Sherrie Dillard

Sherrie Dillard

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Intuit YOUniversity Compassionate Guidance Connecting You to Your Inner Wisdom. Tune in 2nd and 4th Thursdays at Noon PT 3pm ETLifelong psychic and medium, Sherrie Dillard will be taking your calls as well as offering tips and exercises to strengthen your intuitive muscle. She has a proven track record of providing accurate and reliable guidance in relationships, career, finances, life purpose, spirituality and all areas of concern. Sherrie believes that we are all psychic. She is the expert in understanding the various ways that intuition naturally surfaces and activating your most powerful and natural wisdom, your psychic knowing. Intuitive and psychic awareness provides beneficial guidance to better negotiate our way through our everyday lives. It also increases self-awareness as it connects us to the power of our spirit. Sherrie will empower you to tap into the divine within to harness your innate ability to co-create abundance, harmonious relationships, joy and well-being. Not only is the spirit realm your helper and ally it is fun and interesting. Psychic since childhood, Sherrie has been a Psychic, Medium, Psychic Detective and teacher for over twenty-five years. Among her international clientele are spiritual leaders, celebrities and business executives. She has given over 50,000 thousand readings. She is the author of the bestselling Discover Your Psychic Type, Love and Intuition and the Miracle Workers Handbook The Seven Levels of Power and Manifestation of the Virgin Mary. Joanna Macy said of her work "Everything that Sherrie Dillard writes has the ring of authenticity that comes with great beauty and spiritual depth." Her books have been translated into seven languages and her writing has also appeared in national magazines such as Glamour,, New Age Journal and Yahoo home page. She has been featured on national television for her work as a psychic detective and medium and taught intuition development at Duke University and Miraval Resort. An avid volunteer, Sherrie has helped to house and feed the homeless, built water systems in Indian villages in the mountains of Mexico and Guatemala and created art therapy programs in treatment centers for troubled youth. Sherrie holds a M.Div. in New Thought counseling and is an ordained New Thought minister. You may email Sherrie here.

You are energy. Listen in for an in depth look at how your aura, chakras and meridians impact every aspect of your life. Learn to tune into, heal and become empowered through your subtle energy body.

Are you in need of healing? Dr. Steven Banko, Shaman, Energy Healer and Chiropractor will be offering insight into Shamanic energy healing and providing on-the-spot abbreviated healings/treatments for emotional or physical issues to callers.

Everyone receives messages from their loved ones on the other side. There are four primary ways that we tune into the spirit ream. Listen in and find out is you are a mental, emotional, spiritual or physical medium.

The wonderfully expansive space around our heart centers can hold as much as we want to hold. Intuitive guide Karen Hager knows that most of us pack that heartspace full of old emotional baggage, negative habits and thought patterns, and even things that we're holding energetically for other people In this show, you'll learn about Karen's Breathe, Love, Live healing method that allows people to discern and begin to release energetic blocks quickly and safely. Karen will also be taking your calls for on-air readings, so don't miss this opportunity to gain tools and guidance for clearing the old and inviting the new

I will be taking calls and emails and talking about Mother Mary and her path to experiencing Miracles.

Lost souls, wandering spirits and even your loved ones may need your help. Find out how to assist and be of service to those on the other side. Question, concern? Give me a call at 800 930 2819 or send an email to

You are here for a purpose. Use your intuition to discover your special magic. Have a question give me a call or email me at

Do you feel alone in developing your intuition and psychic abilities? I will be giving simple tips and exercises that you can use in your everyday to strengthen and further develop your innate intuition. Questions or Concerns? Give me a call or send me an email.

In her latest book, Be A Genie, author and intuitive Maureen St. Germain assists people in meeting, and surpassing, their life dreams and goals using the laws of quantum physics and secrets of sacred geometry, along with easy to learn, step-by-step, practical tools and practices found in Be a Genie.

Question or Concern? Give me a call at 800 930 2819 or email me. Love and intuition both spring from the depth of our spirit. Discover how to better listen to and trust your wise inner voice when in relationships.

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