Shadow to Self with Acharya Shunya

Shadow to Self with Acharya Shunya

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Join master spiritual teacher and best-selling author, Acharya Shunya on her new show, Shadow to Self. She'll help you understand the universal coexistence of light and darkness within each and every one of us, share real-life stories, and explore concepts surrounding non-dual spirituality, relationships, existential question marks, consciousness, karma, dharma, moksha and more. She will also have guests on occasion, where she'll have deep conversations that will open your heart to a higher dimension of consciousness and instill empowerment and freedom. Subscribe now for updates.

Vedic scholar and bestselling author Acharya Shunya has interpretedthe ancient Vedic tradition to create her unique teaching on the five pillars of awakening. In this podcast, she provides step by step insight on the five pillars that help counteract existential suffering, from the root. Listening to her wisdom shall awaken new spiritual perspectives and activate the abiding light of wisdom within.

In this episode Acharya Shunya interviews Simran, a soul friend, and a professional colleague who is a publisher of 11:11 Magazine and host of 11:11 Talk Radio, who is releasing the first of her trilogy of powerful books on self-realization - LIVING: The 7 Blessings of Human Experience.Enjoy this fascinatingconversation as Acharya Shunya and Simran discuss light found by descending into the heart of darkness. This is more than a mere conversation

In this hope inspiring episode, Vedic Master Acharya Shunya explains "Samsara", literally, a never-ending ocean of repeated births and deaths in a realm of impermanence, transience and loss. Samsara imposes a chronic sense of sorrow, apprehension, disappointment and anxiety. However, each of the three chief Vedic goddesses Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati, support, stabilize and liberate us from Samsara, especially when we understand what they represent and call upon them when in distress. Learn all about this relationship between Samsara and Divine Mothers Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati.

In this beautiful episode, Acharya Shunya takes listeners on a journey of her name 'Shunya' which means 'zero' as well as 'infinity' and why it is important to connect to inner emptiness for infinite spiritual fullness in our daily life roles. She chants a highly regarded Vedic mantra celebrating our True Being as Light Divine (Atma Jyoti) and shares about the Paradigm that is making people sovereign, internally, worldwide.

Have you ever been surprised by your spiritual intuition and sudden emergence of soulful inner knowingness that when allowed to direct your choices, changes the direction of your entire life? In this episode, master spiritual teacher, lineage holder and bestselling author Acharya Shunya explores this phenomenon and shares the four different episodes of her own life, when Spirit Took Over and changed her life from being an introverted householder scholar to a world teacher and bestselling author of the Vedic spiritual traditions. Have you ever experienced a Spirit Takeover? Tell us how.

In this episode Acharya Shunya explains the nature of intentional truth bearing communication and how it is connected to an ancient five-part definition of Yoga from the 4th century. She explains the role of a truth enabling Guru in any seekers life, and celebrates the birth of her Guru, Baba Ayodhya Nath, 122 years ago.

Vedic wisdom awakens the sovereign self and our capacity to heal. Guest student Mara Cummings shares her story of transformation from chronic digestive issues, anxiety, and depression to wellness of mind, body, and spirit. Acharya Shunya gifts us alchemical teachings on vāsanā, addiction to sense desires, and the path toward freedom through empowered imagination. She inspires listeners to exercise their free will and release stories that keep us bonded in cycles of suffering. Join us.

Listen for an episode of powerful, heartfelt exchange with Acharya Shunya and guest student, Heather Davis. This second episode of the Sacred Transformation Series reorients the spirit from trauma victim to the real Self. Acharya Shunya invites the soul into radical wholeness (purnam) and contentment from within - our inner sanctuary in a world of suffering.

On March 16, 2021, a series of mass shootings occurred in Atlanta, Georgia where eight people were killed, six of whom were Asian women. Hate crimes against Asian-Americans have risen dramatically since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Acharya Shunya expresses her views, discusses what is identity, and shares timeless Vedic wisdom to cope with difficult times. Shadow to Self stands in solidarity with AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) individuals. If you experience or witness Asian hate, please report it at

You are not your obstacles! Listen to witness raw, vulnerable conversations with Acharya Shunya and her students on our new Sacred Transformation Series. Acharya Shunya shares loving wisdom to Ozlem Tokman, an author, mother and Vedic spiritual seeker, about overcoming obstacles on the spiritual path by recalling our true divine nature - the knower within the actor. Shunya talks about how to master the Ego mind, see through its illusions, and accept obstacles and imperfection with compassion.

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