Soaring the sky a glider pilot‘s Podcast

Soaring the sky a glider pilot‘s Podcast

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Soaring the sky is an aviation podcast dedicated to sailplanes and gliding. Join Chuck as he talks with glider pilots around the globe. You never know who my be the next guest on Soaring the sky.

On this episode Chuck talks with Amelia, a glider pilot soaring in the United Kingdom. Yes her name fits her very well as you will soon find out. At just 15 years old she is already making an impact on the sport. She loves sharing her soaring journey on Instagram and already has over 60,000 followers! Ameila also recently was ask to be the roving reporter for the buildup to the 2022 Woman's Worlds and she has already interviewed several pilots that will be in that event this year there in the U.K in August. As you will hear today Amelia is always so excited to share with the World this amazing sport and has lots of soaring stories she shares with us today. (57:00) Later on this episode our good friend Sergio The Soaring Master is back with another very informative segment and this one is about discarding thermals.

On this episode our guest pilot is Steve Keltie. Steve's father was an engineer so, he has been around aviation since he was very young. Hanging out at the airport watching test flights and soaking up all the sights and sounds he could. Steve even had the opportunity as a kid to be around aviation royalty Bob Hoover and other well known aviators. Steve sits down with our producer Mitch and shares some stories about catching thermals above pineapple fields in Hawaii, cargo gliders invading Japan? Steve will also share with us a flight that caused him to walk away from the sport for a bit. He talks about some great experiences flying his LP-15, a very unique glider with an interesting history! After Mitch's chat with Steve we will join Sergio The Soaring Master for another new segment. This one is about sailplane improvements.

On this episode we head to Las Vegas Valley Soaring where we chat with Jay McDaniel! What's it like soaring in the desert heat and monster thermals? Join us now as we hear some crazy stories and personal experiences Jay shares with us that include, Area 51, UFO's, mid air collisions and Potato Guns? Later on this episode Sergio the Soaring Master is back with another segment titled "Bounced Landings" All this and more on episode 120 of Soaring The Sky, a glider pilot's podcast

Today we will first head to the Czech Republic and talk with our good friend Barbora Moravcova, She is a member of the Czeck Repubulic Women's gliding team and has just finished competing in the 15 meter class of the FCC Flight Challenge competition in Slovokia, flying her LS8. Unfortunately the first day of that competition was a rough one to say the least. Barbora chose to share this with us in hopes that we all can learn from it and be better and safer pilots. She will also share with us how she worked through it, since she recived the news while still in the air and had to get her glider safely back on the ground. She will talk about her plans for the rest of her soaring season and take a look at the Women's Worlds she will be competing in later this summer in the United Kingdom. Later on this episode we join Jack Jenner Hall in Great Britain, a 15 year old glider pilot who just won his first aerobatic competition and currently working on being a flight instructor. Jack has been flying gliders since he was 11 and aviation is his passion like many of us. Check out Jack's YouTube link below

Our friend Zach Yamauchi recently caught up with Gordon Boettger, Gordon has added a whole new meaning to "cross country" soaring as you are about to hear on this episode. He has been soaring pretty much his whole life. He soloed at 14 and has not looked back. Gordon holds 5 US distance Records and has Multiple crosswind and downwind flights beyond 2000 km, including flights done in a Kestrel from the 1970s. He began his professional aviation career in the Navy, and now flies for FedEx. Gordons true passion for aviation is in the glider and finding the perfect conditions to grab another long distance flight. Finally, a reminder for us all before we let him tell his story, "Gordan is a highly experienced aviator, and has a lifetime of experience that has enabled him to do these amazing flights safely and legally. The experiences we are about to share with you are for educational and entertainment purposes only and are NOT a substitute for formal flight training or mentorship." Later on this episode, Sergio The Soaring Master joins us for some great information and advice on speed to fly. Join us now for this exciting episode as we bring you episode 118! Enjoy the show! You can find Gordon on instagram @grboettger where he has shared some amazing shots from the glider. If you are able to to help us grow the show please go to or if not please share the podcast with your friends and fellow glider pilots.

Morgan Hall has just experienced an amazing uncharted soaring route flying wave in the sierras. What an adventure he had! You can open the OLC link below and follow along with us as he tells us about this crazy ride in wave. Morgans family has a deep aviation background that goes all the way back to World war II. So, its not a suprise that he was determined to start his own aviation journey. So, he traded his computer for his first aircraft, an ultralight. Soon after he discovered hang gliders and flew them for over 15 years before discovering sailplanes. Join us now for this amazing soaring adventure here on Soaring The Sky!

On this episode we chat with Rudi Schlesinger, glider pilot and airline captain. Rudi started flying gliders in 1998 and later flew competitions including the Austrian Junior Nationals in 2002, Junior Worlds In Slovakia in 2003 and later that year he was invited to a training camp with Geaorge Lee in Austria. Rudi flew his first 1000k flight in 2010. He was Austrian National Champion in 2012. He had 2 World Records in the 13.5m class in 2020. On this episode he shares some crazy stories like the time he flew around the tower at the Vienna International Airport in his glider! Rudi also enjoys flying gliders in other parts of the world when ever he gets the chance. He has flown in Germany, Japan, Isreal, Denmark, switzerland and the United states. Stick around after our chat with rudi for another new segment from our friend Sergio The Soaring master as he talks about Cross Country Checks. All This and more now on Soaring The Sky.

On this episode we head to Fayence France to chat with our guest pilot Christopher Fleming. Chris took the opportunity as an airline pilot to soar in as many locations as he could but, found his soaring paradise in the Alps. He decided to move there so he could fly more often. Today we chat about his many adventures and the important things he has learned along the way & what it takes to fly in that kind of tarrain with little to no landing out options. We also get into thermaling, convergence, wave, cockpit updates , exterior glider care, Flarm, and even chat about the new 360 camera that he just started using for his flights on his Feyance Soaring Youtube channel. You can find the link below. Chris is a big promotor of cross country soaring as well . Stick around after our chat with Chris because Sergio The soaring master has another great segment for us and this time its about effective thermaling. So Join us now as we bring you episode 115 here on Soaring The Sky!

Ian Brubaker started his aviation journey in 2006, first flying powered in Cessnas, then sailplanes, and then moving on to hang gliders. Hang gliding has been his primary form of aviation for the past several years and he has been teaching it since 2015, holding a basic instructor and tandem rating. Ian also holds a B.S. in Space Physics from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Ian's passion and expertise is to make flying easy to understand and fun to learn by leveraging both his practical and theoretical background of aviation. Ian Joins our Producer Mitch to chat about his adventures flying Sailplanes, Hang Gliders and what he enjoys about each one and what we can learn from flying different types of aircraft. Later on the podcast our friend Sergio, The Soaring Master brings us another segment and this one talks about the 5 ways we can improve our soaring. Join us now for episode 114 of Soaring The Sky, a glider pilot's podcast.

This episode’sguest host is glider pilot and YouTuberextraordinaire – the one and onlyBruno Vassel!Bruno joins us from Utah,andeven in the small world of soaring, this will be his first time to ever connect with the legendary Stefan Langer.Together their gliding videosalready have over85 million views, and they have inspired countless thousands of people to take up or at least try flying in a glider.In this episode, they share their journeysand the variousadventures they’veexperienced along the way.You don’t want to miss this one! Later on this episode,Sergio The Soaring Master brings us anotherone of his feature segments., where he talks about the importance of flying new types of sailplanes,and how it can help us be betterglider pilots.

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