Steve Deace Show

Steve Deace Show

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Principled conservatism with a snarky twist served up daily.

Steve discusses a new stunning admission from the German government about the risks associated with the COVID jab and contrasts it with Donald Trump's cavalier attitude about his own base's skepticism about the vaccine. Then, the team plays a game of Buy, Sell, or Hold on a cornucopia of topics ranging from college football to Joe Biden's green energy push. Finally, BlazeTV host Daniel Horowitz of "Conservative Review" joins the program once again to spread his message of woe and lamentation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Steve discusses bugs and the radical progressives who are about to start eating them. Then, the team fuses Pop Culture Tuesday and Fake News or Not together on several current pop culture issues. Then, Congressman Chip Roy of Texas (R) joins the program to discuss how Republicans are about to sell out on the issue of so-called "gay marriage" and to talk about the latest developments on the nation's southern border. Finally, Ana Deace joins the program to talk about a new underground push in Iowa to train so-called "abortion doulas." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Steve discusses the new revelations from former White House coronavirus task force coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx found in her new book. Then, Steve recaps last week's Family Leadership Summit in Des Moines. In Hour Two, it's another edition of "Ask Deace Anything," featuring questions from his audience at Truth Social. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Steve discusses the latest case study in the difference between "demonic" and "pagan."Then, Tom Klingenstein of the Claremont Institute joins the program to discuss his latest column on the allure of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. In Hour Two, Theology Thursday studies another chapter of Steve's latest book. Finally, Steve fields listener questions and emails for an abbreviated (and early) Feedback Friday. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Steve discusses a UC-Berkeley professor's testimony in front of the Senate and why it shows the systemic cultural rotgut that could only happen because of the passivity of men. Then, the team plays a game of Buy, Sell, or Hold on topics ranging from geopolitical blackmail and college football to Elvis. Finally, Daniel Horowitz from the "Conservative Review" podcast joins the show to discuss who he thinks is most likely to run for president at this point next year. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Steve discusses a new New York Times poll of the Republican 2024 primary possibilities and why it's a very positive sign for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Then, author and commentator Kurt Schlichter joins the show to discuss his new book, "We'll Be Back." In Hour Two, Fake News or Not reviews some recent takes and opinions from Steve and determines whether or not they're fake news. Finally, Pop Culture Tuesday reviews the newest MCU film and why the franchise may be dead. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Steve explains why the large cache of blackmail material found on Hunter Biden's electronic devices is a far, far greater matter than mere clickbait. Then, Bob Vander Plaats from the Family Leader joins the show to preview this week's Family Leadership Summit in Des Moines. In Hour Two, Steve attempts both a generational and a theological intervention. Aaron and Jill Savage (filling in for Todd) react. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Steve, Todd, and Aaron are joined by Newsweek opinion editor Josh Hammer for the Deace Group roundtable to discuss whether the overturning of Roe v. Wade was a vindication for the conservative legalmovement. The panel also attempts to have a serious conversation about what the endgame of the January 6 committee actually is. In Hour Two, it's another edition of Feedback Friday. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Steve discusses some interesting developments in the world of GOP politics. Then, Cheryl Chumley from the Washington Times joins the show to discuss her new book, "Lockdown." In Hour Two, Theology Thursday is a miniature devotional on why Christians MUST resist and confront the spirit of the age now if we wish to avoid more consequential confrontation later. Finally, the team plays a game of three non-political questions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Steve runs down why the next bout of cultural rot will be (and already is) the children. Then, the team plays a game of Buy, Sell, or Hold on an eclectic array of topics from the best Republican presidents in history to which sports trophy is the best. Finally, Daniel Horowitz of the "Conservative Review" podcast joins the program for his weekly presentation of woe and lamentation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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