Rule Breaker Investing

Rule Breaker Investing

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David Gardner, co-founder of The Motley Fool, is among the most respected and trusted sources on investing. As a best-selling author, hugely successful stock picker, and financial authority, David has led The Motley Fool’s growth into a worldwide investment and financial advisory services company.Each week David shares his insights into today's most innovative and disruptive publicly traded companies -- and how to profit from them by following his signature “Rule Breaker Investing” principles.

When the facts change, what do you do? Today we begin a new series on changing our minds. When it happens, why it happens, and how we are rewarded — in business, in investing, and in life. Shorting (9:10) - Is it wrong to short stocks? Is it worth the effort? Go Tar Heels (15:03) - What happens when the rival of your favorite team becomes your team? Loving Choices (19:36) - Have you confronted your own prejudices? Do you have a ______ friend? Moneyball (28:20) - Are you looking at the right data? Are you defying conventional wisdom? Are you winning? Netflix (34:57) - Are you able to recognize when Goliath has met his David? Stocks Mentioned: NFLX Host: David Gardner Producer: Rick Engdahl

For over 17 years, Motley Fool Rule Breakers—the subscription service—has been recommending stocks and keeping score. It's been about a year since David stepped away from the service, so today we're checking back in on our namesake. Tim Beyers is here to talk about what has changed and what has stayed the same. Rule Breakers Service Link: Stocks Mentioned: XBI, SNOW, MDB, GOOG, HUBS, VEEV, ANET, BMBL Host: David Gardner Guests: Tim Beyers, Rick Engdahl Producer: Rick Engdahl

With all the horrible headlines these days, it's easy to forget the things that make America special. But for Amjad Masad, a Palestinian immigrant and successful entrepreneur who came here with little to his name, America's virtues are clear to see. Also in this episode, we review 5 Stocks Celebrating the 2018 World Cup. In keeping with sports fandom, be prepared for the agony of defeat! Stocks mentioned: YNDX, MELI, EA, BOOK, DASTY Host: David Gardner Producer: Rick Engdahl

Today we learned that "Vorfreude" is the German word for pleasant anticipation. Fitting, as we always look forward to hearing from you! And of course, we've been looking forward to having Lee and Kara back to revisit some company culture tips. Finally, we'll leave you with a little more Rule Breaking Vorfreude at the end of the show!

Yasser El-Shimy made a great first impression with his win in the last match, but now he's back to face our previous champ, Brian Stoffel. Guessing market caps great and small, of companies ubiquitous and obscure. Who will win? You will, Fool!

Remember when Reviewapaloozas were fun? Well, at some point they will be fun again, but in the meantime we have lessons to learn and some lumps to take. One day we will look back and reminisce about these times we lived through.

Whether you're a business owner or a new employee, Foolish culture heroes Kara Chambers and Lee Burbage are back with 10 tips to make the workplace flourish.

Not everyone has been listening to this podcast from the very beginning. And even if you have, can you possibly remember it all? This week we revisit some of our favorite moments, lessons, and stories from Foolishness past.

The market continued its decline this month, and there's no denying that it hurts. Maybe that's why we're all so focused on optimism and consistency in our investing. It goes up more than it goes down, after all!

In our democracy, we are responsible. We are complicit. We share in the blame. And we are currently enabling one "Sorry Lunatic" after another to deprive our fellow citizens of their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

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