Taking the Lid Off

Taking the Lid Off

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20 聲音
We'll be taking the lid off talking about leadership from a military perspective as well as veteran-ish issues like transitioning and finding that next chapter in your life.

Chad and Tim return to have a simple chat about having perspective and gratitude. Two things that can get you a long way in live especially these days.

In this episode I talk with my friend and security expert Justin about protecting your personal data. We talk about using secure email and messaging as well as using VPNs and browsers. Find more from Justin at https://swiftsilentdeadly.com

Since we talk transition on this show a good bit I thought it'd be appropriate to share my story. I focus mainly on the job aspect, so if you have questions about any other parts just ask in the comments.

We're back with John Karuza and talking about filing a VA claim once you've already left the military.

In this episode I talk with John Karuza (son of John Karuza from episode #3) about the VA claims process prior to transitioning from the military. We give you a general breakdown of the process as well as some tips and things to think about as you get ready for it. Stay tuned for the next episode where we'll be talking about the claims process once you're out.

This episode is just me and my mic with a short prepared piece about Memorial Day and what it is to me.

In this episode I'm talking with Cecilia Craft, a mental performance coach that I worked with while at the Special Warfare Center. Ceci's department was then known as the Special Operations Center for Enhanced Performance. She left there and worked with the Cleveland Indians for a bit and is now back there heading up the department. You can find her at the links below. allterrainproject.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_nekROA4pZgg9tU6l3SOOQ

Pat is back and this time we're talking about military transition. Pat talks about his experience and his blog, "White Belt Mindset". There's some great advice in here, so have a listen and then check out the link to his blog in the notes below. www.whitebeltmindset.com

Like to shoot? In shape? Try "The Tactical Games". Today I talk with Tim Burke, the founder of the games. I competed in the first event and it's grown immensely since then. Listen to Tim and I talk about the growth and future of The Tactical Games and then go sign up! Links below. Also look them up on social media. https://thetacticalgames.com

I'm honored to have with me this week retired SGM Kyle Lamb. For my listeners he should need no introduction, but if you need to know more just go visit www.vikingtactics.com. Kyle has his own podcast called Team VTAC podcast that I'm a subscriber to and I've listened to him talk a lot about hunting on there and it's clear that he's passionate about helping veterans. So this week we talk about transitioning from the military and hunting as a hobby. If you want to know more about Kyle's various ventures, just check out the links below and support the foundations that Kyle is involved in. If you want to see more about him, his books, VTAC products, etc just go visit www.vikingtactics.com Team VTAC Podcast wherever you listen Links to the foundations below or look them up on social media. Stay in the Fight Foundation Warrior's Heart Foundation

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