The C Word

The C Word

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A monthly comedy podcast where I surprise my friends with a wild conspiracy and try to convince them that it's true! Then they yell at me and call me an idiot.

Show Notes History Channel Voiceover Guy: Could Earth's Moon be an Ancient Alien Spaceship constructed eons ago? Scientists: No History Channel Voiceover Guy: Could it be that Ancient Aliens hollowed out Earth's moon to monitor humans? Scientists: No History Channel Voiceover Guy: Could it be that Ancient Aliens placed the Moon in a highly improbable orbit ? Scientists: No Ladies and Gentlemen; we're back, and we give you: "Spaceship Moon." It's our first time back in the studio together in a calendar year! The energy was high and the irreverence was flowing. I tried to pick an absolutely insane topic to really get the boys going on this episode. I think it was a great success. The C Word Theme Song was recorded for us by@nekronomijonwho is a great friend of the show, that gave us an amazing John Carpenter does the X-Files theme that we LOVE. So go check out Jon's amazing solo work as well as his compositions for GRIND MIND's collection of Horror Short Films! We are also now proud m...

Look, up in this sky! It's a bird... It's a plane.... It's an interdimensional ultra-hypersonic unidentified aerial phenomenon! To close out this stinker of a year, we've got an extended discussion on the 2004 USS Nimitz "tictac" UFO/UAP encounter. We talk about Tom Delonge and the TTSA as well as Cmdr. David Fravor's interview as told on the Joe Rogan Experience. As usual, it devolves into a string of tenuously related tangents.... Enjoy! (and Happy New Year!) Articles: The C Word Theme Song was recorded for us by @nekronomijon who is a great friend of the show, that gave us an amazing John Carpenter does the X-Files theme that we LOVE. So go check out Jon's amazing solo work as well as his com...

Everybody welcome our very special guests GRIND MIND to the show this month! GRIND MIND are a local film production company, and connoisseurs of all things macabre. They’ve got an amazing catalogue of horror shorts which you can view here: Their first fully funded horror film “Mummering Legends” is soon set to commence filming! Follow their adventure here: & & Since it's October, I decided to invite the spooky crew over to chat about possibly one of the most terrifyuing places on planet Earth, Skinwalker Ranch! Since Skinwalker Ranch is such a varied topic, we really covered to gamut with this one. We've got Aliens, Demon Water Babies, Immortal Zombie Direwolves, Nightwolf from Mortal Kombat, and a plethora of entities so terrifying that merely mentioning them can cause some seriously bad vibes. As a...

The thrilling conclusion to Megalithic Polygonal Architecture. This one has cocaine and mummies! We get into Pre-Columbian contact with Americas, we talk about out of place artifacts and other oddities. This episode helps give some context clues as to how it may have been possible for an ancient civilization to span the globe millennia ago. Ryan's connection drops out and he misses most of the show. I conclude the show with the "ace up my sleeve" - It involves nautical monkeys. If that's not a hook for ya, I don't know what to say. As is tradition, pictures of all this stuff an my script are located in the .pdf attached to this post! To learn much much more, go check out our good friends Brothers of the Serpent! Website Twitter The C Word Theme Song was recorded for us by@nekronomijonwho is a great friend of the show, that gave us an amazingJohn Carpenter does the X-Filestheme that we LOVE. So go check out Jon's amazing solo work as well as his compositions for GRIND MIND's collecti...

Show notes .pdf Sacsayhuaman: Pumapunku: Mycenae, Greece: Join us as we plunder the depths of history looking at many ancient Megalithic sites such as Pumapunku, Sacsayhuaman, Egypt, Japan, Turkey, Malta, all the heavy hitters! In this episode I try to convince the lads that an ancient civilization that predates all accepted civilizations once traversed the globe, exploring, building massive megalithic structures, and much more! As is tradition, pictures of all this stuff an my script are located in the .pdf attached to this post! To learn much much more, go check out our good friends Brothers of the Serpent! Website Twitter The C Word Theme Song was recorded for us by@nekronomijonwho is a great friend of the show, that gave us an amazingJohn Carpenter does the X-Filestheme that we LOVE. So go check out Jon's amazing solo work as well as his compositions for GRIND MIND's collection of Horror Sho...

All the pictures we discussed can be found here: SHOW NOTES Zack's "Renderings" After I took them on a tour of Cydonia last episode, I bombard them with a plethora of images captured by various probes and satellites of the Martian surface. The results, and their reactions are pretty surprising. Pictures for all the stuff we discuss are available in the .pdf attachment. The C Word is also brought to you byparanormalityradio.comcheck out their amazing paranormal podcast directory! Get the show AD-FREE: Patreon:cwordpod The C Word Theme Song was recorded for us by@nekronomijonwho is a great friend of the show, that gave us an amazingJohn Carpenter does the X-Filestheme that we LOVE. So go check out Jon's amazing solo work as well as his compositions for GRIND MIND's collection of Horror Short Films! ----more---- We are also now proud members of#podnationon twitter. Check out all the shows here:Podnation #Podnationis a group of indie podcasts spanning extremely varied genres! ----more--...

Pictures and full show notes: HERE Did an ancient alien civilization live on Mars eons ago? We kinda think so. Topics: History of Martian study/Exploration Possible examples of Martian life Smokin' weed in the 1970's at NASA The Face on Mars Astral Projection onto Mars via dream Huge thanks to Podcorn for sponsoring this episode. Explore sponsorship opportunities and start monetizing your podcast by signing up here: The C Word is also brought to you byparanormalityradio.comcheck out their amazing paranormal podcast directory! Get the show AD-FREE:Patreon:cwordpod ----more---- The C Word Theme Song was recorded for us by@nekronomijonwho is a great friend of the show, that gave us an amazingJohn Carpenter does the X-Filestheme that we LOVE. So go check out Jon's amazing solo work as well as his compositions for GRIND MIND's collection of Horror Short Films! ----more---- We are also now proud members of#podnationon twitter. Check out all the shows here:Po...

Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things. Show Notes // References Marvin John Heemeyer Born October 28, 1951 was an American welder and an automobile muffler repair shop owner who demolished numerous buildings with a modified bulldozer in Granby, Colorado on June 4, 2004. This event would go down in history as the "Killdozer Rampage" I thought it'd be fun to tell the boys a story about a man who society pushed too far. On the 16th anniversary let's all look back on this momentous occasion. We debate whether he was a folk hero or a two-bit terrorist. Sheldon flip-flops so hard at one point we bully him into leaving the show. Enjoy! ----more---- Huge thanks to Podcorn for sponsoring this episode. Explore sponsorship opportunities and start monetizing your podcast by signing up here: The C Word is also brought to you by paranormalityradio.comcheck out their amazing paranormal podcast directory! Get the show AD-FREE:Patreon:cwordpod ----more--...

SHOW NOTES Over the last 30 years The Simpsons has cranked out some of the best, and not so best entertainment. However, some fans allege that hidden within the episodes are predictions or messages and warnings from the future about certain world events. In this episode we look at a list of some of the more popular “messages” and I try to convince the guys that Matt Groening was a secret Time Traveler and The Simpsons predict the future! The List: 1. Three-eyed fish — Season 2, Episode 4 2. The censorship of Michelangelo's David — Season 2, Episode 9 3. Letter from The Beatles — Season 2, Episode 18 4. Siegfried and Roy tiger attack — Season 5, Episode 10 5. Horsemeat scandal — Season 5, Episode 19 6. Autocorrect — Season 6, Episode 8 7. Smartwatches — Season 6, Episode 19 8. The invention of The Shard — Season 6, Episode 19 9. Robotic librarians — Season 6, Episode 19 10. The discovery of the Higgs boson equation — Season 8, Episode 1 11. Disney buys 20th Century Fox —...

In this series we will be delving into pop-culture conspiracy theories. We will consider some of the most interesting fan-theories about our favourite movies and TV shows, ranging from the plausible to the downright bizarre. In the second ever episode of Fan Theory Friday I turn the mic over to my lovely wife Adrienne as she guides us through the theory that the Simpson family are all secretly geniuses that are hiding their intelligence in order to stay happy. Surprisingly, I hadn't heard the theory before, and when you've spent your entire life immersed in a particular fandom, it's really fun to explore it from an angle you hadn't thought of. If you have a fan theory that you'd like us to cover on the show, message us atcwordpod@gmail.comor find us on twitter/instagram @cwordpod The C Word Theme Song was recorded for us by@nekronomijonwho is a great friend of the show, that gave us an amazingJohn Carpenter does the X-Filestheme that we LOVE. So go check out Jon's amazing solo work ...

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