Smart Cities Chronicles

Smart Cities Chronicles

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105 聲音
Welcome to The Smart Cities Chronicles - the premier podcast on smart cities action and investment. The Chronicles is hosted by the Smart Cities Council, the worlds largest network of smart cities companies, policy makers and practitioners. More information is available at

In this episode Interim Executive Director for ANZ Jannat Maqbool talks to Mark Yee and Ben Cebuliak from the New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment. As precincts start to adopt the newly released Movement and Place framework and apply the principles and practices, where can we look forward to seeing the greatest impact and what are the key challenges and opportunities? Let's dive in.

oin Junaid Islam, CTO of XQ Msg as he advocates for quick-deploy cybersecurity.

Learn about the essentials of water equity - availability, potability and affordability.

Cybersecurity can be frictionless if it starts with the data and is network agnostic.

Join Julie Pelletier, North American Regional Manager for Ecomesure as she reviews how clean air delivers multiple benefits to communities - and that with the upcoming EPA Community Air Pollution Grant pays for itself.

In this extended episode we share a recording from the opening plenary session at Digital Twin Week 2021. Moderated by Gavin Cotterill (Consulting Director Asia Pacific, PCSG), this dialogue followed a keynote presentation from Romilly Madew AO (CEO of Infrastructure Australia) that shared key outcomes and recommendations from the recently released Australia Infrastructure Plan, including gits call for the nation's infrastructure to be 'digital by default'. This panel session was a response to that aspiration, with three industry leaders coming together to unpack what that might mean. The panel guests were Richard Morrison (Practice Lead Information and Communications Technology ANZ, AECOM), Meredith Hodgman (Associate Director Places and Partnerships, KPMG) and Henry Okraglik (Global Director Digital, WSP).

In this episode we hear from three PlanTech champions, each from differing sectors (public, private and academia), passionate about the future of the planning profession. Claire Daniel, Prugya Maini and Sacha Nicholls share their views on the role of digital and data in the planning process and the opportunity for planners, the capability uplift required and the good things ahead on the PlanTech journey. All three of our guests are representatives of the Planning Institute of Australia PlanTech Young Professionals Working Group.

We have all heard about the next generation telecommunication network - 5G. It's happening. But there is still more to come, for consumers, industry sectors and government. In this highly informative podcast episode, Ian Hatton (Smart City Lead at Complete Urban) walks us through some of the key attributes of being 5G 'ready'. We discuss potential impacts, risks, opportunities and what next might look like if your a local Council trying to navigate the space.

Welcome to the first of a number of special interviews as part of our Digital Twin series. In this episode we chat with Graeme Henderson - Global Practice Director at GHD Digital - on the demands that Infrastructure 4.0 is presenting to the market, and how we will benefit from the digital transformation of the infrastructure sector. Of course we talk about Digital Twin capability, but also how we resource this transformation process. As someone responsible for a global organisation's capabilities in digital engineering, Graeme brings a view that is pragmatic, yet keeps a keen eye on what's coming over the horizon.

In this episode, we are joined by James Mant, Director of Places and Precincts at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning in the Victorian government. As one of the nation's leading policymakers and advocates for 20min neighbourhoods, it is a timely catch up with James to discuss post-COVID musings on the relationships between people and place, and how the 20min neighbourhood model can be an underpinning of smarter and more sustainable communities.

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