Surgery 101

Surgery 101

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Welcome to Surgery 101, a series of podcasts produced with the help of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. The podcasts are intended to serve as brief introductions or reviews of surgical topics for medical students. We've aimed to cover a single topic in between 10-20 minutes so that you can quickly get a good idea of the basic concepts involved. Every episode is divided into chapters and concludes with several key points to summarize the topic. We are always keen to receive your feedback on our podcasts, and we are accepting suggestions for additional topics. New episodes are published every Friday.'Surgery 101' was created by Dr Parveen Boora and Dr Jonathan White, and is supported by the Department of Surgery at the University of Alberta. Our 2010 series of podcasts are brought to you by the Undergrad Surgery Mobile Podcasting Studio Team which is: Jonathan, Jenni and Tracy, with the assistance of the Surgery 101 Experts of Edmonton. Note to experts: please note that these podcasts are only intended as brief introductions for medical students - we cannot delve into the more complex nuances of advanced surgery in a 10-minute podcast. We encourage all listeners to supplement their learning by seeing patients, assisting at surgeries and reading widely!

At the end of this episode, you will: Understand fundamental principles underlying various approaches to surgical treatment of the liver. Apply clinical scoring systems to decide between various treatment approaches for liver pathologies. Appreciate the interdisciplinary nature of decision making for complex liver presentations.

By the end of this episode you will be able to: List the different types of liver cancer and their epidemiology Explain how to make the diagnosis in a patient with suspected liver cancer Describe how to stage a patient with suspected liver cancer Outline the treatment options for a patient with liver cancer

After listening to this episode, you will be able to: List the most common types of benign liver lesions Outline the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of the patient diagnosed with a benign liver lesion

By the end of this episode you will be able to: Describe the anatomy and physiology of the liver Outline the pathophysiology and common symptoms of liver failure Explain how to assess and treat a patient with cirrhosis

In this episode, University of Alberta medical student Ryerson Seguin interviews oncoplastic breast surgeon Dr. David Lesniak.

By the end of this podcast, listeners will be able to: Discuss the epidemiology and natural history of benign renal masses List the most common types of benign renal masses Describe the investigations used to differentiate between a benign and malignant renal mass Describe the management of benign renal masses

At the end of this episode, you will be able to: Describe what HPV is and how it relates to cancer, in particular head and neck cancers Recognize the risk factors for HPV-related head and neck cancers Differentiate between HPV-related and non-HPV related head and neck cancers List various management and treatment options for HPV-related head and neck cancer

At the end of this episode, you will be able to: Explain the pathophysiology of a chylothorax List the common etiologies of a chylothorax Describe the assessment strategies for chylothorax Understand the treatment options available for chylothorax

At the end of this episode, you will be able to: List the common etiologies of vocal fold paralysis Recognize the common presentations of vocal fold paralysis Explain the process to diagnose vocal fold paralysis Describe the management and treatment options for vocal fold paralysis

After listening to this episode, learners should be able to: Describe the typical clinical presentation of distal radius fractures Outline the diagnosis and management of the patient with distal radius fractures

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