The Art of Likability

The Art of Likability

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Learn strategies to increase likability, build deeper relationships, become more powerful in your communication while being authentic as you create a new you that accomplishes any goal because you now can harness the power of the people around you.

Hey Likability Family, Man o man how I've missed y'all. It's time to start this back up but I want to introduce the idea of the evolution of this podcast and why I think this is going to help you even more. As I evolve, I hope you can take some valuable lessons away from it as you evolve in your own life.

Hey there Art of Likability Fam, I know it's been a long time since you've heard from me but I hope this interview helps get us started back on the right foot. I met Eli Smith and was truly impressed with what he's been able to accomplish and how he sees the world and wanted to share his story with you. Check it out!

I'm happy to welcome David Gardner from the Big Jump Podcast and ColorJar Brand Consulting and Design onto the show! David also happens to be a 6'9" former professional basketball player. This episode is all about reinvention and renewal. We must know how to reinvent ourselves too in a time when it's common for people to have 10 jobs over a lifetime (and that number is climbing)! Come make the Big Jump with David Gardner and me on the latest, freshest episode of the Art of Likability!

I wanted to update you on what's been going down in my head and join you to take part in answering this important question "What am I creating?" I want you to know I'm thinking about how to best serve you, the listener. So your feedback is super important. Please send me an email at info@artoflikability.comwith your thoughts from this podcast. Super important for the future of this programming. You. Are. Awesome! -Arel

Today on the Art of Likability, I'm overjoyed to have minister Darryl Strawberry on the show. A former MLB All-Star and World Series Champion, but his career wasn't just glamour. He could step up to the plate against an 95 mph fastball, but taking on his addiction demons was something else entirely. This is Darryl's story of his rebirth from supremely talented yet immature athlete to a grown man of God, spreading the good word on beating back addiction. Remember: You Are Awesome! -Arel

Ever wish you had 500,000 Instagram followers, or dreaming that you were richer? We tend to focus on what we lack rather than what we have. Theinherent value of what you have is immense. In the latest episode of the Art of Likability, we realize that you're probably richer than you're letting on! Please help to spread this message by leaving a review and a 5-star rating, if you enjoyed this message! Remember: You Are Awesome!

Social media is always new and exciting. Instagram, Twitter, etc give you so much optionality: there's the small chance that an A-lister could retweet you, or that an industry leader might share your content. But there's an even better resource staring you in the face. In this episode, we discuss: Your Network. Please let me know what you think of this episode and remember to like and subscribe! This helps us to grow our audience and message. Remember: You Are Awesome! -Arel

In an argument, many people automatically are looking to impose their worldview and win over the other person, but that only causes long-term resentment. Never mind that the other person is looking to win over you as well! In this episode of the Art of Likability, we discuss how to avoid those pitfalls and orchestrate a win-win for everyone! Smooth over conflict and maintain a great relationship. Curious? Let's jump in...

Ever feel that moment where you know you need to get something done, but you feel a great deal of resistance to it? It almost doesn't make logical sense! Get this thing done and you move one step closer to success! But you simply...don'! What can we do about it? In this episode of the Art of Likability, I discuss my process for overcoming resistance in order to get done the things I need to get done!

In this episode of the Art of Likability, we talk about one question that helps you to connect with someone and get a little bit of their perspective! "What's one takeaway you got from the experience?" Here's one takeaway I got from a friend: a quick tip on what contributes to joint pain and how to avoid it! How did I learn this? I eat my own cooking and used the question in this podcast! Have yourself some of this cooking and remember: YOU ARE AWESOME! -Arel

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