The Best One Yet

The Best One Yet

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The daily pop-biz news show making today’s top stories your business. 15 minutes on the 3 biz stories you need, with fresh takes you can pretend you came up with — Pairs perfectly with your morning oatmeal ritual. Hosted by Jack Crivici-Kramer & Nick Martell.

KFC is launching their first chicken nugget in their 92 year history — because the window for their chicken loyalty is closing fast. With extreme heat ravaging Europe, people are turning to climate change duct tape: Air Conditioners. And Netflix’s shrinkage continued for a second-straight quarter, so it should initiate Code Red: Make Fewer Shows. $YUM $NFLX $CARR Follow The Best One Yet on Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok: @tboypod And now watch us on Youtube Want a Shoutout on the pod? Fill out this form Got the Best Fact Yet? We got a form for that too Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

A judge just ruled that Subway can be sued over its tuna sandwich… So it’s time to discuss “The Barbra Streisand Effect.” After 10 years, Snapchat just launched on a web version — and it’s a Zoom-eater. And airline’s just reported earnings, which can be summed up with one single flight: Delta flew a plane from London to Detroit only filled with lost bags. $SNAP $DAL $UAL $AAL Follow The Best One Yet on Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok: @tboypod And now watch us on Youtube Want a Shoutout on the pod? Fill out this form Got the Best Fact Yet? We got a form for that too Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Beyonce has finally joined TikTok, but the real story here is how TikTok’s beating Google. The NYTimes and Hasbro are turning Wordle into a physical board game, because they’re playing chess while their copycats play checkers. And Big Tech’s management style is taking a page from old school Jack Welch: Less “Cool Mom,” more “Hunger Games.” $HAS $NYT $GOOG $META Follow The Best One Yet on Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok: @tboypod And now watch us on Youtube Want a Shoutout on the pod? Fill out this form Got the Best Fact Yet? We got a form for that too Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Budweiser was the exclusive beer sponsor of the Super Bowl until today — and that made Molson Coors the most creative beer in advertising. The founder of Oculus has a new plan: Become Iron Man (he’s pulling a Tony Stark in real life). And if you enjoy the heated seats in a BMW, you’re gonna have to pay extra for them… because BMW is jumping into Fee-tail with a Fee-ocracy. $TAP $BUD $BMWYY $META Follow The Best One Yet on Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok: @tboypod And now watch us on Youtube Want a Shoutout on the pod? Fill out this form Got the Best Fact Yet? We got a form for that too Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Tinder just acquired a dating app so exclusive, we couldn’t even jump in TBOY-style — Because dating isn’t about love, it’s about time. Ducks… Cavemen… and the Geico Gecko… There is a secret strategy behind insurance mascots and sports. Inflation just hit a level so high, we’re going full myth-busters on how we can lower gas prices. $MTCH $KHC $BRK.A $PRU\ Follow The Best One Yet on Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok: @tboypod And now watch us on Youtube Want a Shoutout on the pod? Fill out this form Got the Best Fact Yet? We got a form for that too Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Trivia: What startup did Spotify just acquire? Answer: A music trivia game that rhymes with Wordle (because “discovery” is audio’s biggest problem). Pepsi just revealed a shockingly strong quarter because it’s double-dipping its chips — and we’re letting them do it. And American tourists traveling to Europe are about to enjoy 18% off everything, but there are 2 sides to every coin (literally). $PEP $SPOT Follow The Best One Yet on Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok: @tboypod And now watch us on Youtube Want a Shoutout on the pod? Fill out this form Got the Best Fact Yet? We got a form for that too Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Elon Musk is canceling his deal with Twitter and here’s how we’re visualizing it: A house with termites. Truff created the most expensive hot sauce on earth, and it’s because Truff created an Instagram handle before it created a sauce. And 124,000 pages of secret Uber files just leaked that reveal just how dirty Uber’s “Move Fast & Break Things” Playbook got: “We’re illegal.” $UBER $KHC $TWTR $TSLA Follow The Best One Yet on Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok: @tboypod And now watch us on Youtube Want a Shoutout on the pod? Fill out this form Got the Best Fact Yet? We got a form for that too Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The price of everything is going up… except for the $1.50 Costco Hot Dog & Soda combo (because the co-founder will kill the CEO if it’s a penny more). HBO just made one of the biggest changes in TV ad history: Commercials you won’t hate. And SpaceX just launched wifi for yachts because it’s building Invisible Infrastructure. $COST $WBD $TSLA Follow The Best One Yet on Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok: @tboypod And now watch us on Youtube Want a Shoutout on the pod? Fill out this form Got the Best Fact Yet? We got a form for that too Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

RadioShack went bankrupt 7 years ago, but its Twitter account has never been more alive. Virgin Galactic figured out how to financially get you into space: The Mothership. And if you try to return that turtleneck to Target, they don’t want it back — just keep it. It’s the end of online returns. $SPCE $BA $TGT $WMT Follow The Best One Yet on Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok: @tboypod And now watch us on Youtube Want a Shoutout on the pod? Fill out this form Got the Best Fact Yet? We got a form for that too Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The fastest growing segment in toys… is grownups (we’re talking middle-aged fans of Legos, scooters, and dolls). Amazon just invested in GrubHub to add food delivery to Prime because nothing’s stickier than a few sweeteners. And last week the Supreme Court reached one decision that affects every industry in the US: “The Major Questions Doctrine.” $MAT $HAS $JTKWY $AMZN Follow The Best One Yet on Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok: @tboypod And now watch us on Youtube Want a Shoutout on the pod? Fill out this form Got the Best Fact Yet? We got a form for that too Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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