Tech and the Future

Tech and the Future

The harms & benefits of destructive technology, by Vivek Wadhwa.

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Disruptive technology is cool. It dazzles us with an exhilarating whiff of the future. It makes fortunes and transforms industries. But “disruption” in itself is morally neutral—for some it can mean progress and for others, destruction—or the cheap seats on the sidelines of history. 

We’re at an inflection point, says Vivek Wadhwa. Disruptive solutions like autonomous vehicles have the potential to change our lives more rapidly and on a grander scale than was conceivable in earlier centuries. So before unleashing it upon the world, we need to weigh the potential harms and benefits of each disruptive technology very, very carefully.

We’re at an inflection point. It’s time to figure out how we can use technology to uplift humankind. 

What You'll Learn

  • The growing importance of cybersecurity

  • How to evaluate the trade-offs of potentially destructive technology

  • How to dismantle barriers for women working in Silicon Valley

  • Vivek Wadwha
    Vivek Wadwha
    Distinguished Fellow at Harvard & CMU, Best-selling Author, Globally Syndicated Columnist

There was a time not all that long ago when a CEO could comfortably outsource cybersecurity to the IT department, forget about it, and sleep well at night. No more. The 2017 Equifax hack is just one of hundreds of recent examples demonstrating that lazy cybersecurity is a fundamental betrayal of your customers and your company’s mission. As Vivek Wadhwan puts it, is the CEO’s job to ensure that every bit of customer and partner data is encrypted and protected by industrial-grade security.The buck stops at the top. CEOs and senior officials can no longer outsource protection of customer data to the IT department.Today, every company needs industrial-grade security. Encryption of data—your company’s and your partners’—is key.Bring outsiders in to audit your systems. Hire hackers to break into your website. Offer a cash reward to those who pinpoint weaknesses.

Disruptive technology is cool. It dazzles us with an exhilarating whiff of the future. It makes fortunes and transforms industries. But “disruption” in itself is morally neutral—for some it can mean progress and for others, destruction—or the cheap seats on the sidelines of history. We’re at an inflection point, says Vivek Wadhwa. Disruptive solutions like autonomous vehicles have the potential to change our lives more rapidly and on a grander scale than was conceivable in earlier centuries. So before unleashing it upon the world, we need to weigh the potential harms and benefits of each disruptive technology very, very carefully.We’re at an inflection point. It’s time to figure out how we can use technology to uplift humankind. These lenses are designed to help us evaluate trade-offs:1. Does this technology have the potential to benefit everyone equally? Newfound abundance has the potential to leave some groups behind.2. Do the rewards outweigh the risks? Even seemingly inno...


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