Jelly Method. Hear me out on this—it'll make total sense! You can share this episode as both a podcast and and article by sharing this link: ***And for listeners of the podcast, a special coupon to take 20% off my Mindfulness for Parents Online Course! Use the coupon code PODCASTand sign up at

I can't believe it, but The Child Repair Guide is celebrating a HUGE milestone! And to celebrate, I've dug deep into the archives to share a topic that I know impacts almost every family. I've said before that my job as a pediatrician & host of this podcast is to not just make all the parenting missteps myself, but to research the solutions & share what I find with you. Well, this one is a prime example! If this episode strikes a chord with you, take a screenshot of your podcast player as you listen, post it to your Instagram story & tag me @zendocsteve! You can share this episode by sharing the link Hey, I designed a t-shirt! Get your 'Love Is Bigger' t-shirt right here!

With many areas approaching the dates and metrics they've set for reopening school—or back at school already—the question of schools' role in COVID spread has weighed heavily on many parents' minds. Well, it turns out that 50% of kids in the U.S. have been at school in-person, in one form or another, since the fall—and the data is in. I take a look at what we currently know, trying to tackle what has become an emotional topic for many, and shed some light on what we know works—and exactly what doesn't. You can share this episode as both a podcast AND an article by sharing this link: Find me on Instagram @zendocsteve and on YouTube at

It goes without saying that the ability to manage stress and recover from trauma would certainly come in handy these days. For parents, these skills of mental resilience are important even in “normal times,” as our kids learn how to handle challenges and stress by watching what we do in front of them. And yet the very act of being a parent—dealing with tantrums, poor sleep, questions about behavior and big decisions to make—is stressful in and of itself. How can parents learn to manage stress in a healthy way that’s also good for their kids? My guest in this episode has an answer. Elizabeth Stanley, PhD is Associate Professor of Security Studies at Georgetown University, a military veteran, author, and the creator of Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training. And in her most recent book, Widen the Window: Training Your Brain and Body to Thrive During Stress and Recover from Trauma, Dr. Stanley outlines a powerful approach to help you cope with stress, become less driven by compul...

We are finally here—the end of 2020 & the start of 2021! But the truth is, we can’t walk into 2021 hoping to reset the clock back to what life was like in 2019. This year changed us—and we need to let its lessons sink in and choose how we want to use them to direct us as we move forward. This episode explores how you can honestly assess what was good and bad, positive and painful for your family this year—and how to sort out new priorities for your family in the year ahead. TAKE $25 OFF the Mindfulness for Parents Online Course with the code NEWYEAR—sign up at and start your year off on the best foot possible! If this episode resonates with you, SHARE it by sharing the link

This is a super-special & super-exciting episode! At long last, vaccines against COVID-19 are being rolled out and administered. Parents have been asking me a host of questions, and I'm answering as many as I can right here. This episode goes over everything we currently know about how this vaccine's new approach works, its effectiveness and safety, plus the little we know about it for kids and pregnant or breastfeeding moms. Take a screenshot of your podcast player, post it to Instagram, and tag me @zendocsteve! You can share this episode by sharing the link Start the new year with the right mindset - Register for my Mindfulness for Parents Online Course here!

Perhaps the greatest challenge we all face as we grow up is finding our identity—figuring out who we are and who we want to become. It’s no easy task—some of us adults (maybe even most of us?) are still trying to figure this out. But the challenge is even greater for cross-cultural kids & teens. Whether they’ve lived in several cultural environments, have parents whose cultures are different from that of where they live, or have multiple cultural backgrounds in their families—cross-cultural kids & teens have a wealth of ingredients mixed in together to create the recipe of who they are. Their challenge is to figure out what that recipe becomes—and it’s the challenge of their parents to sort out how and how much to help them along the way. My guest today is Dr. Anisha Abraham. As a physician, educator, and parent, Anisha helps teens to discover their strengths, focus on their wellbeing, and successfully navigate a changing world.In this conversation, we talk about tips from he...

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