Rotten Mango

Rotten Mango

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Rotten but still a little sweet! Rotten Mango is a true crime + all things spooky podcast. We love doing deep dives into the darkest crimes and we tend to not leave out any details - which can get a little rotten at times. If you want deep dives in the psychology of killers, no holding back storytelling of crimes, and stories of lesser known criminals from around the world this is the place for you. Welcome to Rotten Mango but don’t worry it all comes with a seasoning of comedy/sweetness.

Joanne’s mom had always been a bit out there. Nobody could quite put her finger on it, but there were whispers that family members were witches. When Joanne’s mom sent her out in the middle of the night to dig up something in the woods for a spell… Joanne was confused. She was terrified of walking alone in the dark. What spell was her mom talking about? Joanne imagined she would be arrested that night. But she wouldn’t be. Nobody gets arrested for digging up someone’s flowers. But soon, Joanne would find herself digging in the darkness again for her mom. This time it was for a dead body, and Joanne would be arrested but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Full Source Notes: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Welcome to the BDSM Dungeon party. If you’ve never been or if you’ve never heard of such a thing - you might think it sounds scary But it’s not scary at all. In fact, it can be very fun if that’s your thing. Bob’s favorite part of the dungeon party? Well, he couldn’t choose, was it the giant orgy room in the center of the building, or the crosses that you can tie people to, maybe it’s the playrooms where your deepest desires come true. This type of party is normally a great time between consenting adults but Bob had other plans. He didn’t care about the BDSM community - all he cared about was murder. Full Source Notes: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Margaret was cooking up her favorite stew. She could use it. The temperature was below zero, the winter storms were approaching, and Margaret hoped the nutrients from the pork bones would give her energy. She would need the energy for her cleaning job. She took her pork bones, which were neatly pre-sliced, she took them out, washed them, and plopped them into her water. It was almost muscle memory - but when she stuck her hand in again she felt something strange. She pulled out some bony pieces in the bag and it took her a moment to realize she was staring at 3 severed human fingers. Margaret didn’t have pork meat. She had the dismembered remains of a university student. The police would find 2000 more pieces of that student dropped around campus. Full Source Notes: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The community was relieved. The killer couple was put behind bars and finally, they could relax. Thankfully the police were able to catch them after their first victim… the thought of having a serial killer on the loose was spine-chilling. They all felt safe. But many many miles away in a public restroom were the scribbles… “I killed Tanya. Yes, I’m sick, but I enjoyed myself. People took the blame and I’m free :)” A happy face. The happy face serial killer was free and ready to kill again. Full Source Notes: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Summer in Italy - where else would you want to be? Marco was a lifeguard working at one of Italy’s beautiful seaside resorts. After his shift, he rushed over to his girlfriend’s house, and ate dinner with her entire family. They all got along. It’s like he was part of the family already. Even after dinner, Marco wanted to wash the scent of saltwater off his body and asked if he could take a bath. Of course they let him. And in that little bathroom, Marco would die. The house was filled with people. How did nobody know what happened? Or maybe, they all have their own secrets to protect. Full Source Notes: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The dead list - well, he called it the “List of the Doomed.” On there was a long meticulously written list of 50+ local young girls. In the years to come he would sit down, pull out his little dead list, and in a red pen, he would methodically write “D” next to a name. D for dead. Another one is dead. It didn’t matter if the girls on the list knew they were doomed. It didn’t matter how much they tried to protect themselves. Once they were on the Doomed List they were going to die a painful death. Not a single girl on the list would survive. Full Source Notes: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

When he was found dead at the bottom of a building in Beijing - the police found two notes of interest. His suicide note where he named his killer. That seemed odd? And another note - a piece of paper that was handwritten. Where he had promised $2 million dollars to someone within the next 120 days. Could that even be a real contract? Would a handwritten random note be used in the court of law? Why was this successful tech CEO so scared of losing $2 million dollars? Why had he promised it in the first place? The answer will lead you to the person that pushed him off the edge of the building. Full Source Notes: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

When Theresa started dating David she had a gut feeling - that something was off about David’s ex-girlfriend. Sure, maybe Theresa was a little jealous? Cindy, his ex, was said to be beautiful, had an hourglass figure, and was wild in bed. But it wasn’t those things that made Theresa uneasy. It was the fact that David’s ex never showered. She doused herself in perfume hoping it would mask the scent. She would zone out and forget everyone around her. And she only got intimate with David if she could call him “Daddy” in a teeny tiny 5 year old girl’s voice. Full Source Notes: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Middle schooler Alice got off the train with excitement bubbling in her chest. She was meeting 17-year-old Peter for the first time. She had no idea that she would be ambushed by Peter and his friends, dragged to a local motel where she would be gang r*ped by more than 40 high school boys. They filmed the entire thing. Her torture would last a year. The boys blackmailed her into coming back for more assaults. Just when she thought the nightmare was over - the police kept asking her “why did you go back unless you liked it?” Full Source Notes: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

They say Lake Erie is haunted. That’s where the “Lady of the Lake” lives. The bizarre pieces of the puzzle started to come together. A 14-year-old girl came out of the lake screaming, she claimed she saw a hand waving to her at the bottom of the lake. A few fishermen pulled up their line to find it tangled with a chunk of blonde hair. Human hair. A ferry operator claimed to see a suspicious bobbing object in the water. He said it looked like a head. What was going on? Why were body parts washing ashore? The dismembered “Lady of the Lake” turned out to be the first victim of the still free “Cleveland Butcher” serial killer. Full Source Notes: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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