StarTalk Radio

StarTalk Radio

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Science, pop culture and comedy collide on StarTalk Radio! Astrophysicist and Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities and scientists discuss astronomy, physics, and everything else about life in the universe. Keep Looking Up! New episodes premiere Monday nights at 7pm ET.

Can you actually grow potatoes on Mars? On this episode, Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Paul Mecurio explore how to grow plants in space and whether we can farm on the Moon and Mars with space biologists Anna-Lisa Paul and Robert Ferl.

What happens when three black holes collide? On this episode, Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Chuck Nice explore even more cosmic collisions in space, in the quantum realm, and more!

What is the Magnus Effect? On this episode, Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-hosts Chuck Nice and Gary O’Reilly explore physics through spin, banking, and angular momentum. Why are race tracks banked?

What’s the future of space suits? On this episode, Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Matt Kirshen explore innovation in space suit technology with aerospace engineer Ana Diaz Artiles.

How does lightning work? On this episode, Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Chuck break down the legendary science and inventions of Benjamin Franklin, live with chief editor of The Benjamin Franklin Papers, Ellen Cohn and Benjamin Franklin himself!

Are we “wired for weed”? On this episode, Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-hosts Chuck Nice and Gary O’Reilly weed out the myth from the science behind marijuana with neuroscientist at Harvard Medical School and director of the MIND Program, Dr. Staci Gruber.

Mining on the moon? Owning an asteroid? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Chuck Nice answer questions about the private space industry, the role of NASA, and the future of space law with former Deputy Administrator of NASA, Lori Garver.

What happened before The Big Bang? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Matt Kirshen answer questions about inflation theory, multiverses, the cosmic microwave background, and the possible end of the scientific method with cosmologist Brian Keating

What’s the best shot in basketball? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-hosts Chuck Nice and Gary O’Reilly break down the physics behind what makes the Skyhook so effective, as well as one of the greatest eras with basketball greats, Jamaal Wilkes, Michael Cooper, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

What are the oceans like on Enceladus? Neil deGrasse Tyson explores the oceans of other planets in the search for alien life with planetary scientist Kevin Hand, oceanographer Julie Huber, and comedians, Eugene Mirman, Ellie Kemper, and John Mulaney!

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