Summit Life with J.D. Greear

Summit Life with J.D. Greear

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The gospel of Jesus Christ is the source of our life, a deep well of grace that transforms us and propels us into the world. Join Pastor J.D. Greear each weekday to learn how the gospel can bring new life in you and through you.

In many parts of the world, faith in Jesus means losing your job, your family, and maybe even your life. But here in America, most of us never have to face that choice. And because it’s so easy to call yourself a Christian here, it’s also easy to have superficial faith. After all, it’s not hard to say you trust God until trusting him becomes a matter of life and death. But as we’ll learn, faith is always a matter of life and death—whether we realize it or not!

It’s really not hard to be a cultural Christian today in America—going to church periodically, enrolling your kids in Awana, and maybe even serving as a greeter or Sunday school teacher! But none of those things really requires faith. On this edition of Summit Life, Pastor J.D. describes the real difference between mere belief and saving faith. It’s a message from our study in Hebrews called, Christ is Better.

All of us have skeletons in our closets—past mistakes that haunt us. And whether we embrace our sins or try to hide them, apart from Christ, we’re all slaves to them. But there is hope! On this edition of Summit Life, Pastor J.D. describes the only way to be freed from sin. It’s part of our study in Hebrews called, Christ is Better.

As we continue our study of the book of Hebrews called, Christ is Better, we’re discovering how the good news of the gospel is revealed throughout the entire Old Testament. On this edition of Summit Life, we’re looking at the Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, and seeing shadows of the gospel in this sacred holiday. It all points to the blood of Jesus that takes away our guilt and shame forever!

If you’ve been in church for any length of time, you’ve probably seen people who you thought were genuinely saved and passionate about Jesus, but then they turned away from God completely. How is that possible? Once you’re saved, aren’t you secure forever? Pastor J.D. addresses that issue as he continues our series in Hebrews called Christ is Better.

Once you’ve been saved, you’re secure forever. You can’t ever lose that salvation. Or can you? As Pastor J.D. continues our series in Hebrews called, Christ is Better, we’ll find the biblical proof of true, saving faith. It may not be the most comfortable topic, but it’s absolutely essential for each of us to evaluate where we stand with God.

On this edition of Summit Life, we’re continuing our study in the book of Hebrews called, Christ is Better. We’ve come to one of those unusual passages that most people just sort of scratch their heads and ignore. It’s about a mysterious Old Testament figure named Melchizedek, who provides an important picture of Jesus’ role as High Priest and King.

Most of us are running so hard after success, we miss out on God’s best for us! On this edition of Summit Life, Pastor J.D. describes the danger of busyness and the benefits of resting in God. We’re in chapter four of the book of Hebrews, with a study called, Christ is Better.

If there’s one thing Americans are proud of, it’s busyness. Everyone feels the pressure to work harder and longer, to take on more jobs to get the next raise and be “successful.” But on this edition of Summit Life, Pastor J.D. challenges us to be obedient to God, and to slow down and enjoy the blessing of rest. In fact, Pastor J.D. reveals that your ability to rest in God will determine the course of your entire Christian walk! It’s part of our study of Hebrews called, Christ is Better.

What fears control you, drive your decisions, or keep you up at night? Is it fear of disappointment, or fear of missing out? Fear of death, pain, loneliness, or rejection? Pastor J.D. describes how you can be freed from whatever it is that’s controlling you as he continues our series in the book of Hebrews called, Christ is Better.

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