Scorpio – Stoner Astrological Horoscope

Scorpio – Stoner Astrological Horoscope

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Adora Zen Creates the Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio

Stoner Scorpio, you thought 2020 was an interesting year. 2021 said “hold my bong!” The final month of the year might be an apropos finish to the wild ride of 2021. The decisions and actions you take in December will be impact-full in future periods. The year will finish on a serious note, much more-so … Continue reading Scorpio Stoner Horoscope December →

Stoner Scorpio, you have purchased your ticket. You are buckled in. There is no getting off this roller coaster ride in November! Perhaps the most important task for the month is the preparation you can make to navigate through all the ups and downs, and twists and turns, expected during this period. Stock your stash … Continue reading Scorpio Stoner Horoscope November →

Stoner Scorpio we are entering into a month of re-balancing. This October exercise in stability will pull your guarded emotional fringes back to center. No more leaning on emotional crutches my fierce Scorpion! By the end of the second Fall month you will be standing firmly on two feet, square, balanced, and confident. Lean into … Continue reading Scorpio Stoner Horoscope October →

Stoner Scorpio the first Fall month sets up to be a blessed period, but it won’t be devoid of tactical nuance. So much of the universal influence and support in September centers around effort born from creativity, married to community. Wow, that was a mouthful. Early in the month toke time with the sacred herb … Continue reading Scorpio Stoner Horoscope September →

Stoner Scorpio, who said the Summer season was all about lounging in the solar rays? Not you, not this August! No need to prepare for an ambitious final Summer month, you already know what is coming. And it comes fast stoner Scorpio. Universal influence will make an immediate impact in the first days of August … Continue reading Scorpio Stoner Horoscope August →

Stoner Scorpio rejoice! It’s officially Summer season, and the warming weather will melt some of your pesky stoner traits. Get ready to light up the trails to sacred terrestrial smoke spots. Fears and inhibitions will withdraw as walls of confidentiality are broken down. The planetary influence of July will mute the stoner Scorpion’s natural inclination … Continue reading Scorpio Stoner Horoscope July →

Stoner Scorpio the June time period could be legendary! Progress and personal breakthroughs found in future time periods may be tied back to this time right now. You have a secret weapon. You have a cannabis copilot to guide you through periods like this to find triumph where competition wasn’t even expected. Mercury is in … Continue reading Scorpio Stoner Horoscope June →

Do you like rollercoasters stoner Scorpio? Of course you do my brave Scorpion. Well buckle up, because the month of May is destined to be a thrill ride with many ups and downs. One of the deepest and most impactful cosmic influences of the final Spring month will be felt internally. As you travel through … Continue reading Scorpio Stoner Horoscope May →

Stoner Scorpio it’s time to take a break, or at least step away from your recent obsession. Celestial bodies have aligned in April to provide a much needed escape hatch from your passionate grind. The second Spring month will be a time to cherish the accomplishments of your physical endeavors while refocusing on internal growth. … Continue reading Scorpio Stoner Horoscope April →

Stoner Scorpio the month of March sets up as a tale of two halves, split by the Spring Equinox on the 20th. Celestial bodies will impart great influence on the stoner Scorpions of the world, but in dramatically different ways at different times. Sit back, relax, and take tokes of the marijuana smoke; with help … Continue reading Scorpio Stoner Horoscope March →

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