Shapes Of Grief

Shapes Of Grief

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Shapes of Grief is brought to you by Liz Gleeson, an Irish grief therapist. Liz hosts conversations with people about their experience of loss and grief in their lives. Through the recounting of our grief stories, integration can begin to happen, both for the teller and the listener. Everyone has a story of loss and everyone's story offers hope and inspiration to other grievers. Sharing these stories with each other can go a long way in normalising this human experience. Please do become a Patron on for as little as $5 per month, help keep us going!

Mary brings a whole other perspective to the podcast with this very tender and beautiful episode. Two ‘giants’ in her life, Fr John and Brendan were more than Uncles to Mary. They were constant forces of good, founts of wisdom and a huge part of her life. When Fr John developed vascular dementia, Mary found herself in the role of carer. Shortly after his death, Brendan too was diagnosed with a different form of dementia and once again, Mary stepped in. Her collection of poems “Into the Grey” will resonate with anyone who has ever found themselves in the role of carer, or lost someone to dementia or Alzheimers. Through poetry and chat, we explore this ambiguous loss that often has loved ones on their knees with exhaustion. Mary’s story resonated with me on a deep level, having lost my father in March 2021, also with dementia. Her book moved me greatly and I highly recommend getting your hands on this treasure. Please buy directly from the Nursing homes (link below) who took amaz...

When Alan Creedon was a young boy, his sister Aoife was quietly removed from their home and placed in a home for children with disabilities, as was the 'done thing' in rural Ireland. This ambiguous loss and the resultant disenfranchised grief would play a significant part in how Alan would engage with life and other people. After decades of depression, Alan decided to embark on a solo journey, walking from the UK to his hometown in Kerry, in memory of his sister Aoife. To speak about what had been unspeakable for years. #disenfranchisedgrief #cerebralpalsy #ruralireland #childrenshome #bereavement #meaningmaking #ambiguousloss (book, mindfulness courses, nature connection events all on there) Insta: FB: (I share a lot of my work and thoughts on here, even though it's a personal account) People in Ireland can buy my book from here It's also for sale in O Mahony's in Limerick - the only physical bookshop you can get it from in Ireland! It's online here as well

Psychologist Dorothy Holinger, author of 'The Anatomy of Grief', talks to Liz about her early experience of loss and how it shaped her life as a psychologist. They discuss Prolonged Grief Disorder, how grief affects the body, the heart, the brain, how some people make meaning from their loss and experience psychological growth, while others do not. A rich discussion relevant to everyone. #grief #griefinthebody #thephysiologyofgrief #cardiomyopathy #takotsubocardiomyopathy #dorothyholinger #prolongedgriefdisorder #theanatomyofgrief

I absolutely loved this conversation with Addison Brasil. It is so full of wisdom and possibilities in the face of profound, multiple losses. It will not be for everyone, but if you’re someone who doesn’t want your losses to define your entire life moving forward, then sit down and tune in to this one. "Addison Brasil's new book is a must-read for anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one." Addison Brasil lost his brother to cancer, found his father after suicide, and survived a fatal event that killed a dear friend and left him relearning to walk all before age 30. Despite being "just to the left" of death so intimately, whenever someone would share they had experienced loss or ask how to support another person dealing with the loss he would freeze. After thirteen years in the grief club arena, Addison's new book is something he wants to offer to anyone grieving. First Year of Grief Club: A Gift From A Frend Who Gets it (#1 New Release in Death, Grief, and Spirituality) ...

This is part 2 of the conversation I had with Sandy Adams, about how she navigated grief when her fiancé John died suddenly. We talk about choice in grief, expectations of others, good support and finding ourselves again, after profound loss. How do we survive and then thrive when our assumptions about the future are shattered? Another rich, rich conversation. #grief #bereavement

I really enjoyed this conversation with Sandy Adams about how she navigated her grief following her partner's sudden and unexpected death. In fact, it was so interesting, I asked her to do a part 2! Sandra has a lot of wisdom to share, so this is well worth listening to. Most of all, she offers a voice of hope after profound loss. I was particularly delighted to learn how the Shapes Of Grief podcast and then training programme, helped her to navigate the experience of grief and gave her options that she wasn't finding elsewhere: YES! #grief #bereavement #suddendeath #spousalbereavement #partnerloss #whenthepersonyoulovedies #survivingloss #compassion #resilience #flexiblity More about Sandy here

The official launch of Shapes Of Grief was a truly powerful evening, last Thursday, March 31st 2022. Branwen Kavanagh opened and closed the event with her beautiful music. Introduction was given by Liz Gleeson, who shared a personal story of loss and then talked about the many Shapes Of Grief. Ruth Fitzmaurice read three pieces, including from her book 'I found my tribe', about her grief following the deaths of her husband Simon and a year later, her brother John. Ger Murphy spoke of the grief that followed him through his life having discovered his father dead, at the age of nine, and then his brother's death by suicide twenty years later. Ger also shared a piece about climate grief. Kathleen Keyes spoke about the depths of her grief following the deaths of her three children, Grainne, Darragh and Fergal. Orla Keegan, from the Irish Hospice Foundation, spoke about the Adult Bereavement Pyramid and the structures that bereavement support falls into. Marian Cronin and Branwen Kavanag...

We know that grief never really goes away, we learn to live with it and accommodate it in our lives. For some people, about 5-10%, their grief can remain very intense and cause major disruption in their lives for a prolonged period of time; years and even decades. It is normal for grief to endure for years, but when it is debilitating and people find it impossible to readjust to the world after a loss, perhaps it is what has become known as Prolonged Grief Disorder. Here, Andy talks about how grief affected her in a debilitating way for two decades, after her husband Tom died. #prolongedgriefdisorder #drkathyshear #complicatedgrief #stuckgrief #longgrief #grief #bereavement From the author My name is Andrea Gilats, and I’m the author of After Effects: A Memoir of Complicated Grief, a compelling new book published by the University of Minnesota Press. In a sentence, here is my story. After my husband died of cancer at the age of 52, I was effectively paralyzed by grief for ten long ...

A very insightful conversation with Linda Allen about her grief following her son’s death by suicide. We explore the physicality of grief, the importance of connection in grief, as well as moments of choice we may have in the grieving process. Article written by Linda Available on Amazon & kindle ISBN is 9781911013341 #grief #bereavement #suicidegrief #suicidebereavement #parentalloss

Deena Goldstein talks about her father's dying process, death and how writing about her grief helped her through. #dying #death #bereavement #hospice #deathprocess #whatisdying #oklittlebird #deenagoldstein OK, Little Bird is an irreverent, funny and inspiring memoir about a bigger than life father and an unforgettable father daughter connection. Readers take a bouncy ride from laughter to tears, navigating Little Bird's world through voicemails, cantankerous family dinners, wry banter and lots of love. Fly with Little Bird as she navigates the greatest loss in her life with the gift of humor from her father. Below are links where OK, Little Bird may be purchased as well: Bookbaby Barnes & Noble Amazon For other author or book information: Facebook: www.deenasart....

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